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Avatar & Book Spoiler #3

Riisiing Moon


Avatar: the Last Airbender, of course! Just spaced out a bit and ended up thinking a bit back on it, quite nostalgically, to understate. Easily the best show I've ever watched, no contest. I can't even begin to list all the things that make it so unbelievably spectacular in pretty much every aspect. I'd love to have a discussion on it. What d'you guys think about the show in general, or any details?


Also--Periodically, I'll post an entry with some info on my book in the works. It'll start out vague, and get more detailed with each entry. Let me know what you think!


Here's the first two paragraphs, just written in a journal, thought I should share it for this spoiler--


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Bitter steel ripped through air, an explosion of malice driving the blad.e Down and down it plunged, gracefully, maliciously, the force of worlds behind it. Metal met flesh, and gods fell at the magnificience of pain searing through the sword. It knifed through layer upon layer of skin and mortality, emergining glistening with the blood of angels. The blade soared with death, and death embraced the body and soul of the one who had fallen.




* * *


Well, there it is, the very first two paragraphs of my book! What d'you guys think?


Recommended Comments

1. Avatar would be easily among the best TV shows ever...


However, Zuko was not half as awesome as he should have been. I mean, c'mon: he can't even beat his own sister! ( :P ) Because of this, I am currently contemplating creating a site with forums where we all may know of Zuko's greatness and spread the word.




2. Excellent on all counts. Nice descriptions, especially, including the figurative speech.

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Hawk--Yeah, Azula (sp?) was my favorite char until she went insane. Admittedly, though, that was fantastically done--I actually shivered while watching that (the insanity, I mean). Fantastic twist, and her obsession was incredible to the point of fright. Zuko's probably my favorite char, though--he's just so deep. He has this vastness inside him that never really unfolds all at once, and it's revealed and applied to the point of perfection. Plus he just looks awesome (least, post-ponytail).


Thanks a lot, Mangai! :D

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Hawk--Yeah, Azulai (sp?) was my favorite char until she went insane. Admittedly, though, that was fantastically done--I actually shivered while watching that (the insanity, I mean). Fantastic twist, and her obsession was incredible to the point of fright. Zuko's probably my favorite char, though--he's just so deep. He has this vastness inside him that never really unfolds all at once, and it's revealed and applied to the point of perfection. Plus he just looks awesome (least, post-ponytail).


Thanks a lot, Mangai! :D


Yes. Not only his fighting skills were great, but he was the most conflicted character, and had the most realistic personality of all of them, in my opinion. He also had the most potential, and, like you said, they got him right.


...But I still wish he could be the main character, beat Azula, and be generally awesome XP


No prob. It wasn't much to go on, but that's my only complaint.

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I dunno, the fact that he wasn't the main char in my opinion was a smart move. It made him that much more appealing, made you want to check up on him that much more often. And also, it made him more of an individual, real person than just a pivotal role. One of my favorite arcs in the storyline is the episodes where Zuko really searches within himself (scattered throughout all three seasons, really), because it distracts you from plot long enough to focus on a real guy. That was my favorite aspect of Avatar in general--the parts where you forgot the plot and just delved into the people. That, and the parts that scared the heck outta me. Along that line, Ba Sing Se's behind the scenes work was really incredible. The awesome music helps. :P


As for beating Azula, once again, I like how he didn't. It was a genuinely unexpected twist, and the whole experience added that much more to his character. Everything plot-concerned sort of changed in my eyes after that. And I kept anticipating Katara and Zuko, but it never came. :P

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Well, I know it would've been bad, but what I meant to say is that the naive part of me wants that to happen XP


It's mainly because I love his character so much that I want him to get the best of everything, ya know? Even though I know that would wreck the story, part of me feels like he should be Aang, not Aang, if you know what I mean.


You're probably right there as well, but it seemed fitting for him to win. Then again, "fitting" is not a word one would use to describe Zuko :P

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Haha yeah, the entire point of Zuko is solely for his life to get screwed up and make things cooler in the process. He can't win, it doesn't fit his character. :P


You know how they had those lighthearted, more for-the-purpose-of-entertainment episodes telling the stories of every char? I think each of those episodes should've been five or six. Maybe a holiday special or something. That would fit right in with Zuko. Then again, he got more episodes devoted to just him as a person and character than any other char, probably including Aang. Some might argu Zuko can be considered a main char, but I disagree; just the coolest one. :P


Know what else was just a plain awesome idea? The White Lotus.

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Know what else was just a plain awesome idea? The White Lotus.


If you say so. :P


Yeah The White Lotus was a good idea, and they handled it really well until the end. The idea of this ancient secret society that transcends the boundaries of the four nations, seeking philosophy, beauty and truth is a great idea and it added an air of mystery throughout the series. I just don't agree with decision of having Pakku, Bumi and Jeong Jeong all of the sudden turn out to be members without any hint of a connection to the Order.


That said, I do think the idea is good, and has a lot of potential exploration. Who started the Order? What other members are there? What major historic events have a connection to the Order?


And of course there are still the unanswered question of whether or not Sokka was initiated. I find the idea to be plausible; as I believe the White Lotus has tiers of membership (you know, the whole first degree-to-second degree-to-third degree).


Heck, if Sokka was initiated Zuko, Aang, Toph (one of my favorite characters ^_^), and Katara might have been as well.


I'm sure we'll find out in the new series. :D




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