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Spritz Cookies



I might have outsprinted a small child at one point tonight in order to win at Bingo at my dad's company picnic. But, now I have a hand mixer and a cookie press/decorating kit, so if I ever learn how to make food or spritz cookies in a proper sort of fashion, I can put those to good use!


Crazy weekend. Oh man. So tired right now. Though, I just saw the birthday topic, which was very nice. Thank you!


(proper BrickFair entry that still needs writing that will get done one of these days, because it was AWESOME and I need to write wonderful things about it)


You've only used the cookie press kit one time. Way to go.-FN


YOU BROKE THE COOKIE PRESS. >:( But you got a better one, so that's ok. :D -FFN


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Oh man, I was so busy this weekend I totally forgot it was your birthday. Happy belated birthday! Enjoy your new decade!


If you don't have a blender you could so totally use the hand mixer to make milkshakes or something - those are awesome and DON'T involve cooking skills.

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