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Weekly Mocing Challenge 8:




Challenge 8:


All right, this week's goal is one that won't be hard if you do something simple, but could be any level of complexity if you feel like it (I know, without prizes no one is going to build anything too complex).


The goal is to build something you can wear. Rings, bracelets, watches, necklaces, or more in depth: hats, masks, some kind of... gloves (?), etc. And there's definitely a lot more I haven't thought of. Also, it must be based off of a real object, which basically means no "miscellaneous midsection strap thing" or "some kind of tongue... bracelet." You can't make handheld weapons (as you can't wear them), but some kind of claw/handblade thing like that one Brickeens made but made only of Lego would be fine. Hmm... you could make some kind of armor, or an ammo belt, or something COOL AND TUFF AND TUFF AND COOL like that. I keep thinking of more, and there are plenty of things I could suggest, but I'll let you people think for yourself.


Yep. Fun fact: I came up with this challenge and wrote this in like 40 minutes before going to sleep. Oh, also, from the content block:

Note: I will not accept submissions that do not show enough effort.

Also note: Effort ≠ Skill


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What about something a cat could wear?

I think that would be fine, but keep the fact that I will not allow entries that show too little effort in mind.

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My preferred method is putting them on a memory stick, attaching a stone to it, and throwing it through Protosteel's (unopen) bedroom window at 5AM.


That works too. :)

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My preferred method is putting them on a memory stick, attaching a stone to it, and throwing it through Protosteel's (unopen) bedroom window at 5AM.


That works too. :)

Why do I keep replacing that window? :(


oh noez i missed the last one o well is a arm weapon allowed like the one in assassins creed 2 (the arm thing that retracts in and out)

Presumably, if it has some sort of band keeping it on the wrist. Oh, and challenges last two weeks, so Challenge # 7 is still open (until Monday).

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