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If you are making a blog due to the anniversary week, please continue to abide by the blog rules. Heck, going and reading through the blog rules would be a great idea! Because, seriously, if I run into you at BrickFair, and you've been breaking any blog rules in your newly made blog, I'll cough in your direction or casually take a sip from your cup. And that will not be a good thing for you. Because I apparently have had mono for the past month or so. Hooray!


Also, Bink send me this a while back. I still keep giggling every time I read it.


Anyways, let's party or something, people. This is an anniversary week of total AWESOME after all.


(and a fortnight until BrickFair!!!!!!!!!)


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You need to get better before BrickFair.


But I didn't need to say that.


Get better, Maddison!

(Are you going back to camp or should I not mail you this letter?)




Here's hoping....but I'm not too optimistic about it. It's not too bad right now though.


(you should send me the letter. I'm going back, but I'm not sure if I should tell them or not, as our doctor said that I could still work/travel, I just have to not share food/drink, make sure I cough away from people, basic common sense stuff. I'm worried they'll freak out and quarantine me away from everyone or just send me home.



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im starting to think that kid from the camp is giving you bad ideas


Nah. I've had that idea before while being sick. Lots of people do.



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Yeesh, mono would go a long ways toward explaining the general lousiness you've been experiencing lately. Sadface and kittyhugs! Except not Creamed Corn hugs, because knowing him he would probably also lick you and then spread the mononucleosis on purpose. Then he would scratch the Old Spice guy's monocle. Anyway! I will get my party clothes on because it is party time!


Creamed Corn hugs would hurt.....


Party time! :D



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When are you leaving camp? :???:


It should be the second of August, according to my and everyone else who's working their's calculations. But, none of our uppers have confirmed this, but there is no way possible for me to stay and leave the 3rd, because that's when I get on a plane to the East Coast.



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Hm, maybe I should get personal flask and only drink from it while at BrickFair. Just kidding. :P


There is a stack of letters on their way to you right now so by the time you get back to camp you should have them. Hopefully you like them and the randomness of it all. If only they could have been delivered by an owl…


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Awww. Do you still want me to send a letter? Or will it not get there in time? :(


Hooray! You're a Hero Maddison Swift! :happydance:


It should get here in time, and I would gladly appreciate it. :)


Yep! :D



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