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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. Haha, "Hide" was a great episode! I loved the twist at the end. I'm still giddy from it...





    1. The professor being a Baker Street Irregular and the monster appearing in the credits as "The Crooked Man"- looks like being a Sherlock Holmes fanboy is an essential qualification for writers of this show.

    2. The TARDIS speaks again! I thought the initial use of the voice interface system in Let's Kill Hitler was a bit out-of-nowhere (especially given that it came so soon after an episode that established that the TARDIS could not appear in human form and speak to the Doctor), but it's nice to see more of the TARDIS's personality (Sassy monotone Clara-TARDIS for the win!)

    3. The atmospheric buildup with the ghost and the monster were great... also nice bit of parodying the fact that the monster is always much, much scarier before you actually see it.



  2. There was a little pink wing-like shape on the border around Sylveon at the end of the trailer (the other Eeveelutions had borders representative of their respective elements.) So, at the moment, it's looking like it's either Flying type, or a new type altogether (fairy, possibly?)

  3. Isn't the matrix always on? Oh, except in the previous episode when Clara was walking through the market full of aliens, but that can be handwaved as the TARDIS not liking her and deciding to translate only when she really needs it.


    i liked all the jokes about the translator in this episode, though. Nice bit of worldbuilding there.

  4. Same reason the Great Intelligence now has a face- it's been absorbing the memories of humans (well, humanish aliens) for a long time, and, well, you are what you eat. It may not be conscious of it, but it's inherited a few traits from the creatures it feeds on, and therefore has a tendency to anthropomorphosize itself to a certain extent.

  5. it was a gas giant planet. Although, the asteroids making up the rings could still be thrown seriously out of whack if the planet holding them in place suddenly vanished.


    That's the thing about The Doctor. He saves the day, but he always leaves a big mess for somebody else to clean up afterwards.

  6. @Blade- That does appear to be the case, but if it only took a copy of the memories, it wouldn't be considered a parasite/monster/soul-eater- it could maintain a peaceful symbiotic relationship with the rings' inhabitants without hurting anyone.


    Speaking of which...


    So, does the Queen of Years always get sacrificed to the planet-god? If that was the case I don't think the Doctor would stop by to watch the ceremony...


    Another interesting thing about the episode- it's possible that The Doctor himself has suspicions about Clara being linked to The Great Intelligence, which is probably why he went back to trace her origins- he wanted to make sure she was a real human. Of course, that doesn't explicitly rule out the possibility that she is linked somehow (given that people can be hacked and biology can probably be manipulated), but at least he knows she's real.


  7. Hahahaha; that would've been an awesome prank. xD Bonus points if, provided that got pulled off, that you decided to play a trick and change the background so that a 'wi-fi' search box was up there, with the 'access points' that were in the episode itself. That would've been amazing to witness, to be honest. xD Provided they had seen the episode. =P

    Change the wallpaper? Oh, that's brilliant. I was trying to figure out how to make a fake window appear (was mentally writing an unnecessarily complex executable to recreate her desktop). But that would be just perfect...

  8. I had the best idea for an April fool's day prank that only came to me a few hours after 12:00pm on April 1st. Darn.


    I was going to make a webcam video of myself saying "help me... I don't know where I am...", leave it running on loop on my technologically-inept mother's computer, then leave the house.


    *Sigh*...oh well...


    On the semi-bright side, our phone line got disconnected for a few days, so at least I got to walk around the house telling everyone I couldn't find the Internet.


    ... I pity my family sometimes...

  9. That password did strike me as being out of place. No one would come up with an acronym like that on the spot- it'd be something silly like "runny yellow custard beats apple risotto" (don't judge me I'm hungry). Likewise with the name "Oswin"... I don't think this necessarily implies that she's Dalek!Oswin, (because Oswin was also Victorian!Clara's middle name), but the fact that she came up with it herself during this episode does suggest that she has some sort of subconscious memory of her other lives. Clara being linked to/ a manifestation of the GI is looking like a good theory.

  10. Well, I have to say the Spoonheads themselves didn't terrify me as much as promised, but the trapped souls in the wifi were quite chilling, as were the people in the cafe scene. So, it looks like the Great Intelligence is going to be the major villain for this arc, which could be interesting, but I still can't help wondering about The Silence. They were defeated at the end of S6, but then that event was erased from the timeline, so... are they still active? It seems a bit unlikely that the writers would have just (sunglasses) forgotten about them.


    The first few scenes between the Doctor and Clara were quite sweet, although, I think I would be more than a little creeped out if I woke to find a strange man rummaging around my house and licking my belongings. And the whole "snog-box" bit was excellent, as was the throwaway line about Earl's Court.


    Apparently, they're releasing Summer Falls as an E-Book... I think I might need to buy it just to see whether that really is some alternate version of Sherlock and John on the cover...

  11. Short web videos that take place before an episode (Matt Smith calls them "minisodes"), usually released between seasons. Not particularly plot-important, but they provide a bit of background exposition. So far, we've had a two-parter "Space" and "Time" (takes place between S5 and 6, I think), a series of five clips called "Pond Life" (prequel to S6), three clips before "The Snowmen" ("The Great Detective" etc, starring Vastra and co.), and now a prequel to "The Bells of St John." (I think I might have missed a couple- anyone care to jog my memory?)


    And there's also another newish one- "Demons Run 2 days later" (Highly recommend that one-the ending is just precious).

  12. Well, if it's not the same one, it probably means that the poor kid didn't live very long after talking to the Doctor, so... I'd like to think it's the same one. (Depends on whether two Claras can exist in the same time period, or whether Clara has to die before another version of herself can be born). The characters' clothing looked modern, but it's not unreasonable to assume that the scene took place in the early 2000's.

  13. There's been a bit of a pattern with the kinds of Pokemon found in each generation...


    Gen I: All original Pokemon (duh)

    Gen II: Some more original Pokemon, with the addition of some evolutions and pre-evolutions of Gen I Pokemon. Gen I Pokemon still appear early in the game.

    Gen III: Focus is on the new species of Pokemon, and pokes from the two previous generations are fairly sparse. No new evolutions and very few pre-evolutions are introduced.

    Gen IV: Shifts focus back to previous-generation Pokemon, introduced over a dozen new evo's and several new prevo's for them.

    Gen V: Completely takes the focus away from previous generation Pokemon, which do not even appear in the main story. No new evos or prevos.


    So, in keeping with the pattern, we will probably be seeing a lot more new evolutions and the return of previous generation Pokemon in the main storyline (the trailers seem to confirm this, along with the Eeveelution reveal). Thoughts?

  14. He said it would erase his "entire adult life"- the intention being to take him back to how he was as a child, before he was corrupted by the Great Intelligence. I think any instance of a character's memories being erased or altered is going to have shades of horror to it, since so much of who we are is tied to our experiences. I found the Doctor's willingness to use it on Clara more horrific, though- it showed that he had become the sort of guy who would mess with an innocent person's memory out of convenience rather than necessity- even if the memory wipe was only of the last hour or so of her life (and there was always the risk that it would actually bite her and erase more).

  15. I think I've discovered a new bug in B2W2. I don't know exactly what I did when, but I think I left the Strange House before speaking to the ghost girl for the second time. Now I can't get her to reappear, certain rooms are permanently blocked off, and it looks as though I won't be able to get the Lunar Wing. Not a huge issue, but still a minor annoyance. Don't suppose anyone can help with this?

  16. ... The worst part is, I can totally imagine Kopaka wrapping himself in a black cloak and declaring that he vants to be alone.


    In all seriousness, though...


    Twilight starts out more like Kopaka, in that they initially don't understand the value of friendship/unity, and both have awesome analytical skills to boot.


    Rarity's the most "ladylike" of the group, so she could possibly be Gali...


    And, I'm starting to see an odd sort of connection between Onua and Fluttershy. Onua's always been known for his gruff voice and frightening appearance, when he is in fact very gentle and thoughtful... whereas Fluttershy looks and acts like the most adorable, harmless creature you've ever met, yet can be surprisingly intimidating and dangerous when provoked. They're both quiet outsiders that are often misjudged and overlooked.

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