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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. Just watched it last night!




    I don't think anyone was expecting to see Billie Piper as someone other than Rose, but I really like the way they did it.


    Ten and Eleven are adorable together, and I love Hurt's incredulity at the way they talk and act. Hurt's performance in general was great. I really like the way he combined being a cantakerous old fart with a sort of innocence and naivete that the other two doctor's didn't have.


    The Zygons subplot was good. I liked the characterisation of Elizabeth I even if she doesn't quite seem to fit the time period. The constant bait-and-switching of the Zygons was very well done- not to mention Ten putting his foot in it talking to Elizabeth.


    The fate of the Time Lords seems both supportive of and contradictory to the events of "The End of Time" (TEOT implied they were "time-locked" rather than killed, but this episode showed that The Doctor thought they had actually died. Furthermore, does The Doctor have any intention of releasing them from the painting? TEOT suggests that that would be a bad idea... plot of the next series, perhaps?)


    Cameo from Capaldi! Shame we didn't really get to see his outfit. Tom Baker's cameo was interesting- I wonder whether that was foreshadowing a future plot element, or just a nice surreal little nod to the original, much like the scene at the end of Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller's "Starsky and Hutch."


    I was kind of sad that Hurt regenerated... I wanted to see more of him...




    Also, an adventure in Space and Time was on straight afterwards.


    I was sobbing uncontrollably by the end! It was all so beautifully done. There were so many adorable moments like Hartnell taking the schoolchildren on a pretend adventure and telling stories to his granddaughter (who weirdly does not age in the space of five years, but I'll look past that cause she's cute). And Matt Smith appearing at the end!


  2. Assuming that the twelve regenerations is a biological limit, he really shouldn't have enough energy to regenerate into Peter Capaldi given that Ten accidentally used up one regeneration in creating TenTwo. So I think "help from River" is definitely the way they'll go.


    That was a great minisode, though. Now I really want to see more of McGann as The Doctor. Also the meta: "I'm a Doctor! But probably not the one you were expecting". No, no we weren't.

  3. Squishy- I'm up to my ears in Buizels with 3-4 max IVs at the moment. Would you like a male one to get Aqua jet onto Azumarill? Edit: Bah, ninja'd.


    Sisen- I might be able to help you out with those remaining berries. I've also got Impostor Ditto now, so if you give me time I might be able to breed you a SS Poliwag...

  4. Sisen- since you're also breeding Eevees and have a Smeargle with Wish, I was thinking- If you could get Yawn onto that Smeargle as well, then trade me one of its offspring, I could give you a female Anticipation Eevee for it. (No problem if it's going to be too fiddly, just thought it might make things easier for both of us.)

  5. Just reposting, can anyone check what my 3rd safari Pokemon is?

    Hmmm... I don't think I've been online at the same time as you recently, but if you show up on my PSS I'll go back to the Safari and let you know.


    Also guys, I'm training up a Timid Protean Greninja designed to abuse Mat Block in Triples. So far, it's definitely going to have a Water type move and a Normal move, but I'm not sure what the third attack should be. Its Hidden Power is Steel, which has some potential defensively, but it's not a very powerful attack. Suggestions?


    Edit: dot, you have Eevee in your Safari.


    I'm training up an Aurorus at the moment, but the one thing that bugs me is... how does she not learn Power Gem? We've got a special attacking rock type Pokemon whose design is literally covered in gems and just... what? No Earth Power either, by the looks of things. Ah well.



    I've also trained up a Heliolisk for use in Doubles, but I've been a bit disappointed so far with how frail it is. I was trying to abuse Dry Skin in tandem with a Water Absorb Lapras and spam Surf, but it gets OHKO'd so often it barely gets to take advantage of the healing...

    What seems to be the problem? Is it getting outsped? Is it not OHKOing opponents? Or is everyone just ganging up on Heliolisk?


    I think it's partly coverage- Heliolisk functions okay in standard Maison doubles, but in the Super line we're running up against a lot of things that Heli and Lapras don't have a super-effective attack against. Heli's Surf is also fairly weak because of lack of STAB. Speaking of STAB, there's a real shortage of decent Normal-type Special attacks. Might consider adapting it to triples alongside Lapras and a Politoed and running Thunder on it instead of Thunderbolt.

  7. I'm training up an Aurorus at the moment, but the one thing that bugs me is... how does she not learn Power Gem? We've got a special attacking rock type Pokemon whose design is literally covered in gems and just... what? No Earth Power either, by the looks of things. Ah well.



    I've also trained up a Heliolisk for use in Doubles, but I've been a bit disappointed so far with how frail it is. I was trying to abuse Dry Skin in tandem with a Water Absorb Lapras and spam Surf, but it gets OHKO'd so often it barely gets to take advantage of the healing...

  8. So, we've lost about a month's worth of stuff? That's a pity...


    Well, I bought that Ability capsule, only to find it's a single-use Medicine item, not a multi-use key item like I'd imagined. So that was a bit disappointing, but it's there if I need it.


    Also, I've found that Power items + Horde battles make Super Training look pitifully slow. I gave my untrained Larvitar a Power Bracer and set it up with a large training bag, then went and summoned a bunch of Hordes with Sweet Scent. Its Attack was maxed before it had even finished the bag. (Yeah, I know, you're not supposed to just leave it sitting there, but I've still found that Sweet Scent--> Rock Slide x 12 is more efficient than repeatedly tapping the screen).

  9. Powerpoint will be very tricky, but if the story ends the same way each time, I suppose your responses don't actually need to have a direct effect on the progression of the story. Then again, the lack of choice may annoy some players who were expecting a game rather than a digital novel/picture book. That said, I really love the concept of something like this, and i hope you find the resources and people you need to do the concept justice.


    I would recommend checking out a program called Game Maker and browsing through some of the downloadable tutorials. Often you can just copy and paste the scripts into your own game, and just change the sprites and dialogue to suit your own needs. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


    I'm just trying to picture how Fluttershy's arc would end... obviously the mutual shyness would be the main barrier to the conversation, but does she run away? Politely say "no" and then burst into tears? Try to talk to him the way she would to one of her pets?

  10. Totally agree on the mask rip thing, although I was thinking he should worm his way into the outskirts of a group of fans then do it. I was so hoping he would do that and then just cackle and run away.


    As for the 50th... I don't understand all the fuss, really. If it was spoilerish enough to be worth protecting, then I don't want to see it. If it's not particularly spoilerish, then it doesn't really matter who sees it, does it? Don't know whether it was Moff's decision, or the BBC's, or whatever, and I can understand the sentiment behind it, but at the same time, I think a lot of people ( fans and BBC employees alike) are making a huge deal out of what should have just been a nice little sneak preview for those who were able to be there.

  11. Doesn't work on wood!


    Dovahkiin- I was thinking more about how much of the Titanic had crashed through to the inside. I mean, given the height of the TARDIS exterior, if you were to look at the whole thing from the outside it just wouldn't work. You couldn't see most of the front of a gigantic ship disappearing into a police box.


    But yeah, it's also improbable that the TARDIS wouldn't have just been forcefully knocked aside.

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