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Rotor's mask looks like it still isn't finished with sculpt with lack of eye holes and stuff. Nebula is too hunched over, but his little "tridax pod" looks cool, he also needs more spines. Natalie's legs look a little big, but good arms for mocs and such. Same with Mark's legs, but those swords look awesome. Jimi looks like he got his left arm taken off in combat, cool. and neat color scheme. Dunkan is the same as Jimi, just backwards.

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Rotor with eye holes would look awful. The point of the helmet in my opinion is to make him look like a faceless villain.


Von Nebula seriously looks like an awful set. I'd only ever buy it for parts.


Bulk and Stringer look gorgeous. Breeze and Surge don't.

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Honestly, I liked Rotor a lot better when I couldn't see the eyes at all. I thought that chunk of his head was just blank.
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