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A Few Fun Jokes



"Hey, I've got an idea!"
"Be nice to it. It's a long ways from home."
One day, Hitler went to a fortune teller to see how his future would provail.
The fortune teller said, "You will die on a Jewish holiday."
Hitler was like :blink:, then said "How can you be sure of this?"
"Any day you die will be a Jewish holiday."
Son: "Dad, do you think men have more sense once they've married?"
Dad: "Yes, but it's too late then."

Yeah, here is a first group of jokes. I've got a whole book--literally-full of these. I'll be posting them sometimes B)



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I like the second one and the first. When I saw the first one I was like :D, but when I saw the second one, I was like :superfunny:. These were total ROFLMBA.


~EVORO the Joker

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The second one is awesome! I don't get the first one, though. And you seem to change the name of this thing every day :P


Ha. He's not as bad as me. I'm CRAZY.

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Mine stay on the same subject, HTTYD. Yours, cherry... they are... O.O




I know. I know. I've kept my current one for at least a day now, though. =P

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The first one implies that the first speaker never gets any ideas, so if he does, "Be nice to it. It's a long ways from home."




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