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Weekly Update - 4/2

Black Six



So, it's been an interesting couple of days. I guess retirement just wasn't in the cards for me. Lucky you guys!



So, you should definitely check out the new animations that we mentioned here and here. Despite what many have said, I'm pretty sure they're not actual stop-motion, since the parts like elbows and knees are seen bending. All the same, it looks pretty cool, and you should check it out.


We also posted our ninth episode of the BZPowercast! You should listen! It's a lot shorter than the February episode, thankfully. We talk about a variety of things, mainly focusing on BZPower this time around, rather than on LEGO and Bionicle. Tell us what kind of discussions you like more!


So aside from the recent fun and excitement (I thought I wasn't going to be able to post this!) we do have some things going on that may or may not have been mentioned but that we are working very hard on. Bear with us.



I have questions.
  1. Do you find it ironic when a staff member is banned?
  2. Do you like irony?
  3. What's your favorite book?
  4. Do you have a crush on any of the female staff?
  5. Do you think I could be a staffie?
  6. Do you think I would be a good staffie?
  7. Is this Penguin?
  8. What's your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?
  9. What is your quest?
  10. If you got sick, would it keep you from your duties as an Admin?

1. No, I find it sad.

2. Sometimes.

3. Tough choice. It's either The Hobbit or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

4. No.

5. Time will tell.

6. You'd have to be a staff member first for me to be able to tell.

7. No.

8. Tagalongs.

9. To seek the Holy Grail.

10. Never!


1. What do you think of the name? Seriously. I put a lot of thought into it.

2. Which of the Original three movies is your favorite?

3. I am not the Skywalker from the Clone Wars cartoon movie. I hate that guy.

4. Have you seen the Eddie Izzard skit called "The Death Star Canteen"?

5. No, I am not Jeff Vader.

1. And here I thought your mom gave it to you.

2. ESB.

3. That's not a question.

4. No.

5. You're really bad at asking questions.


1. What games are playing now?

2. Which ones are you planing to get?

3. Have you been following Formula 1 this year? (Schumacher is baaa-aaack!)

1. I played some Beatles Rock Band today, and I'm still working on Dragon Age: Origins.

2. The only game I'm looking forward to for the rest of this year is Halo: Reach.

3. Nope.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Ok, lots of other work to do. Spring cleaning you might call it. Have a good weekend everyone!


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Yes. I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

My friend has my copy of the book I was on, though...

Nice to have you back, too. You've gone through a lot of usergroups lately. =P



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Wait a minute.


No Portal 2 love?


You make me sad. COME, PATSY!


Also, Shortbread cookies. Can't go wrong.

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...Despite what many have said, I'm pretty sure they're not actual stop-motion, since the parts like elbows and knees are seen bending.

I believe that they are in fact stop-motion, but my guess would be that the creators of the clips modified the limbs

so that the animation would look more realistic.

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NO no no, Tagalongs win. Notably TAGALONG ICE CREAM AMIRITE??


Yes! Tagalong ice cream is best thing ever. :D



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Hitchhikers FTW, have the Ultimate Guide myself

Tagalongs are also my fave

And sad you didn't mention Portal 2, which should be out in the somewhat-near Future

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