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Nashville Flood



I'm about to reveal a nice bit of info to you guys, that i probably should not, but i will anyway.

I live in Nashville, Tennessee.

And, 2 days ago, Nashville, Tennessee looked like this.


Yes, since we have not gotten the National Publicity we need at this time, I feel obligated to share this news with you.


On Saturday, May the 1st, It started to rain. I was on a nice Boy Scout National Jamboree Training Camp-out (I had too take a gasp after typing that out), and at 6:00 in the morning, we were forced out of our tents to break camp, literally 30 minutes before the rains came.

And when it started raining, oh did it rain.

Non stop.


I took shelter in one of the two Dining Loges that were in this campsite, along with over 200 other scouts. It was packed, and it smelled. Bad.

I was stuck in that dining hall for 10 hours, with little to do.

Fortunately, they decided to end the Campout early, after they heard about the flooding beginning in Nashville.

My Dad, thank God, was able to come pick me up, and drive me back to Nashville.

Unfortunately, this was not the worst part of my weekend.




Sunday, was the worst. We just stayed indoors, riding out the storm, getting updates as they were posted.

My Dad has a house on a hill, so house damage was not existent, but my moms house......that's another story.




Monday, we awoke for the damage report.

5 feet of water, by the end of this flood, was sitting in my 10 foot high basement at my mom's house.

This was our storage area. A whole bunch of sentimental objects of mine and my family's was destroyed, or soaked beyond repair.

But it was not just where I lived, the flooding was everywhere. Downtown was flooded by the Cumberland river. Most people living by streams or creeks were flooded. Highway 100, a major road, was closed in several areas.

It was pretty bad.

West Nashville (for those of you who are familiar, the Bellview area) is all but non-existent at this point. Most of it is flooded. I know my friends house was totally flooded, and he had to evacuate.

After hearing the extent of the Damage, I felt very blessed that we had not totally wiped out.


We started to clean out the basement, by pumping water out. By the end of the day, we were able to salvage some stuff, but most was gone.

We left the stuff out overnight to dry. as a lot of it was still soaking wet.

On a brighter note, I've never seen our basement cleaner. :satisfied:

Oh, and we here are out of school until further notice......Which is a good, and bad thing. We'll have to make it up later.


So, today, i spent sorting through old stuff. Oh, the Nostalgia.

Form me cleaning, and going out and duping stuff with my truck, its been a rough day.

But at least I got to end with an episode of LOST.


Guys, keep us in your thoughts and prayers over here. And if any of you BZPers are also in the Nashville area, and had Flood impact, feel free to post here, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Thanks guys.



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Wait wait wait...you live around Nashville? T_T You know I only live about forty minutes from there.


Also, it was a mess. We got stuck in traffic because of roads flooding. A two hour trip from my grandparents ended up being nine. It was painful. I'm just glad we're okay, and our house is.


Hang in there, we'll get through this.

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Oh my. That is terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. I always get terribly worried about that kinda thing when it rais really bad. And once in a while our basement floods. Nothing serious, but still. This is like a realization of a horrible fear and I would hope that it happens to no one, but it obviously has. I'm so sorry to hear that and you will be in my thoughts.

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Wow. At least one thing good came out of this: Skully finally updated his blog :)


*Silence* Ok, bad joke.


I only heard about this yesterday; my German teacher (who lives in Nashville, by the way) was telling us about this massive flood in class yesterday (before you ask, It's an online, live class, so no, I do not live in Nashville, though my sister did go to college near Knoxville :P) I'm not sure if she had to evacuate or not.


Frankly, I didn't realize it was this bad until I saw your blog. I'm sorry you (and Lady K) had to go through this. You will both be in my prayers.



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Wait wait wait...you live around Nashville? T_T You know I only live about forty minutes from there.


Also, it was a mess. We got stuck in traffic because of roads flooding. A two hour trip from my grandparents ended up being nine. It was painful. I'm just glad we're okay, and our house is.


Hang in there, we'll get through this.

:blink: WOW!! It is a small world after all. Thanks for the support Lady K!


Oh my. That is terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. I always get terribly worried about that kinda thing when it rais really bad. And once in a while our basement floods. Nothing serious, but still. This is like a realization of a horrible fear and I would hope that it happens to no one, but it obviously has. I'm so sorry to hear that and you will be in my thoughts.

Well thanks Anakin! The support is greatly appreciated.


:( but :)



You know, that has to be the shortest response i have seen to anyhting. But the message is clear. Thanks EW!



Wow. At least one thing good came out of this: Skully finally updated his blog :)


*Silence* Ok, bad joke.


I only heard about this yesterday; my German teacher (who lives in Nashville, by the way) was telling us about this massive flood in class yesterday (before you ask, It's an online, live class, so no, I do not live in Nashville, though my sister did go to college near Knoxville :P) I'm not sure if she had to evacuate or not.


Frankly, I didn't realize it was this bad until I saw your blog. I'm sorry you (and Lady K) had to go through this. You will both be in my prayers.



Hah! Well, your right, some things sure do come out of disasters,no matter how terrible they are.


And thanks for the support Krakua! Its great to hear from ya.


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Yikes. I'd been hearing about this, but now I realize the magnitude.


Dude, I'll be praying for you, your family, those who were fortunate, and those not so fortunate. Boy, and just a week ago I found out a friend's house was destroyed in the Rio de Janeiro mudslide.


What's going on? *cough2012cough*


In all seriousness, I'm very happy you guys are all right. And to think I was at Nashville just a few months ago... Well, you guys will, as we say in Colombia, "echar pa 'lante".


Stay strong, Skully Boss.

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I live about 5-10 minutes outside of downtown Nashville, yet barely even noticed that anything was going on


We're at the top of a hill, so the only damage we suffered was the power getting knocked out a couple times. I was really more worried about the tornadoes, and not even thinking about the rain. It didn't feel any different to me than an average storm. We'd had a lot worse happen during the winter snowstorms.

We saw some flooding over in the park, but it still didn't seem too unusual.


When I got back to school on Thursday (I only go three days out of the week.), I heard people calling it "A life changing event we would be telling to our grandchildren". My story would be how completely clueless I was to what had happened.


I looked into it online and read that it was the biggest flood in Tennessee since 1927. I saw pictures and videos of the damage. I think the most recognisable place that had flooded was the Opryland area, I was quite saddened about that.


It's amazing how little you can hear about something while being right in the middle of it.



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