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2/24/10 Story Fit Exercise

Lazzy the Spazzy


2/24/10 Story Fit Exercise

For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go here.

Each week I'll post an exercise. This is the entry for the exercise of the week of February 24 - March 2.


We're into our sixth week now, and since six is such an important and prevalent number in the Bionicleverse, this theme will be based on six.

Instead of being given a requirement, you will be given six possible requirements, with the option to choose between one of the six for your story this week...or, if you're feeling up to it, two or three or even all of the options. o_O

Without further ado, here are the possible themes! Pick one (or more).

1) The work must be under six hundred (600) words.

2) Write a story with six and only six characters in it, no more, no less (all characters must be more than a prop/one-scene character, but not all of them have to be significant to the story).

3) The work must break the fourth wall six times.

4) The work must focus on an artifact that has something to do with the number six (name, location, number of sides, etc.).

5) The work must contain six pop culture references (remember to keep them BZP Rules-friendly) OR six references to Bionicle canon.

6) Your work must not contain any six-letter words. =O


There is no word limit or any other constraints -- the only requirement is that the story contain this theme. Psyche! This time there may or may not be a word limit depending on which option you choose! xD

Once you write your story, post here with a link to it. Extra points will also be awarded to those members who review other Story Fit members' stories. This will not only give you practice with writing but also reviewing, as well as promote an exchange of ideas and styles within the BZP Writers Community. Happy writing!

Note: As of now, there is no deadline by which you must turn in your story. This is an issue that is currently being discussed: see the bottommost section and respond with your opinion.


Each week we vote for the Writer of the Week, based on the popularity of the stories submitted during that week. Whoever gets the most votes wins the award. Without further ado, I present this week's Writer of the Week:
Akai Hana no Tenshi, for his Writer's Block themed story, Vaii Daha!

Below is a list of stories that have been submitted within the past week. Look over them, read through them if you want, then vote for your favorite story (send a PM with your vote to me). At the end of this week, I will count up the votes and give the Writer of the Week award [of 2/17/10 - 2/23/10] to the writer who gets the most votes.

This week is another special one. Akai is once again the only one who submitted an entry this week, so instead of the usual vote for WotW, I will instead advertise the BZP Elements 2 Anthology. Give it a look and share your comments and constructive criticism with the great writers who participated in the project!


So, it's pretty much been decided that we'll have one task a week, but there's still one issue to discuss: whether or not to have a deadline, and if so, whether to have it one week, two weeks, or other.

So far we have two votes for a two week deadline, along with a suggestion that an addendum be added to the deadline: "You have two weeks to complete this exercise or another of your choosing that you have not already completed", giving writers the option of doing previous exercises.


Recommended Comments

This is a great idea.

I'll probably be doing... one of those.

Should be fun, and... I'll most likely actually turn one in this week.


Oh, and one more vote for a two week deadline. (if I already haven't voted for it)

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Akai@ Well we're not doing a vote for last week's since you're the only entry, but your name'll stay there till the next WotW is decided in two weeks so I guess you could say that. =P


Seven letter words is okay.


EDIT: Oh, and I should add that it's not allowed to make up new words (like add an extra letter to make a normally six-letter word seven letters).

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I gotta say, I like this theme. I may or may not write something this week, as I'm still working on another [longer] story, but I do hope to start writing for this within a month from now...



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This seems like it might be fun. Can I sign up here, or do I have to go back and find the first entry?


Also, for criterion #2, are we restricted to only using six characters period, or can we have others that are just hangin’ out in the background or give directions through hand gestures without actually speaking? In both cases they’d remain nameless.


Also, though I just jumped on, I vote 2-3 week deadline. That seems to me like it would be enough time to churn out something decent.


Is there a function in MS Office Word that counts letters in words? XP

Well, on the word count toolbar you can choose “Characters (no spaces)”, but I’m not sure that’s exactly what you’re asking.


Also, criterion #6 should pose an interesting challenge for native British English speakers (“color” vs. “colour”) :P.



- MechaFizz

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As for the 6-character limit - does generically mentioning a large group ("the villagers won't be happy about this," "the Makuta(s) are a dangerous enemy," etc.) count? What about generically mentioning individual types of persons - such as "If a Toa of Air could separate oxygen from the water, he could blah blah blah," but there is no Toa of Air character present?

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The fourth wall is sort of like the suspension of disbelief barrier, so breaking the fourth wall could be like an actor in a play speaking to the audience, a character in a story showing that they're aware that they're in a story, etc.

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