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Bionifight 4


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IC:"If he's dead, I don't think it counts," Zadakh said. "Plus, with superboss strength I think I can punch through a lifeless body and still hit you. By the way--"He then dashed out in a blur and delivered a super powerful punch."Did you finish charging?" Reaper asked."Well...not entirely," Zadakh said.

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Name: CapricornWeapon: Electrified Halberd. (Shocks whatever it touches)Power 1: PsionicsPower 2: Teleportation (Can carry equipment, or one other person with him)Power 3: His mind is a super computer, (He's a Android) allowing him to think at the speed at insane speeds, not to mention predict hand-to-hand attacks.Appearance: http://www.brickshel...me-ness_005.jpgI'll play a couple battles with my old chumps, to relieve myself of boredom.

Approved. Good to have you back. :)Round 19 Over.The winner this round is The Highly Visible Noob. Congrats on winning the final round before our short Bionifight Christmas Break You may design a special weapon of your own for me to approve via pm, as well as allowing one other person of your choice to do the same.Happy holidays guys, and I'll see you all back on the 27th for the Boss Battle against Sumiki! Spread the word!-ibrow
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Name: Josefina GomezWeapons: (20) Chakram-Gomez wields twenty chakram of protosteel. They are of wildly varying sizes and incredibly sharp.(1) Sanjiegun-Josefina uses a sanjiegun, or three-section staff, also made of protosteel. It is made to fit a toa's size and is easily capable of bending around foe's weapons to strike them.(1) "FREAKIN' BIG" flask of vodka-She carries a flask of vodka that is quite big, even for a toa.Drunken Monkey-Josefina knows and practices the martial art of Drunken Monkey Kung Fu. She is very skilled at it-so skilled, in fact, that her prowess actually INCREASES while drunk.The Captain's Cap-The preferred headgear of seemingly crazy and/or stupid people who possess extraordinary hidden prowess on the field of battle. It is a beret cap of faded bright black and has a sapphire cap badge in the shape of a star on the left side of its front. This cap grants elemental control of Oil-the ability to control/absorb/manipulate all hydrocarbons at a toa level. It also increases their luck to around the level a Mask of Possibilities would.Geta Sandals-Traditional footwear of Japan with all the cool aesthetics. This pair also has protosteel bottoms painted red and a special power. Apart from elevating one's feet and giving them an excellent striking surface, the wearer is granted the element of Sonics at a toa level. Survivalist Shotgun-THE shotgun used in every single zombie apocalypse/survival form of media there is, the freaking GREAT-GRANDNEPHEW of Engineer's. It looks to be a NORMAL Mossberg M500 from a distance. But there are special modifications to this one: A removable telescopic scope, a tactical knife strapped to it which can be used as a bayonet, and 20 OTHER FREAKIN' PIECES OF SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT STORED IN ITS WOODEN PARTS. Oh, and did we forget to mention the BOTTOMLESS MAGAZINES? Not only does the Survivalist Shotgun allow you to survive EVERY SINGLE DARN DISASTER to ever happen*-it also makes its user's powers stronger in proportion to just how outnumbered they are in combat and gives them heat and cold resistance that allows its user to TRAVEL TO KARZHANI AND BACK**.*Your Mileage May Vary.**No one has actually travelled to karzhani and back while using the Survivalist Shotgun. It Is not advised to try that feat at home. Power 1:Josefina has the power of Lightning at a toa level.Power 2:Gomez has the power of a Calix built into her body.Power 3:The aged lady has the strength of a Pakari.Appearance: Josefina Gomez appears to be a toa in her 50s and 60s in human years. Her armor is faded chocolate and gold, and overall she looks somewhat frail. Her chakram encircle her neck, Iden-shaped Kanohi's forehead, wrists, ankles, shoulders, and armpits. Gomez has gold eyes and a very swaggering manner, a bit bold in the way she moves and clearly unafraid. Her flask of vodka is constantly at her hip on a belt of muaka-hide alongside her sanjiegun. The toa is quite obviously Argentinian, and it shows in her thick accent and interspersing of Spanish throughout her speech. Josefina wears The Captain's Cap on the top of her Iden and Geta Sandals on the soles of her feet armor. She now perpetually carries the Survivalist Shotgun in both hands.And here's a special weapon for approval. It's for the first post-if I do end up getting the chance for my char to obtain one(s), then I'll PM some others to iBrony. This 's just for anyone else who wants their char to have it and wins a round.Armor of Veradux-A suit of stained pink (originally white) armor with glowing Red Crosses covering its surfaces and a polarized visor on its helm. It is highly durable despite its rather beaten appearance and serves well as protection. The armor also grants body-healing and regeneration (of both body and elemental energy) powers that can work on its wearer and on anyone they can sense, plus the ability to launch spheres of electricity with size determined by the user and quite a bit of speed.Note: Side effects of wearing the Armor of Veradux may include a tendency to be knifed by random chicks and an overwhelming desire to say "I'm gonna knock you silly" to foes.EDIT: So wait, my char can start with special weapons because of my victories with KO? Sweet. I'll send two to iBrony and save the third on my mind for later.EDIT 2: Considering KO is gone, I'll put up his special weapons just in case if anyone wants them as a reward.-Rinlöjm: This mythical weapon, in addition to its use as a combat hammer which also can be thrown, can summon lightning strikes from Asgard, and allows its holder to teleport via the bifrost.-Poke-Ball: This special weapon summons a Pikachu to aid its user in battle. This Pikachu is quite fast, and can use the following moves:1. Thunderbolt-Pikachu summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike its foes.2. Brick Break-A smashing attack typically used by the mouse to inflict blunt trauma & bash through stuff.3. Volt Tackle-Pikachu charges at its foes with a layer of electricity covering its body to shock upon contact. This can also be used as a defensive measure.4. Quick Attack-Pikachu attacks foes with superspeed. Can also be used to dodge.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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......?Bionifight 4 keeps falling off my to-do list and when I actually have time to come back (AKA remembering) its over for a bit.Raaargh.Yay, 2 new players! Or more....Also, aren't special weapons gained by winning a round? Unless you're just asking if its ok for when you DO win a round....

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Name: JiMingPower 1: Glove of Fire (summons a gigantic hand of fire that mimics the movements of the glove)Power 2: Earthshaker (a mace that causes earthquakes when it hits the ground)Power 3: Gale Spear (spear that can summon winds)Appearance: This Special Weapons: Celestial Brush.A divine weapon that stops time and brings up a gigantic brush that, depending on what is drawn, can cause actions to happen or create objects. (search up Okami for more clarification)Techniques:Power Slash (straight line):Acts like a sword slash, only it can't be dodged (the Celestial Brush freezes time when using it to draw), but can only be used on one person/object per use (two if standing right next to each other). It can also deflect enemy projectiles.Cherry Bomb (circle with a line coming out of the top):Creates a round, red/orangeish bomb that takes a few seconds to blow up. Two can be summoned per use, and if placed right next to each other, it blows up instantly.Vine (line attached from the user to a Konohana Blossom):Creates a vine that snaps the user towards the Konohana Blossom in order to reach higher places or stop the user from falling.Veil of Mist (two lines below each other):Slows down time for about four seconds (except for the user). Used to avoid attacks, move around fast objects, etc.Thunderbolt (vertical zigzag)Creates a thunderbolt to zap enemies.Waterspout (line from body of water to object/enemy):Can drench fires or enemies from an existing body of water.Fireburst (infinity symbol):Covers a large area with fire.Icestorm (star-shape with a line in the middle):Summons an icestorm/blizzard.Galestorm (Swirling loop):Creates wind to blow away enemies or attacks.Stats:Offense (Physical):3Offense (Non-Physical):7Defense (Physical):0Defense (Non-Physical):3Speed:7The Super-Mega-Awesome Hat of Awesome CoolnessAt first glance, it appears to be an ordinary baseball hat. However, if JiMing puts it on, it transforms into an awesomely-mega-cool suit (like a combination of a Halo suit and a Mega Man suit) that can do the following:Arms can transform into a Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness, Huge Fists of Power, and a Giant Sword of Painfulness.Can activate an energy shield that can absorb attacks, and incorporate them into the above weapons.Ex: If I was shot with lightning,I could use the shield and absorb the attack and shoot lightning bolts from the laser cannon, or electrically charge the fists or sword.A built-in jetpackThe ability to repair itselfCan activate a Super-Huge-Mega-Powerful Energy Nova Explosion blast that can encompass the entire are, but powers down the suit and turns it back into a hat for the rest of the round.And it can access the internet!Offense (Physical):4Offense (Non-Physical):6Defense (Physical):1Defense (Non-Physical):4Speed:5Shoopquaza.It looks like an ordinary Rayquaza, except for the fact it has a Shoop-da-Whoop face horribly plastered on it's head.It knows the following moves:Dragon PulseTwisterCrunchHyper BeamAll moves coming out of it's mouth are 2x more powerful. Especially Hyper Beam.It can also change it's size, from being the size of a toy, to regular Rayquaza size. Did I mention it's also indestructible?Offense (Physical):0Offense (Non-Physical):7Defense (Physical):3Defense (Non-Physical):3Speed:7

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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On the ground my corpse did a victory dance.OOC= Errrm not that I'm complaining that I won but I did kill myself at the end of the round. Not exactly winning material there.Anyway my special weapon will be.Gem of Ice resistance= Clips on the fire resistant armour and gives the user additional ice resistance at stage six kraata levels.and I would like to give Guts Style Pahrak the chance to craft his own special weaponPS= I'm working towards a limited resistance to all elements, with the gem and my armour I have Nujanii and ToD's favorite elements both pinned down.PPS= Approved

Edited by The Highly Visible Noob
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@Jl He's a returning player and was in Bionifight 3, so its okay for him to have a Special Weapon, actually TFL can have another one because before he had two of them so he can have two now.@JiMing You should probably exchange your second power for something else, powers that summon stuff like the Zatth are pretty useless and your third power would be better if it said it would give you control over air. @THVN You should probably make that Special Weapon do more then just give you ice resistance.Oh, and for those of you who are new to Bionifight I should introduce myself, I am MoC1 and I have been a Bionifighter since the second version of the game along with Toa of Dancing and kanohi_master. Thus I know the ropes... *dodges noose* ...of the game and will help you keep in the rules, have fun and politely beat you up.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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Thank you very much, Noob, and congrats on the win! :DHm, another special weapon...I'm thinking...Ethereal Keyblade Generator: A small piece of metal that, when fused to the top of the Chaos Reaper's handle/base of the blade, allows Zadakh to summon multiple Keyblades of energy that can trail behind the blade, fly out as projectiles, and circle around Zadakh. They deal just as much damage as when Zadakh swings the Chaos Reaper, but each one takes up a bit of energy. When using the Mystic Knight Gear, these Ethereal Keyblades can take on Elemental properties, but this puts a bigger strain on Zadakh.Now to send to iBrony...

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Name: Josefina GomezWeapon: (20) Chakram-Gomez wields twenty chakram of protosteel. They are of wildly varying sizes and incredibly sharp.(1) Sanjiegun-Josefina uses a sanjiegun, or three-section staff, also made of protosteel. It is made to fit a toa's size and is easily capable of bending around foe's weapons to strike them.(1) "FREAKIN' BIG" flask of vodka-She carries a flask of vodka that is quite big, even for a toa.Drunken Monkey-Josefina knows and practices the martial art of Drunken Monkey Kung Fu. She is very skilled at it-so skilled, in fact, that her prowess actually INCREASES while drunk.Power 1:Josefina has the power of Lightning at a toa level.Power 2:Gomez has the power of a Calix built into her body.Power 3:The aged lady has the strength of a Pakari.Appearance: Josefina Gomez appears to be a toa in her 50s and 60s in human years. Her armor is faded chocolate and gold, and overall she looks somewhat frail. Her chakram encircle her neck, Iden-shaped Kanohi's forehead, wrists, ankles, shoulders, and armpits. Gomez has gold eyes and a very swaggering manner, a bit bold in the way she moves and clearly unafraid. Her flask of vodka is constantly at her hip on a belt of muaka-hide alongside her sanjiegun. The toa is quite obviously Argentinian, and it shows in her thick accent and interspersing of Spanish throughout her speech.And here's a special weapon for approval. It's for the first post-if I do end up getting the chance for my char to obtain one(s), then I'll PM some others to iBrony. This 's just for anyone else who wants their char to have it and wins a round.Armor of Veradux-A suit of stained pink (originally white) armor with glowing Red Crosses covering its surfaces and a polarized visor on its helm. It is highly durable despite its rather beaten appearance and serves well as protection. The armor also grants body-healing and regeneration (of both body and elemental energy) powers that can work on its wearer and on anyone they can sense, plus the ability to launch spheres of electricity with size determined by the user and quite a bit of speed.Note: Side effects of wearing the Armor of Veradux may include a tendency to be knifed by random chicks and an overwhelming desire to say "I'm gonna knock you silly" to foes.EDIT: So wait, my char can start with special weapons because of my victories with KO? Sweet. I'll send two to iBrony and save the third on my mind for later.EDIT 2: Considering KO is gone, I'll put up his special weapons just in case if anyone wants them as a reward.-Rinlöjm: This mythical weapon, in addition to its use as a MC Hammer combat hammer which also can be thrown, can summon lightning strikes from Asgard, and allows its holder to teleport via the bifrost.-Poke-Ball: This special weapon summons a Pikachu to aid its user in battle. This Pikachu is quite the dancer fast, and can use the following moves:1. Thunderbolt-Pikachu summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike its foes.2. Brick Break-A smashing attack typically used by the mouse to inflict blunt trauma & bash through stuff.3. Volt Tackle-Pikachu charges at its foes with a layer of electricity covering its body to shock upon contact. This can also be used as a defensive measure.4. Quick Attack-Pikachu attacks foes with superspeed. Can also be used to dodge.-The Fearless Leader

Approved; welcome back. :)

Name: JiMingWeapon: Tahu Mata BladePower 1: Glove of Fire (summons a gigantic hand of fire that mimics the movements of the glove)Power 2: 30-foot tall Rock Golem (summoned through a pebble, can only be used three times per round)Power 3: Gale Spear (spear that can summon winds)Appearance: This

Everything checks out except for the second power; in most rounds you can summon help anyway (and without any real limitations), so perhaps giving yourself something like elemental control over stone would be better.-ibrow
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Ok, here is my form fixed out a little.Name: JiMingPower 1: Glove of Fire (summons a gigantic hand of fire that mimics the movements of the glove)Power 2: Earthshaker (a mace that causes earthquakes when it hits the ground)Power 3: Gale Spear (spear that can summon winds)Appearance: This

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Alright, thanks iBrony. Hope someone uses the Armor of Veradux and the other two weapons I freed...I love nostalgia. I will be designing more special weapons, even if they aren't for my char. I love making them.On another note: Guys, I made a poll in my blog pertaining to this. You might want to check it out. Which two special weapons should Josefina have from the start?And, yes. None of them have been seen by iBrony yet. So 'likeliness to be approved' should be a factor.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Capricorn waited in a bland room, his eyes glowing softly.27th, eh? Well, let it begin. Also, ibrow, what happened to those special weapons idea I gave you?

They ended up sort of falling through, because nobody was picking the weapons in the first post- now, people just design one for themselves each time they win a round.However, you could probably send people your ideas and they might use them.-ibrow
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WHAT? He gets to start WITH 2 special weapons???................................................................................................................................................Ok. Weird. What's a KO? (In older Bionifight versions.)

Power 2: Earthshaker (a mace that causes earthquakes when it hits the ground)

Doesn't that seem extremely similar to another special weapon a guy used?Monster something Inducer something something?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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WHAT? He gets to start WITH 2 special weapons???................................................................................................................................................Ok. Weird. What's a KO? (In older Bionifight versions.)

Power 2: Earthshaker (a mace that causes earthquakes when it hits the ground)

Doesn't that seem extremely similar to another special weapon a guy used?Monster something Inducer something something?
'KO' stands for Killer Octopus. He was my character for Bionifight 3 and the first six or so pages of -4 and can be found on the first page. His weapons, as you can see, are currently able to be rewarded. My new char got two special weapons because of his victories.And on the quaker: That is true, but Squishyfrog's version has the gigantic tentacles of Robert come out of the ground and try to shovel any beings down into the chasm. So it's a lot more powerful.-The Fearless Leader Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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You'll find out what his powers are tomorrow, just like you found out Fighty's only when he announced his attack. :P-ibrowEDIT: I apologize, but I've shifted the starting date of the Boss Battle from December 27th to December 28th, to give Sumiki a day to ask any additional questions he has and prepare himself. Also, you guys better start worrying- Forever Alone isn't going to be the only modifier limiting what you can do this round. :evilgrin:

Edited by iBrony
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@iBrony: K.@Squishy: Ah, gracias *blushes slightly*I do think I agree with your conjecture on what modifiers there will be. Weapons Negated will likely be present due to the fact that pretty much every char has 1 special weapon-in the case of Moc1, Pahrak, ToD, Squishypony, and THVN, their dudes have 3+-and iBrow will probably be there because......Well......This is iBrow. Are we really even to consider the possibility he'll just give us some hugs and kisses with a cherry on top?-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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I do think I agree with your conjecture on what modifiers there will be. Weapons Negated will likely be present due to the fact that pretty much every char has 1 special weapon-in the case of Moc1, Pahrak, and ToD, their dudes have 3+

You forgot my own character and THVN who have four Special Weapons each. =p Edited by Squishypony


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I have 5 Special Weapons also, I'm just waiting too see what Sumiki can do before I choose which of seven designs will help the most.And iBrow, the Boss fights are most fun if the only modifier is Forever Alone, if you add any of the others (except ones like Tag Team, CTF and Bounty Hunter, because those are incompatible with Boss fights) it just makes it annoying.Also I'm having a Blog Poll about my third power, please comment!

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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Anyways, I wanna see something like Tag-team... several teams of players trying to take the boss down first. Maybe whoever is in the team which won will get special weapons.

Uhhhhhhhhhg no. That would just seem to ruin the entire "everyone works together to defeat one big boss" idea. Maybe it's just me.


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If we get the ibrow modifier this round I will have to kill iBrony through the internet ... somehow.

Must... resist... temptation... to use... iBrow... modifier... and failing....

I have 5 Special Weapons also, I'm just waiting too see what Sumiki can do before I choose which of seven designs will help the most.And iBrow, the Boss fights are most fun if the only modifier is Forever Alone, if you add any of the others (except ones like Tag Team, CTF and Bounty Hunter, because those are incompatible with Boss fights) it just makes it annoying.Also I'm having a Blog Poll about my third power, please comment!

I don't think the modifier(s) I'm adding in addition to Forever Alone will be too bad. Except for the fact that you guys might be all like "NOPLEASEIBROWPLEASEDON'TDOTHISTOUS!!!"But yeah, other than that, don't worry.

Dec 28, 12:59 PM here...

Boss Battle will start roughly four hours after the time of this post. Since it's kinad pointless to give a time that half of you will have to adjust.-ibrow
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Let's look at the modifiers, shall we?BarebonesIf a Round has the Barebones modifier, no weapons are allowed during that Round.One Hit WonderIf a Round has the One Hit Wonder modifier, combatants are only allowed to use one of their powers.Forever AloneIf a Round has the Forever Alone modifier, no armies are allowed during that Round.Tag TeamIf a Round has the Tag Team modifier, each player will be assigned to another player. These players must always work together as allies.Bounty HunterIf a Round has the Bounty Hunter modifier, each player will be assigned a specific enemy to target. They may only attack this enemy.Weapons Negated

If a Round has the Weapons Negated modifier, then all special weapons during that round are disabled, both offensive and defensive.

Yes, I purposefully ignored the "iBrow" modifier.Now, let's examine each individually.Barebones-Weapons are not allowed. This is fine and dandy with me. Except that this means that we can't have special weapons either. I could live with it, after all, we could still use powers.One hit wonder-Only one power allowed. A special weapon could be selected in this category. I REALLY don't want this in a bossfight.Forever alone-My favorite modifier EVER. Keep it.Tag team-This would be fun if I got partnered with someone active. Otherwise no. No offense to anyone.Bounty hunter-Why? We would already have just one target (Sumiki) so what difference would this modifier make?Weapons negated-One of the many no-special weapons modifiers, this one only negates special weapons. I'd prefer not to have it, but It'd be fine if we had it.The iBrow modifier is completely ridiculous and should never see the light of day, night, or lightsaber again. Boss fight or no. Have a boggart execute it immediately.

Edited by kanohi_master
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It'll probably be all the compatible modifiers. In which case I'd be like, "Challenge accepted." Unless the iBrow modifier went into effect. Then I'd leave and not come back until the game was almost dead and iBrow was on his knees begging for all the players to come back. Then we could make him swear never to use it - at least in a bossfight - again. =3

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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