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Moon And Firesword Vs. Zarayna Initiation

Riisiing Moon


I hereby declare this the initiation of the case of Moon and Firesword vs. Zarayna.


Zarayna, the offender, is in a lawsuit threatened by Rising Moon and Inferna Firesword. Captain Marvel is the lawyer from criminal defense--Zarayna--and Moon and Firesword remain in search if a lawyer. Experience is discouraged.


The case will be taking place in the House of the Rising Moon on October 21st, 2010, a Thursday.


Rising Moon will judge the case.


The jury is not limited to a number, and any bystander to the case or member who bears an interest may participate as a juror.


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I think, as a rule, before entering the courthouse, all lightsabers, clone legions, and other assets that would be frowned upon in say... a monestary should be left at the gate. This case shall follow the road of diplomacy, a road greuling and unforgiving, where swords and armies cannot follow.

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Sorry, bro. the twenty first is when I change my name and get the Karz outta here. :P




Do you realize how many charges of assault and attempted murder Inferna is guilty of, btw? I'll give you a hint. It ain't under 100. :P


None the less, my clone armies are on red alert until further notice. :P


I suggest you get Toa Dovydas to represent you. He hates me. I think..


Ads: Sure, but I'm not taking apart my arms in order to get my wrist blades out. :evilgrin:



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Sorry, bro. the twenty first is when I change my name and get the Karz outta here. :P




Do you realize how many charges of assault and attempted murder Inferna is guilty of, btw? I'll give you a hint. It ain't under 100. :P


None the less, my clone armies are on red alert until further notice. :P


I suggest you get Toa Dovydas to represent you. He hates me. I think..


Ads: Sure, but I'm not taking apart my arms in order to get my wrist blades out. :evilgrin:



Davydas hates me, too, or at least, it seems that way. I can be a lawyer for somebody...

@Aderia: Sorry, but diplomatic solutions never work out... Ever seen Star Wars Episode one?

So, yeah, even if I'm not part of it, I'll be there. I'll probably shoot the winning side. (Don't tell Aderia)

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Sorry, bro. the twenty first is when I change my name and get the Karz outta here. :P




Do you realize how many charges of assault and attempted murder Inferna is guilty of, btw? I'll give you a hint. It ain't under 100. :P


None the less, my clone armies are on red alert until further notice. :P


I suggest you get Toa Dovydas to represent you. He hates me. I think..


Ads: Sure, but I'm not taking apart my arms in order to get my wrist blades out. :evilgrin:



Davydas hates me, too, or at least, it seems that way. I can be a lawyer for somebody...

@Aderia: Sorry, but diplomatic solutions never work out... Ever seen Star Wars Episode one?

So, yeah, even if I'm not part of it, I'll be there. I'll probably shoot the winning side. (Don't tell Aderia)


Then I'll just go into 'aggressive negations'. :P


Well, if I lose, then feel free to. I pity you though.


Although it'd be good to see how Inferna would kill someone without her sword. :P



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I'm on the jury. Cuz If I'm not, you dudes will have several clone armies and elite MNIncers breathing down your neck (Oh, and did I mention the Foireann?).


BTW, what do you guise have against Zar? Inferna, as Zar said, has slaughtered countelss innocents, including cute gerbils, and yet public opion seems to be in her favor. Zar, in comparison, wouldn't hurt a fly.


Oh, and, yes, Rising Moon, I am not leaving behind my armies or my weapons for this. If any of you get uncomfortable, just remember: I'm not out to get you. Unless you're the Seneca. In that case, I am out to get you, and you should be scared *evil grin*.



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I have researched the criminal records of the BZPers participating in this case and my results are surprising:


Zar: No criminal record except for breaking into a soda machine with a crowbar when he was a New Member.


Inferna: The abduction of countless innocent gerbils feasting on the delicacy of stale pancakes. (ate the pancakes afterwards as well :o)


Rising Moon: The transformation of again countless Matoran into werewolves.


Here are the facts. I suggest you look over them before we begin this case, in case you MISSED WHAT'S RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!

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Inferna: The abduction of countless innocent gerbils feasting on the delicacy of stale pancakes. (ate the pancakes afterwards as well :o)



Noseriously, I hate pancakes, especially the stale ones. :sick:



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I have researched the criminal records of the BZPers participating in this case and my results are surprising:


Zar: No criminal record except for evilly murdering a soda machine with a crowbar when he was a New Member.


Inferna: The rescue of countless innocent gerbils feasting on poisonous rotten pancakes. (destroyed the evil things afterward anyways)


Rising Moon: The transformation of an Optimus Prime transformer into car mode.


Here are the facts. I suggest you look over them before we begin this case, in case you MISSED WHAT'S RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!

This is what you really meant to say CM.

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Conveniently timed so that RM will forget about Project DR. OCTAGONAPUS BLARGH and stop asking me about it before it happens. :P


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You can't prove anything!




Fired, Marvel!




*brings ten werewolves in cages into court, alongside the ashes of the poor gerbils* Oh, but I can *evil grin*. See, there is plenty of evidence against you.


(No, I don't know anything about the legal system XP)

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Sorry, bro. the twenty first is when I change my name and get the Karz outta here. :P




Do you realize how many charges of assault and attempted murder Inferna is guilty of, btw? I'll give you a hint. It ain't under 100. :P


None the less, my clone armies are on red alert until further notice. :P


I suggest you get Toa Dovydas to represent you. He hates me. I think..


Ads: Sure, but I'm not taking apart my arms in order to get my wrist blades out. :evilgrin:



Davydas hates me, too, or at least, it seems that way. I can be a lawyer for somebody...

@Aderia: Sorry, but diplomatic solutions never work out... Ever seen Star Wars Episode one?

So, yeah, even if I'm not part of it, I'll be there. I'll probably shoot the winning side. (Don't tell Aderia)

... From now on, you are my worst enemy as opposed to myself. YOU MISPELLED MY FRAEAKAKAGAKING NAME~~~


No but seriously.


I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.




The United Zakaz Anarchy shall not stand for this. :angry: We shall pursue you everywhere and conquer your pathetic... something.


I have no idea.


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I have researched the criminal records of the BZPers participating in this case and my results are surprising:


Zar: No criminal record except for breaking into a soda machine with a crowbar when he was a New Member.


Inferna: The abduction of countless innocent gerbils feasting on the delicacy of stale pancakes. (ate the pancakes afterwards as well :o)


Rising Moon: The transformation of again countless Matoran into werewolves.


Here are the facts. I suggest you look over them before we begin this case, in case you MISSED WHAT'S RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!


*buzzer sounds*


Speak the truth please.



Zarayna: Guilty of fighting against a cruel Toa who tears her own teammates limb from limb for the fun of it.


Inferna: Guilty of countless charges of assault, destruction of private property, and attempted murder. Also guilty of the murder of at least one squad of my soldiers, who attacked her in order to defend me.


Rising Moon: Guilty of nothing I can remember right now. :P



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I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.



Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =(



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I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.



Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =(



Independent of that, you're to blame for it being off its hinges for as much as TWO SECONDS!!oneone!!1!1eleven!!!


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I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.



Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =(



Independent of that, you're to blame for it being off its hinges for as much as TWO SECONDS!!oneone!!1!1eleven!!!


Independent of that, I would like to point out that while everyone is trying to pin all this on me, people are ignoring the fact Zarayna is guilty of harrassment (in every post in my topic after that one, he was going out of his way to try and force me into hearing aids) and breaking and entering (with assistance from Dovydas).



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I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.



Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =(



Independent of that, you're to blame for it being off its hinges for as much as TWO SECONDS!!oneone!!1!1eleven!!!


Independent of that, I would like to point out that while everyone is trying to pin all this on me, people are ignoring the fact Zarayna is guilty of harrassment (in every post in my topic after that one, he was going out of his way to try and force me into hearing aids) and breaking and entering (with assistance from Dovydas).




Independent of that, I am this *holds up thumb and forefinger, with a millimeter gap in between* close to crashing this party with my armies. Let's just all realize that Zar is awesome and innocent of all crimes and go home (:P ).Sound good?

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I charge RM with corruption and taking bribes from the person known in a very small circle as Inferna Firesword.



Did you forget that I fixed that door right after I knocked it off its hinges? Come on! I was just excited to wish you happy birthday! I just can't catch a break ... =(



Independent of that, you're to blame for it being off its hinges for as much as TWO SECONDS!!oneone!!1!1eleven!!!


Independent of that, I would like to point out that while everyone is trying to pin all this on me, people are ignoring the fact Zarayna is guilty of harrassment (in every post in my topic after that one, he was going out of his way to try and force me into hearing aids) and breaking and entering (with assistance from Dovydas).




Consider that me seeing into the future and going out for revenge after what you did in the next Prank war story. :P


And my friends, I direct you to Akaku: Master of flight's rules, in which there are many references to him being assaulted by Inferna. Also, I direct you to the intro to this story, in which Inferna openly admits to having torn Akaku limb from limb on multiple occasions.


Also, I direct you to this comment in which Inferna murders at least a hundred To who were attempting to protect me from an unjust man hunt.


I may be guilty of those minor charges, but am I guilty to assault and murder? NO! Inferna is the villain here. For too long have these coldhearted deeds of hers gone unpunished!




*disappears in a cloud of smoke*



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Eh, I might as well be Rising Moon and Inferna Firesword's lawyer. It'll be fun trying to defend the guilty ones. :P

:tohu: I'll "help" you. On a high level of VIOLENCE!!!! :tohu:

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Eh, I might as well be Rising Moon and Inferna Firesword's lawyer. It'll be fun trying to defend the guilty ones. :P

:tohu: I'll "help" you. On a high level of VIOLENCE!!!! :tohu:

Ooh, help me by threatening to be violent? Good idea. We could really use a couple chainsaws in the courtroom... :P

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