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I have used Macs a few times, here and there, and I always get thrown off by the controls. Specifically control/command, etc. Recently I was fixing a paper on one and I could not cut/paste properly. Everything was thrown around to me.

People can use their Macs if they like, but I will stick to the OS I know how to use.



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The first step is admiting you have a problem. I'm sure you'll be able to get off the Mac if you commit to fighting this addiction.


(BTW, I'm a PC Fan. :P )



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“Hello, BZP, look at your computer, now back to mine, now back at your computer, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine, but if it stopped using Windows OS and switched to Mac, it could look like it's mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're at a desk with the computer your computer could look like. What’s in your hand? Back at mine. I have it, it's a computer mouse with two clicks on that thing you love. Look again, the clicks are now a spinning colour wheel. Anything is possible when your computer looks like Mac and not Windows. I'm on a Mac.”

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I've used them semi-regularly for some endeavours. If you're used to Windows, it takes a little bit of time to get used to Mac OS, but once you do you realize that Windows and Mac are really pretty much the same thing - the differences are minimal.
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“Hello, BZP, look at your computer, now back to mine, now back at your computer, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine, but if it stopped using Windows OS and switched to Mac, it could look like it's mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're at a desk with the computer your computer could look like. What’s in your hand? Back at mine. I have it, it's a computer mouse with two clicks on that thing you love. Look again, the clicks are now a spinning colour wheel. Anything is possible when your computer looks like Mac and not Windows. I'm on a Mac.”

I love this.


Also, I do believe Macs are generally more reliable than PCs, but as a Windows myself, it's a little hard to use them at first. But I pln to grab a Mac someday soon.



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