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Brickfair Mosaic Project Part 3: Images!





So, at this point, we'll have to start working on a second mosaic, which will likely be of Onua Mata, or the Mask of Life (and possibly (hopefully!) more after that). The thing is: to make more than just this one mosaic, we are going to need more people to commit to making a 32x32 piece[. If you want to get involved with this for BrickFair or know other members who would like to get involved (either by sending in a piece or showing up at BrickFair with their piece), either say that you would like to make a piece here, or PM me or ChocolateFrogs.


It's not terribly difficult: all you need is any 32x32 baseplate, and the right coloured bricks. You don't particularly need 1x1 bricks for the entire thing. If you've got a bunch of 2x4 bricks and you have a giant single colour space to fill in your piece, by all means, use them instead and save your smaller bricks for the detail areas.


One of the mosaic projects is this. AS OF JUNE 18th: THIS PART OF THE MOSAIC IS FILLED. If you're making a piece of this mosaic and you need to send it in to BrickFair because you're not going to be attending, go here to get the address, and follow the instructions. However if you ARE going to be attending, just bring your piece with you, and make sure that ChocolateFrogs or I receive it by Thursday, or Friday. If you are arriving at a later time then Friday, please send it in.




(pretty snazzy, eh? Thanks to Xccj for getting PicToBrick to work!)


This mosaic will be split into 6 sections as so:






With each piece (1,2,4,5,6) being 32x32 and piece 3 being 64x64 (which Arpy will make). Other mosaics for this project will not be like this: Arpy just happens to have a 64x64 baseplate. All other mosaic will be three baseplates wide and three baseplates tall.


(Click on the thumbnail for the mosaic image)


Piece 1 piece_1.jpgClaimed by Letagi


Piece 2 piece_2.jpg Claimed by Xccj


Piece 3 piece_3.jpg Claimed by Arpy


Piece 4 piece_4.jpg Claimed by kohila piraka


Piece 5 piece_5.jpg Claimed by Claimed by Jedi Master J.


Piece 6 piece_6.jpg Claimed by Black Six


Let's go, people! Tell your friends! If you want to help advertise for this project in your blog or your sig (which would be much appreciated), go here for some banners and images. I'm really excited to see what we end up making to represent BZPower for mosaics at BrickFair.


Thanks, everyone!


(and 104 102 99 95 84 days until BrickFair!!!)





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To be fair, we need the next set of picts for people to come and claim.




I'll get on that soon....but we need to decide on which will be next.



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OK, well, I really think I could make a section. I could buy some pieces, but I need to know what part I would be making.

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Claimed by Claimed by Jedi Master J.

So does that mean I got to make two of Piece 5? Or is one good enough? :P XD


But anyway, the reason I am posting here is just to give you folks an update on Piece 5. I just order the pieces, that I needed, last Sunday, so I should have it in a week or two. Once I do have the parts and I have finish building Piece 5, I'll post a picture up here for you folks to look at to ensure everything is to your liking. Is that alright with you folks?


Oh, and I also got a LDD model of it. So if you like to see that, feel free to ask and I'll send it to you.


That's all I got to say at the moment. I'll try to keep you folks posted on any new developments with Piece 5.




Sweetness! We look forward to seeing your completed piece. :)



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Just in case this link disappears in any of my other messages:


Onua Mata Mosaic Pieces (Brickshelf may take a while to go public)








Yay, xccj! I'll get an entry up about this as soon as the folder goes public and I can get to the images. Thanks again for helping out so much with this. :)



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Again, as great as it is to hear that people are excited about the prospect of this project, we need commitments to being able to make a piece, not "oh this is neat".



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How much would it cost to do a section?


I may be getting the shirts, but I had hoped I may be able to help you guys out. ^_^


I think it would depend on what pieces you have available already and if you need to buy a baseplate or not....


I am excited to see those shirts! :D



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Three questions before my mom might let me commit: First, does it matter what color the baseplate is? Second, would it matter how we arranged the bricks as long as every stud that is supposed to be one color is that color? Basically, instead of using one big 2x3 brick or something like that, using six single studs? Third, are the bricks flat or normal? If flat, smooth or normal studded?


Oh, and if the Onua gets chosen, I would commit to the bottom-left corner.\


1. The baseplate can be any colour. When I made my soap box derby mosaic, the baseplates ranged from blue to green to a random one with a road printed on it. I don't think it'll really matter, as that part won't really be showing since it'll be covered in bricks

2. Just as long as the brick colours match up with what is shown, you are not limited to using what the image suggests for the bricks to use.

3. We'll be using normal bricks, with normal studs, as that is what the general populace should have available, like what xccj has here with his piece.


And Onua will be the next mosaic we do for sure. I'll put you down as a tentative for that lower left piece. Glad to hear that you want to contribute to this! :)



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Since I've already made a baseplate, I can help answer a few of these.


How much would it cost to do a section?

Well, I bought a bunch of bricks in various sizes and a new baseplate, and it came out to roughly $25. If you use only 1x1 purchases through Lego.com, it would be significantly more. However, if you're able to use bricks from your own collection, as mentioned before, it would make it cheaper.



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Good then, could I have both the 1x1 and the price-optimized schematics for that part please? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do this.


Woo! You'll have to ask xccj about that, as I can't get into his maj folder for it since it hasn't gone public quite yet.



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Perhaps a test is in order.

How about giving me a section and see if I can come through? :)


If you have a fancy for a specific piece, due to the colour scheme being something that would be doable for you, go ahead.


Though, Toa of Dancing claimed the lower left piece in xccj's image up there, so don't pick that one. :P



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Seriously, it's been 12 hours, how long does it take?


So I have the mosaic pieces in regular (1x1 bricks) and optimized (uses multiple brick sizes) as well as a piece inventory.


Anyway, here are some links...


Piece 1: Claimed by Cherixon


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 2: Tenetatively claimed by Bionicle Raptor


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 3:


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 4:


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 5:


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 6:


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 7: Claimed by Toa of Dancing


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 8:


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


Piece 9: Tenetatively claimed by Bionicle Raptor


Regular, Optimized, Parts List


If the links don't work... well, wait until it becomes public and then look yourself! :P




It always seems to take a few days for me for a folder to go public....odd, but yay!



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I hope I have enough bley, seeing as I'm just a bit tight on money currently. But yeah, looks fun. As soon as I can print both schematics out I'll get started.

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Alright, I got the parts and plate. And I have just completed it a moment ago. So here it is for you to see:




What do you think? Good? Bad? Needs improving?



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