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Update Of Adventures As Of Late



In case you didn't notice, I am absent from BrickFair. The reason is a lack of funding, and this might have been a good thing cuz I have several things of dire importance that had to get done quickly here at home. However, I understand the T-Shirts are doing well, so you can say I am there in spirit. :P


I am home from Jamboree at last! Have been home since 5 AM Thursday, but haven't gotten around to making an entry because I have SO MUCH TO DO AUGHAG~ Pics from the trip are forthcoming once I collaborate with other people's albums and make a complete compilation of pics, from which i will then select the best ones and post them here.




Well, I am an Eagle Scout at long last! Have been since the 14th of July, but I haven't said it here yet. I am an Eagle and have gotten my documents and Eagle card, so it's all good now. I turned 18 in New York City and celebrated in Little Italy, and my wish of a tiramisu dessert with a candle on top was granted. It was fantabulously delish', as well. =3 Kudos to my fellow Scoutmasters for paying attention to my midnight ramblings of tiramisu for a birthday cake. XD


Jamboree itself was fantastic. And as my first job as a true-blue adult leader, it was even better, as it challenged every aspect of my leadership. The opening show was eh, but the closing show was absolutely phenomenal. Mike Rowe, Switchfoot, fireworks-- what could be better? Plus, I met with ChocolateFrogs earlier that day, so I was in a very good mood.


And now I'm an adult, looking for a job and bracing myself for college. I am enrolled in my local community college with a transfer program to Southern Oregon State, studying for a degree in Business Administration (will study for Sociology later on). But! I'm an adult now. YAY NO MORE DRIVING CURFEWS.



And another thing I'm bracing for is the ending of my Premiership. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, actually. Hmm.




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The content of this blog entry is awesome.




Edit: Except for the part about you not being here for BF, but it sounds like you needed the time anyway.

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Congrats on everything, EW! Totally wish you could've been to BFair, but there are some vital things in life that need tending to first.


Hope everything goes well! =D

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Congrats. It's a pity you were only an Eagle Scout for 9 days...what's that? You've never heard of the rank above Eagle Scout? It's called Man Scout, EW, and congrats on becoming one. =]

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Congrats. It's a pity you were only an Eagle Scout for 9 days...what's that? You've never heard of the rank above Eagle Scout? It's called Man Scout, EW, and congrats on becoming one. =]


Hey, wait a minute, once an Eagle Scout, ALWAYS an Eagle Scout. :P


Anyways, congratulations on earning the Rank of Eagle! :D I'm glad that you were able to complete it before you aged out; I've heard a lot of stories about men regretting not earning it. Again, congratulations. :)

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:kaukau:You are an adult now. I can't wait until I can make that claim. Contrary to what people think, there's more you can do than just vote. For example, you can move out of the house, date recklessly, get married and divorced, go to R rated films in the theatre, not have to get your parents to sign every single stinking thing for you, sue and be sued, change your name, and best of all you get to have a library card.


Alright, the last one is just a struggle that I'm personally going through in my ridiculous life.


You know, I was just googling "Things you can..." and then te rest came up: "...when you're 18". That must be a popular search. I'm going to have to remember this later.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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