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Caveman Rock



I'll try to put this as simple as I can so even people who have no idea the context of all this can voice their opinions.


One of the songs I've written for the album is called Caveman Rock. It was a three-fold tribute to things I like; lyrically it was gibberish close enough to almost sound like words, the first line being nearly exactly lifted from L.A. Woman, as a tribute to Jim Morrison, one of my absolute favourite singers. Instrumentally, I wrote it with Rory Gallagher in mind, one of the men who, despite being a later addition to those I consider my heroes, has become a sizable portion of my playing. Finally, the theme of it was a tribute to one of my favoutie cartoons, The Flintstones, to the point of putting "Yabba dabba doo!" amongst the gibberish.


That said though, the more I think about the gibberish, the more I feel like I won't be able to ever keep a straight face doing it(Including for the original recording), and the more I feel it makes it feel like a comedy song. So, I've been considering keeping he rhythm, groove, beat, melody and all that, but replacing the gibberish with words. everything I try feels childish though. Plus the ability to have the same respect by shouting the gibberish into he microphone as I would speaking it makes it feel a lot more energetic to me.


So, I turn to you guys. What do you think I should do with this song? Gibberish or words?


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Try having a mix, I say. Have some lyrics with real words, enough to regain your composure, then launch back into the gibberish.
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alternatively, just pretend you're Bob Dylan.


Isn't that what I just said?



I guess it is huh


good god where is my mind today

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