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Dear friends, some professors are not fit to lead the classes they teach.

I have one such professor.

Tomorrow is the final.

Then I will never have to suffer the man's awkwardness or lack of ability in his own area again.

(But I doubt I'll get out of there alive. I might die of a conniption first.)

After Monday, I'm on to better things! ~ *And that, my friends, is a VERY happy thought!*


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Sounds like my English teacher. >.>

Three finals from the lady who said she doesn't want to assign one.



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She's... interesting. Luckily, I only need to take one of her classes.

Although all of the teachers in the English department seem kinda weird.

What class is your professor "teaching"?



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Ziko: Interpersonal Communication, of all things.


All my English department faculty are great! 'Tis unfortunate that yours are not. But all the Comm proffs here are... um, lacking.


BioRaptor: Hahaha! The Master Reporter here is Black Six. He's some kind of amazing. *grovel, grovel* :P

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*and rose again*


Monday is over, just a quickly fading memory. The rest of your life awaits!



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