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Two Entirely Unrelated Things.



I constantly question whether or not I'm actually alive.


I can't go a day without spending at least half an hour total looking around and trying to convince myself that I'm actually looking around and seeing things.


It's so illogical. All of it.


It's really depressing.



Anyway, I'm shipping up to the state that contains Boston to spend my birthday with people who are more awesome than you. In other words I'm gone from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. :)


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On that first part, I can totally relate to you on that. I do it all the time, usually while in class, especially English, where it gets eerily quiet as everyone works. O_o

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How can you know that those awsomer people are really alive? Or that there really is a state the contains this mythological place 'Boston?' HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THESE DAYS ON THE CALENDAR ACTUALLY HAVE ANY MEANING IN TIME AND SPACE ~


I'm not even sure you actually posted that blog entry.

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I too have those weird philosophical episodes, thinking about stuff like; "Why is there anything?" "Is the Universe truely infinitive?" "Is reincarnation true?" And of coure, religious stuff we really shouldn't be getting into on this site.


In an eqally unrelated thing, I found out who the heck this CNR guy you themed your blog to is a while ago. Pretty funny video.

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Sometimes I trick myself into thinking we all have a Destiny.


But thats not true at all, everyone is responsible for their descisions.

One day I'll be a Toa.

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