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Limits And Antics

ToM Dracone


We have officially begun dealing with limits in Advanced Algebra. This is awesome.


Meanwhile, we continue to read Ovid's Daedalus and Icarus. Cicero is easy after you get used to him; this is much harder, not least because it's in verse. But also much more fun. Whee!


The most entertaining part, however, was when we noticed a Freshman's purse sitting on a desk, and we got the idea for the entire Latin class to get up, walk out of the room, and go through the school until we located its owner and then give it to her as a group. We actually did so with about ten minutes left of class – we had stopped at the head of a very long clause, didn't want to do the full thing right then, and so Dr. Jones asked if we wanted to go and find the Freshman. So we all got up and walked down the hallway together (with Julianne as Bearer of the Purse) and found her in Geometry class. Unfortunately they were taking a test, so we stood outside the door until Mrs. Broberg saw us, came over, and opened the door, at which point Dr. Jones and Julianne delivered the purse. It was hilarious.


We then decided to go find Lowell, who had randomly walked out of Latin halfway through. At the front desk we found he had signed out for a doctor's appointment, and Dr. Jones then led us to the college advisor's office to sing "Happy Birthday" to him (even though his birthday is in March). He wasn't there, so we walked on to the Lower School, decided we wanted to have a class in the Teachers' Lounge, and opened and looked into a door to the statement from Dr. Jones: "There's a live dog in there."


It then became a quest for the Ear (don't ask), which was missing. Someone must have put it somewhere, but to our knowledge, Leigh Ann and I are the only members of the Order of the Roving Ear...


I also received Christmas presents of a bottle of orange soda, a chocolate bar, and a candy cane from Ally, Dani, and Rose. Yum... Third period included a discussion of the possible uses of candy canes as weapons.


This was a fun day.

~ ToM


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algebra?You must have already seen how to solve these kinds:

-------- 2

y=ax +bx+c

Darn,this non-mathkeyboard. :D can't get that 2 situated right.

the way to solve these are

x= -b


and y= -D



with D being B -4ac

Now all that's necesary is numerical value's(numbers) for the letters.

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It sounded like a fun day. I wish I could do such a thing, but I'm a study bug who uses that time to study.


Trust classmates to pass you gifts of (rapidly) perishable nature, especially when the receiver is a kid or teen. Ah well, good for you. :lol:



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