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Epic Typo Is Epic



We Bionicle fans get a lot of rap from Adult Fans Of LEGO, mostly for the reason that Bionicle pieces aren't really LEGO Bricks, they're... weird pieces with the occasional stud. Whatever. We love Bionicle. Not all AFOLS have to. In fact, now AFOLs don't even have to like LEGO, period!



Hahli Husky - "Well yanno, most AFOLs hate Lego!"



Score five points for mistyping!


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But I gave you five whole points for it!! Mistyping is a nonsentient entity, so YOU get to redeem those points!


BioRaptor: Lego < LEGO


2 typos fix'd

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But I gave you five whole points for it!! Mistyping is a nonsentient entity, so YOU get to redeem those points!


BioRaptor: Lego < LEGO


2 typos fix'd

Oh the irony!

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But I gave you five whole points for it!! Mistyping is a nonsentient entity, so YOU get to redeem those points!


BioRaptor: Lego < LEGO


2 typos fix'd

Oh the irony!

Yeah, stick around. The show keeps getting better. :blush:

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Honestly I think most AFOLs do hate Lego. AFOLs aren't known for rational behaviour. And it would certainly explain why they fight and bicker all the time.
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