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Anecdote #276 - Half Full!



There was a quick little incident today in school that I found hilarious. We had to tell our AP US History teacher that he would only be having over half of his class tomorrow because of a field trip. The class tried to convince him that, being half empty, he would have to go a little lighter on the workload so they wouldn't fall behind.


So, why is this ingrained in my memory like a firebrand on a cowhide? Well, my 6'3" teacher, having stating that "the train doesn't stop moving for anybody in the feel-good room," proceeded to launch himself onto the table and yell like a union protestor, "The class won't be half empty! It will be half full! Half full! Half full! Half full!" This chant continues on for about half a minute, (full or empty, it's your choice) and some of the class joins in (mostly those of us who won't be absent tomorrow).


The clock turns to 1:52, so class is over, but that doesn't stop our vivacious history teacher from lacking out into a hall littered with petrified freshman and sophomores, "Half full! Half full!" The poor children had no clue what he was yelling about, and I'm afraid he may have frightened some of them.


So, what moral can you take from this incident? If you miss class for a field trip, the class won't be the thing that's half empty - your knowledge of the material is what will be lacking. Or at least, that's what I think he was saying in an implicit philosophical sense... Either that or he's just a bit crazy.


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Wow...that teacher is kinda scary :blink: My history teacher only yells when our class won't co-operate, or when more than half the class fails an open book test (which is funny, how do you fail an open book test)

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I never get it...My history teacher...whenever a girl comes in late and says she wants to go to the bathroom, my Global history teacher says:"No, Miss XXX I believe what you're trying to say is 'I'm sorry Mr. Goldberg' and I'll say 'O.K and go sit down in your seat'. " NONSTOP.

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