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Hero Factory 2011

Brappy Hour


Not too excited about Hero Factory from these pics, but I'm always excited about new figures.



2.0 eh? Couldn't think of a Toa Nuva-ish name LEGO? Tisk tisk. You'll loose points for that.

I'm disappointed that Stringer and Bulk were shoved off to the sidelines. I liked them more than the other Heroes actually. I'm guessing we won't be seeing them next year even in the story. Stormers alright. He looks like a mini Kopaka. Evo and Nex look interesting. I think it's the first time black isn't around. :( But hey, purples back! After what, ten years?

The Rookies? Goodness. They look awful. How could they make such cool helmets in 2010, and make such ugly ones in 2011? Furno's got goggles, Surge looks like he's wearing headgear from a Jackal Sniper, and Breez looks like a medieval dark knight.



Like this year. The villains look much more fun to build. But also like this year, their names are uninspired. Jetbug. Lol. Reminds me of Stinkfly. Fire Lord isn't as cool as Von Nebula. Doesn't have that cool of a name either. (Even though Von Nebula is a silly name.) If you haven't noticed the theme for the baddies is fire. Just making sure.


Why are they still using Thornax Launchers?


That's my first impression. Opinion may change over time.

Thanks for reading. ^_^



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Thornax were the best launchers ever. That's why.


But yeah, they're not all too great. Drilldozer and Nitroblast sound silly, but aren't too bad, IMO. And no one really seems to like the Fire Lord. =/ I thought he was pretty okay, myself.

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