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Bc3 Strategy: Rank 0 Enemies



It's been a while since the last time I did a strategy post for BC3, so why don't I break down Rank 0 for you few readers I have?


BC3 Strategy: Rank 0


So what it is Rank 0? It's the default starter rank for all new players. If you look at it from an in-universe point of view, it's basically the newb rank: you've done absolutely nothing to prove your battling capabilities. Therefore, you're going to be fighting only those who are at a similar power level: other Rank 0 players, and more or less mindless Rahi.


Since Ranks are essentially the levels for BC3, the NPCs scale for your Rank. For Rank 0, these are all the NPc enemies, and the challenge for ranking up, broken down:


1. Zesk:



Mutated Agori


HP: 15

Offense: 3

Defense: 3

Speed: 5


Weapon: Stinger (3 Damage)


Creep (Crawl after enemy at high speed; boosts Speed 1.2x and decreases enemy accuracy 20%)


Attack (Standard Attack)

Sting (2x Damage; Charge 1)


A simple, weak enemy. Good for practicing your moves, and quickly racking up stat points.


2. Nui Jaga:


Nui Jaga

Great Scorpion Rahi


HP: 25

Offense: 5

Defense: 5

Speed: 5


Weapon: Claws and Stinger (6 Damage)

Armor: Scorpion Plating (Block 2)


Blindness (Flings venom; 60% chance of inflicting blindness; Cooldown 2)

Scorpion Sting (Stings with tail; 2x Damage, with 20% chance of inflicting poison; Cooldown 4)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Claw Crush (Dashes to crush enemy in claws; halves Speed during Charge, for 2.5x Damage; Charge 3)


A stronger enemy, maybe on par with other players. This is a true test of your skill, and more fun once you outgrow a Zesk.


3. Two Nui Rama:



Insect Rahi


HP: 10

Offense: 4

Defense: 2

Speed: 6


Weapon: Claws (3 Damage)


Buzz (Create a Sonic hum; 50% chance of confusion; Cooldown 2)


Strike (Standard Attack)

Abduct (Carry away opponent, only to smash it back down to the ground for 1.5x Damage, with 20% chance of confusion; Charge 2)


Directly inspired by the actual Nui Rama set, this is a good way to practice double battles, if you can only get 1 partner, instead of three people for an actual double battle. Neither of the Nui Rama are very difficult, so this is more for getting used to working with a partner, especially considering the challenge...


4. Eight Kraata:



Makuta Spawn


HP: 5

Offense: 2

Defense: 2

Speed: 2


Weapon: Body (3 Damage; 5% chance of infection)


Infect (Guaranteed infection; requires successful Leech; Cooldown 1)


Hurl (Standard Attack)

Leech (Must follow Hurl; attaches self to opponent, draining 2 HP; Charge 0)


A special battle, for entertainment. Kraata, and later Shadow Kraata, Rahkshi, and Makuta, can inflict Infection status. Individually weak, you have to mind eight at once. Perhaps the most difficult battle; defeating this means you're probably ready for the challenge.


Challenge: Tahnok and Gahlok:



Bohrok of Fire


HP: 25

Offense: 6

Defense: 2

Speed: 4


Weapon: Fire Shield (4-6 Damage; Free)

Armor: Bohrok Body (Block 2)


Roll (Rolls up; doubles Speed, but decreases accuracy 20%; Cooldown 2)

Head Smash (Fires head; 2x Damage, with 20% chance of stun; Cooldown 4)

Krana Fling (Desperation Attack; fires krana, with 60% chance of gaining control of the target; self-defeats)


Strike (Standard Attack; with 5% chance of burning)

Burn (1.5x Damage; with 50% chance of burning; Charge 1)

Incinerate (2.5x Damage; with guaranteed burn; Charge 3)

It Must Be Cleaned (Partner Attack; 2x Damage for every Bohrok partner; strikes every opponent; Charge 2)



Bohrok of Water


HP: 25

Offense: 6

Defense: 2

Speed: 4


Weapon: Water Shield (4-6 Damage; Free)

Armor: Bohrok Body (Block 2)


Roll (Rolls up; doubles Speed, but decreases accuracy 20%; Cooldown 2)

Head Smash (Fires head; 2x Damage, with 20% chance of stun; Cooldown 4)

Krana Fling (Desperation Attack; fires krana, with 60% chance of infection; self-defeats)


Strike (Standard Attack; with 5% chance of dizzying)

Swamp (1.5x Damage; with 50% chance of dizzying; strikes all enemies Charge 1)

Flood (2.5x Damage; with guaranteed dizzying; Charge 3)

It Must Be Cleaned (Partner Attack; 2x Damage for every Bohrok partner; strikes every opponent; Charge 2)


This is a relatively difficult battle, definitely on par with a player double battle. It’s advised to work with other players, rather than taking it on alone,especially since they’re a tad stronger than most players. The best strategy is to focus on taking them down one at a time, with a Defender or Healer soaking up damage, or Shooters and Fighters debuffing the enemy with status effects. Don’t be afraid to work together; victory will rank up all players involved, since the rewards will be equal.



In addition, here’s a semi-teaser:


BC3 Rank Challenges:


Rank 0: Tahnok and Gahlok

Rank 1: A Vahki

Rank 2: Exo-Toa

Rank 3: Skrall

Rank 4: Two Toa – Victory here upgrades your character to a Tier 2 Class

Rank 5: Three Bohrok Kal

Rank 6: The Bahrag – Cahdok and Gahdok

Rank 7: Two Piraka

Rank 8: Rahi Nui

Rank 9: Vezon and Fenrakk – Victory here upgrades your character to a Tier 3 Class

Rank 10: Makuta Icarax

Rank 11: Brutaka and Axonn

Rank 12: Makuta Teridax (Ultimate Dume form) – Victory here earns the title of Legendary

Rank 13: The Great Spirit Mata Nui – Victory here earns you Rank XIV, the title of Omnipotent, a HUGE number of widgets, and a Tier 4 Class


The game is set through fourteen ranks, 0 through 13. Each Rank will feature NPCs of similar difficulty and status, though a bit weaker. Rank 13 is the effective limit (since it’s a cool number :P ) so far, although you can try the Rank 13 challenge. Good luck declaring war on a universe ;) .


Put your thoughts on the challenges in the comments. Too difficult? Too short? Tell me what you think!



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They'll be regular NPCs. These are just the challenges, the strongest NPC enemy (theoretically) for your rank. So you might be able to fight Tahu and Takanuva later on, you just won't rank up if you do. I guess you'll fight Takanuva around Rank 6 or 7, Tahu Nuva around Rank 8 or 9, and Tahu Star at Rank 12 (i.e. on par with Teridax, because of the Golden Armor).

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Hmm...can I suggest something? You lack a "jack of all trades" class for tier 2. Could this suggestion rectify that?




The Alchemist is the quintessence of "jack of all trades, master of none." A combination of Fighter/Healer or Defender/Shooter, the Alchemist has traded away mastery in one or two stats in exchange for proficiency in all of them. He always has a trick for every occasion. The downside of this class is that while you lack weaknesses, you also lack particular strengths. You'll have to use quirks from all 4 Tier classes to battle with: Recovery, status, and damage are all available to the Alchemist, but he isn't as specialized as any of them.


Like it?


Neya Out. :miru:

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I might make that a buyable option in the Tier 2 shops, but the point of the class system was to encourage a distinct style of play. You're going to have to stick with a certain fighting style with a class, especially considering that Tier 1 already forces certain fighting styles.


Enforcing class roles might also encourage partner battles more, especially at higher ranks. A Gunner probably won't be able to survive alone, while a Protector might not deal enough damage to finish the battle. A jack-of-all trades would probably undermine that a bit, so I probably won't make it a free option.

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Ooh, Alchemyst FTW. Anyways, if you actually stick around, will you eventually create more ranks? Or will it just end?


But yeah, Alchemyst would be a good buyable class. You could summon minions to help you.

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Being optimistic, I'll definitely stick around long after someone reaches Rank XIV. I guess at that point, barring more major additions to the actual Bionicle storyline, all NPCs will be made up (or maybe suggested by you guys?), so I can have more freedom in designing challenges. Who knows?
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Player suggested challenges and such would be nice.


Now, can you fight inter-ranks? Like, if someone's Rank 1, could they fight Rank 0 players?


Also, slightly off this entry's topic, but you mentioned the species changers would likely be introduced again? Will these be in higher ranks?

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Yeah, as long as both players agree to the fight. of course, if the higher-ranked player wins, they get a lesser reward (shame on you for beating up a weaker opponent :P ), while the lower-ranked player would get a greater reward.


On species changers, you're spot on. I might add those to the shop when someone reaches Rank 2...

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BTW, could you list the stats of each opponent within the blog itself? It would make things WAY more convenient than they are now...


Neya Out. :miru:

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