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Shooting Games



Why do shooting games always need to be so graphic? Why can't they make a shooting game where your enemies don't explode into a massive sea of blood, body parts flying haphazardly as they cry in sheer anguish for death's sweet embrace?


I like killing imaginary video game characters as much as the next guy, but why do games have to try to inflict war veteran post-traumatic stress disorder upon me? I'm into things being realistic and all, but what happened to playing games for fun?


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My thoughts exactly. I also kinda think that they're all copies of each other, but that's just me.


That is why I will never get shooter games.

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I half agree with you. I do like shooters to have some blood, because that makes it more realistic, but the games that just have buckets and buckets of blood and unrealistically graphic deaths are somewhat silly.


There are, however, quite a few shooter games that don't have massive amounts of blood - Portal is a good example (granted, you're not shooting a weapon - rather, a portal gun), as are the Metroid games. Some Metroid games do have some blood, but not a total bloodbath like a lot of games.

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A shooting game I'm playing right now involves exploding robots and seas of Bay-plosions, does that count? :<


But yeah, I don't mind a bit of blood or minor dismemberments (just as a reminder that I'm playing an M-rated game), but there's some games I just can't touch with a 30-meter stick.

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This is mainly why I miss those options of "Gore and Blood" and "No Gore and Blood."


I saw those options in like, one game ever.


(But, Battlefront II is still a fun game~)

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Metroid Prime > "Real" Shooting games.


It's a good blood-free option (The ESRB says it has blood. The ESRB lies.) Since you have a DS, you could get Metroid Prime Hunters. Or, for an amazing single-player experience, you could pick up a Wii and Metroid Prime: Trilogy (Both games are discontinued, though)


And Star Wars Battlefront.



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It's a good blood-free option (The ESRB says it has blood. The ESRB lies...

It actually does have blood. It just doesn't occur that often.


Something else to consider. Have games gotten more violent or has the technology with which we render the violence become more sophisticated?


Either way, I don't think it's fair to place the blame solely on the game makers. If there was a market for the violence, they wouldn't be making games that violent.


Adam Sessler from G4 also had good soap box video that also addressed the hyper testosterone of recent games. You might want to check that out too.

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It's a good blood-free option (The ESRB says it has blood. The ESRB lies...

It actually does have blood. It just doesn't occur that often.


Something else to consider. Have games gotten more violent or has the technology with which we render the violence become more sophisticated?


Either way, I don't think it's fair to place the blame solely on the game makers. If there was a market for the violence, they wouldn't be making games that violent.


Adam Sessler from G4 also had good soap box video that also addressed the hyper testosterone of recent games. You might want to check that out too.

I didn't see a bit in my MP playthrough. O_o


Metroid Prime > "Real" Shooting games.

How is Metroid a "real" shooting game above others?



I was saying that it's better than real shooting games.



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This is mainly why I miss those options of "Gore and Blood" and "No Gore and Blood."


Call of duty World at War had this in it, and I loved it.


Something else to consider. Have games gotten more violent or has the technology with which we render the violence become more sophisticated?

I can asure you it's not the technology, because DOOM (the first FPS ever I believe) had mass amounts of gore and blood in it, and it came out in 1992. Compared to other modern games, DOOM is WAY outdated.

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Metroid Prime > "Real" Shooting games.

How is Metroid a "real" shooting game above others?

I was saying that it's better than real shooting games.




Actually, It's not. Not at all.

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Metroid Prime > "Real" Shooting games.

How is Metroid a "real" shooting game above others?

I was saying that it's better than real shooting games.




Actually, It's not. Not at all.

BRaptor's right. I've played the Prime trilogy and didn't enjoy them.

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Metroid Prime > "Real" Shooting games.

How is Metroid a "real" shooting game above others?

I was saying that it's better than real shooting games.




Actually, It's not. Not at all.

BRaptor's right. I've played the Prime trilogy and didn't enjoy them.

Okay then, to each his/her/its own. I can't stand normal shooting games but I love the Primes.



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When you try to make a shooter game based on a 2D game. A lot of mechanics are created in a attempt to make it so you can do stuff that was possible in a 2D game, and most time people don't enjoy the result.


Some games are best left in their original format.

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When you try to make a shooter game based on a 2D game. A lot of mechanics are created in a attempt to make it so you can do stuff that was possible in a 2D game, and most time people don't enjoy the result.


Some games are best left in their original format.

And some games are better brought into 3D. IMO, the Prime Trilogy is vastly superior to the original 2D games (Or at least the original and Super, which are the only 2D Metroid games I own at the moment), and though I normally love 2D games, IMO they pale before the MP Trilogy.


And I apparently need to attach a neon IMO sign to each of my posts, because no one seems to realize that on the internet, everything is in the poster's opinion.


And the Metroid Prime vs conventional FPS debate rages on....



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If you want shooter games with less/no gore and aren't against sci-fi geekery then I would suggest Star Wars Battlefront, Star wars Battlefront II, or Transformers: War for Cybertron, all of which are fantastic games IMHO.

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This is mainly why I miss those options of "Gore and Blood" and "No Gore and Blood."


Call of duty World at War had this in it, and I loved it.


Something else to consider. Have games gotten more violent or has the technology with which we render the violence become more sophisticated?

I can asure you it's not the technology, because DOOM (the first FPS ever I believe) had mass amounts of gore and blood in it, and it came out in 1992. Compared to other modern games, DOOM is WAY outdated.


Wolfenstein 3-D, was one of the first (1992). Doom was 1993. But they both came from Id, so either way. [/Nerd]


I like blood and gore in my games, just as long as it isn't over done. Shotguns, RPGs, certain Sniper Rifles, and grenades are understandable. But pistols and SMGs should not be equal to M82s in the gore department (I'm looking at you Gears). Assault Rifles depend on what type of bullet.

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In reply to SPIRIT:

I have to agree with you. I've been enjoying playing Transformers: War For Cybertron. It has no blood of course, but all the fun of a shooter with some extra fun mechanics.


About the Metroid argument going on...

The Metroid Prime series probably won't be for the common shooter fan. Prime is more of an adventure game with a little platforming, and shooting along the way. They are fantastic games, but it's not really fair to compare them to other things outside the genre.

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If I'm remembering correctly and you can turn off the blood in it, I'd recommend Star Wars: Republic Commando. Battlefront II is bloodless and also quite good, unless you have low tolerance for stupid AI teammates.

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This is mainly why I miss those options of "Gore and Blood" and "No Gore and Blood."


Call of duty World at War had this in it, and I loved it.


Something else to consider. Have games gotten more violent or has the technology with which we render the violence become more sophisticated?

I can asure you it's not the technology, because DOOM (the first FPS ever I believe) had mass amounts of gore and blood in it, and it came out in 1992. Compared to other modern games, DOOM is WAY outdated.


Wolfenstein 3-D, was one of the first (1992). Doom was 1993. But they both came from Id, so either way. [/Nerd]


I like blood and gore in my games, just as long as it isn't over done. Shotguns, RPGs, certain Sniper Rifles, and grenades are understandable. But pistols and SMGs should not be equal to M82s in the gore department (I'm looking at you Gears). Assault Rifles depend on what type of bullet.



I should know that cosidering me and my brother are using the bloody game engine to make our own Bionicle style of one. But yeah, give or take I guess. Thanks for correcting . :P


But yeah, gore is needed only when it needs to be there. If you're making a combat simulator, than yeah, dempending on the bullet and weapons people should get gibed because, well, it wouldn't be a simulator if they didn't.

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Well, if you have a Wii, then the recently released Goldeneye sounds like a safe, T rated bet. I haven't played it, but considering all the good reviews it's gotten, you're bound to find some great fun there without all the added gore'n'guts. :P

Halo is also still suprisingly tame compared to a lot of the newer shooters. I'm shocked the latest version was even rated M, consideirng that the gameplay seems to have very little, if any blood, and absolutely nothing else that would garner a "mature 17+" rating. :unsure:

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Battlefront II is bloodless and also quite good, unless you have low tolerance for stupid AI teammates.

Haha, oh yes. Danged peeps kept setting off my mines! >.<


But oh how I loved to be the last man standing on Kamino and having to go on a boobytraped hunt for enemy snipers. So much fun on that game.



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I'm with Canama here; Metroid Prime is probably the best game I've ever played, followed by Metroid Prime 3. I prefer the freedom of those worlds to just running in essentially a straight line and shooting anyone who's on it. =P Plus the puzzles. I love puzzle. I haven't played Halo/Call of Duty, so correct me if I'm wrong, but those games are strictly shooting, correct?


And yeah, the blood is nonexistant in the MP Trilofy for me, too. Unless you count the sort of greenish splats some of the aliens leave after you destroy them.


I have Goldeneye, and it isn't too heavy on the blood. It's there, but it's fairly restrained, so it seems realistic without being disgusting, for those with less tolerant stomachs. =P

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Battlefront II is bloodless and also quite good, unless you have low tolerance for stupid AI teammates.

Haha, oh yes. Danged peeps kept setting off my mines! >.<


But oh how I loved to be the last man standing on Kamino and having to go on a boobytraped hunt for enemy snipers. So much fun on that game.



My teammates keep running into columns and getting stuck there. <_< I'm often twice as good as them, if not three times as much. Same goes for my younger brothers.


I have to agree, though, that Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II are EPIC bloodless first/third-person shooter games. It's just so fun mowing down battle droids as clone troopers. :D

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