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LEGO doesn't have any Newsie caps for minifigs.
Or Elvis hair.

No Elvis hair? Now how am I supposed to make a Johnny Bravo minifig?! Honestly, LEGO. You should be ashamed.

And after that, how about some old person minifigs? You know, the elderly. There aren't very many of those. We have creepy wrinkled faces but I don't recall any nice old person faces. What, the LEGO universe is made up of only young adults and the early-middle-aged? What about a Grandma? Everybody loves Grandma. Make a Grandma minifig. She'll fit in the City sets just fine. Park, store, shop, post office. House. Something. With grey hair. And a cute shawl. We need minifig shawls. Young women wear them, too. And a purse. Hey! Are there no minifig purses? C'mon, yesterday's orange Designer LEGO remake only works for real chicks. And it's not even in the catalog.

And no instruments, either!! Where are the minifig-sized instruments? Guitars, ukuleles? Drums, flutes, washboards? Seriously. A violin would be classy. How about an orchestra! A minifig orchestra!! There must be some way TLC can fit in a cute minifig orchestra with instruments.

And more minifig dresses, please. Dresses are nice. Make a limited edition Ballroom set with ladies in dresses and men in suits and tophats. Yes, there are already tophats. And a full orchestra with instruments. Oh my goodness, how adorable would that be.

But I will take this opportunity to thank LEGO for increasing the styles of female minifig hair and clothing these last few years. I APPRECIATE IT!

But back to the disturbing lack of ELVIS HAIR... and guitars.


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One of the castle sets had a queen minifig whose face was noticeably lined with age. Not quite elderly, but a good start. There's definitely a lack of representation of any age over middle age.


Instruments YES.



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One of the castle sets had a queen minifig whose face was noticeably lined with age. Not quite elderly, but a good start. There's definitely a lack of representation of any age over middle age.


Instruments YES.





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