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So many problems this morning.

  • Couldn't find the charger to my camcorder... found three different pieces in three different places, but not the wall connector plug in. Resolved: My Dad had borrowed it for his camera, in a place I didn't even bother looking for. Whew.
  • I checked my bank account online and saw a charge I didn't recognize. I fear bank fraud! Resolved: Actually, it turns out it was the with drawl I made for Brick Fair. The bank used a check to get it out, so that's what it was labeled under, and why I was confused, since I never use checks.
  • My old school is trying to rob my blind! Their cancellation fee was $50 more than it was supposed to be. Resolved: Well, I misread the dates. It's not "After August, you get charged this much," it's "Before August, you get charged this much." I have some choice words to say to them, but if I do type them here I'd get banned. :(
  • My clothes have to be sorted! Resolved: I did so, and even pulled out a ton that I can donate. Just took forever tho.
  • My room is a mess!!! And it will probably stay that way until I get finished with work... and by then I'll be going to school full time. Ah, summers of free time, I miss thee.
  • I need to reprint my flight schedule, because they've changed the times like twice since I last printed it out.

    Oh, and

  • I need to finish packing.
Please let BrickFair be less stressful!



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