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Beast Wars Aaauugh.




I had been avoiding Transformers: Beast Wars all my life, but recently I ended up promising some friends I would give BW a try. I promised what, 6 episodes, guys? So I got a copy of disc 1 and started watching.

And I couldn't really stand it.

In fact it was SO hard to watch I had to alternate it with Ben 10 Alien Force, which was also in the house. I sure enjoyed the Ben 10 (<3) but BW was just like aaauuuuuugh maaaaake iiiiiit stooooooop. My mom and my older brother helped me through it, but I think mom is going to hurt something if I ever play another BW episode within her hearing range again. I'll probably help her. My brother and I kept company by cringing and groaning simultaneously. But I DID finish watching all first 6 episodes.

If there is an overused word to describe Ben 10, it's "Nooooo!" And if there is an overused word to describe Beast Wars *coughthePredaconinPowercough*, that word is "Yeeeeesss."

Now I'm sealing up the Beast Wars disc and sending it back to the rental place, and then I will never need to watch it again! It will be beyond my grasp! What a great plan. Yeeeeesss.


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Beast Wars gets MUCH better after the first 6 episodes. It was aggrovating an uninspired when it first started, but the series eventually matures and it's actually one of the best examples of Transformers storytelling. If you didn't like it, try watching TF Animated, because if you didn't like Beast Wars, I can guarantee you you won't like the Unicron Trilogy or many of the other series.

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Better after those first 6, eh? Hmmm. HMMM.


As it is, I'm already extremely fond of the Cybertron and Animated series. Armada and Energon, not as much.

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Beast Wars is awesome though! The character development is amazing, Dinobot rocks, and there's a crazy story to tie it all together. I think it deserves to be watched and loved.

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Beast Wars is far and away the greatest thing to ever come out of the Transformers franchise.


It especially puts G1 to shame.


G1 was terrible.

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@TUF - I think the real question is, what isn't wrong with you? :P


@Black Six - *casts a skeptical eye on him* *and at Kaymac*... *three-finger chinstroke* I guess I'll have to call the others in on this.


Smeag, Janus, Alsru, Toromaga, Bionicle Raptor, my friends! Does Beast Wars truly get better after the 5th episode? Should I keep watching?

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Come now, by the way you were making it sound, it has just got to be better than those first six episodes.


The episodes do get better, mostly with the amimation as well as tying in with G1 Transformers with a number of cameos. With all shows, though, the clichés and gags will always remain, but every Maximal character goes through a maturing period. Also, if you make it through to the second season, a number of those annoying ones go away for good.


After a while a mystical tone starts to take over the storyline, esspecially with a few characters.


And just think, no soft, squishy, annoying humans running around to worry about getting crushed.


Oh, great image just came into memory...Megatron using a repairation pool as his own jacuzzi with a rubber ducky.



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You are quite possibly the first person who dislikes BW Megatron. I'm afraid we cannot be friends any longer.


I kid <3


But seriously, season 1 of Beast Wars was still as the series was finding its niche. As it starts to branch out into the real storylines it gets much better in my opinion.


Then again, looking at the episode guide for season one, there are many that I loved. It may just be a series that's not for you. If you weren't a fan of "The Web" or "Chain of Command" then it just may not be the right thing for you. However if it's just episodes like "Power Surge" or "Equal Measures" that turn you off, you'll find less of those kind of gag one-shot episodes as the series plows forward.


Plus Tigatron, BlackArachnia, Inferno, Airrazor, and the Vok haven't even been introduced. Give it time, young one.



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@BioRaptor - *snicker,snort* Well, if you INSIST. :P


@Alsru @Janus I appreciate your honest answers - thanks guise ^_^


In all honesty, though, Janus - I liked 'Power Surge' better than the others. I'm not TRYING to go opposite of your statements, it just happened.


I'm still trying this Beast Wars thing out. I actually really enjoyed 'Double Jeopardy' (ep 8). I'm on ep 10 now. Retaining a healthy dose of skepticism,



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Hey don't get me wrong, I loved 'Power Surge' for what it was, a one off gag episode with Terrorsaur getting SUPREME POWER. It was awesome...I just prefer episodes more like "Transmutate" and "Code of Hero" more than them, is all.



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Hey don't get me wrong, I loved 'Power Surge' for what it was, a one off gag episode with Terrorsaur getting SUPREME POWER. It was awesome...I just prefer episodes more like "Transmutate" and "Code of Hero" more than them, is all.



Oh man, 'Transmutate' was amazing. That's one that sticks with you for a while.

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