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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. Currently trying to fill the National Pokedex on White 2. Even if you transfer one Pokemon from each evolutionary family, it's still a lengthy task evolving everything...Also, remember that BZP tournament we were planning a while back- I have a couple of quick questions on that. Firstly, what did we decide on with regards to "wild card" Pokemon (Pokemon not of your team's type) How many can you have, and do they need to have moves of your Pokemon's type?Secondly, some Pokemon tier classifications have changed recently- Garchomp is now OU, for example. Do we just use whatever the "official" tiers are at the time of our battles?

  2. On the gen III stuff- I'd say it's likely, since Gamefreak seems to be trying to make every single Pokemon ( event legendaries excluded) available within one generation by the time that generation ends (which is presumably why the Weather trio was available in HGSS). While we've had the Regi trio made available in this generation, we have not had the weather trio or certain other legendaries (The Sinnoh and Johto mascots, the legendary birds and beasts) The number of legendaries left over could easily make up enough for another pair of games.

  3. I am just surprised to see Lego putting one of their movies in the box office. Why couldn't they do this for Bionicle?
    The Bionicle films were made for video/DVD. The image quality and animation budget are not designed to be viewed in theatres. The average mainstream animated film has a budget above $50 million, and TLR had a budget of about $4 million. When the feature-length pilot of Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released in cinemas as a last minute decision, it received overwhelmingly negative reviews about the animation quality and kid-centric plot. If TLR was released and marketed as a theatrical film, it would be a laughing stock.This is a movie designed for theatrical release, and has a cast, production crew and budget to match. I do sort of agree with you, though- Hero Factory will be getting an animated/live action film released in theatres sometime in the next few years, and if Bionicle had stuck around just a few years longer (and perhaps if TLR had not been made, given the nature of the contract), it's almost certain that it would have received that treatment.
  4. Funny how I just came up with an idea that had...almost none of those things. :evilgrin:And besides, the above sounds waaay too much like Bionicle. Not all Lego themes are Bionicle clones. (If they were, somebody would have complained about it by now :lookaround:...and the rest of us would be celebrating, because the Bionicle legacy lives on. :P)
    I was thinking primarily of Ninjago, Hero Factory and partially Monster Fighters when I wrote it, actually, even though it could be applicable to Bionicle.And yes, I know that it does not apply to all Lego themes, but it is a very common framework for many of Lego's stories, and my guess is that it's the sort of pitch they like to see (Note that the lines that follow that pattern tend to be more high-profile than other LEGO lines). Not that it's a bad thing- that post was more mocking the idea of the simplified story brief than the actual toylines themselves.There are probably other mad libs-style pitches you could come up with, to cover stuff like the "Humans want the treasure, monsters get in the way" themes (Atlantis, Power Miners, etc), but yes, there will always be outliers such as Alien Conquest, Space Police and the Dino lines.
  5. How to create a pitch for a LEGO toyline:Pick out an item for each of the following categories:1. An awesome thing- preferably human or humanoid. Pirates, ninjas, explorers and knights are all good candidates.2. Whatever powers/weapons the heroes will have. Elemental or animal themes are recommended.3. An evil-sounding name for the head baddie. Regardless of setting, this character is always male, wears black, and has red eyes. Will inevitably have the title "Lord."4. An awesome evil thing. Must be explicitly not human. Examples include robots, dinosaurs, skeletons, zombies or any other "monster."5. A shiny thing for the characters to fight over. Preferably with special powers. Preferably, it's part of a set with other shiny things for kids to collect.6. What happens if Lord Baddie wins/collects all the shiny things. Probably involves destruction/takeover of the world.Now, fill in the blanks!A team of 4-6 heroic ________________(1) must harness their new weapons/powers of ____________(2) and unite together in battle against the evil Lord _______________(3) and his army of ___________(4) henchmen and retrieve/protect the _________________(5) before ______________________________(6)!... I know that sounds horribly cynical, but as Aanchir said, you can only do so much with 100 words, and even Bionicle sounds like that when you try to condense it.

  6. On the age restrictions thing- the way to find out is to send an email to the link provided in the PDF, which gets you the release form, which will likely come with a set of terms and conditions, including any age restrictions. You can get the form before you have anything to submit.My guess is that it will either ask for some sort of parental permission, or not allow submissions from people under 18.

  7. Well, EV training is a lot easier now thanks to Join Avenue, provided you have the right stores and the money to afford the items...I'm going to try and get Challenge mode- hopefully from my brother's Japanese Black 2. But if I decide to do a Nuzlocke, I'll probably activate it after the first battle...

  8. I thought about doing that until I saw the fine print. Basically, it's saying that if I submit an idea and they don't judge it to be the winning idea (which they wouldn't, because it doesn't fit the guidelines), they still own the idea and can use it anytime they want- and I'd be powerless to do anything about it. Perhaps the ends would justify the means, but I'd still be getting the short end of the stick.Neutral would theoretically be the way to go, but over the years, Lego's fans and employees have made it very clear to me that they are only interested in gender-segregated toylines, which is where the "constraction line for girls " idea came from. And I know that LEGO is not inherently misogynistic, I just think they have limited themselves (and their fans) a lot by saying that entries must be designed to appeal to boys. Really, why would another line of toys aimed at girls automatically compete with Friends, any more than Hero factory competes with Ninjago?

  9. When I first saw this, I thought, "Oh, great! This would be the perfect place to pitch my idea for that constraction line for girls!" And then I read the document and the first thing they ask for is..."products for 7-9 year old boys..."Seriously? I thought they were trying to appeal more to both genders now. A lot of people claim that Lego's main themes are/should be for everyone, but stuff like this makes it pretty clear that they aren't.Also, guys, I would recommend checking out the fine print before you submit anything to this:

    All rights related to any suggestion, results or submission made by you are here by assigned to the LEGO Group, who shall be entitled to exploit the suggestions and submissions is any way it may want now and in the future.
    It's sexist, exploitative, AND grammatically incorrect!
  10. I knew it!Back when they announced that Batman would be appearing in the big Lego movie, I was thinking that perhaps they were trying to start up a separate Batman continuity in the LEGOverse. Looks like that's what's happening, although I find it odd that they're releasing this before the main Lego movie- I think the plot and writing would be better if it was a spinoff of the main film.

  11. I don't have that many EV'd pokes, but I do have several hundred pokes ready to transfer from the 4th gen games for the dex. But first, I need to change the nicknames of about half of them. My brother's technique for nicknaming Pokemon was not only unoriginal, it was sometimes unintentionally obscene. I feel sorry for that poor Cascoon...

  12. They've released an unshot scene that reveals what happened to Brian after the end of The Angels Take Manhattan. It's very sad, but the ending is beautiful and bittersweet.

    I'm a little sad, but not exactly surprised, to find that the Doctor himself never went back to tell Brian. Thankfully, someone else did.

  13. And apparently the hiker from BW, who was available to ride the Ferris wheel with if you played as a boy (and had some slightly creepy dialogue in the Japanese version), is back, this time as an option for the female character... and he spends the whole time moping over someone who broke his heart two years ago. Again, don't know if that happens in the English version...

  14. I like to think it's some sort of propellor device... "Achromacopter ACTIVATE" *dokkadokkadokkadokka*

    Got my White 2 today. Decided not to open it til after my teaching prac is over (three weeks away). Let's see how long I last.Annyyyyywayyyy, since I will be playing as the female character and won't get to experience this myself either way, there's something I just have to ask...Has anyone been on the Ferris wheel with the Nursery Aid yet? If so, did they keep the special surprise in the English version?
    Not playing as the female character, and haven't ridden the Ferris Wheel yet. But I have read online that it was indeed changed.
    Well, that's no fun. Hmmm... now I wonder about the hiker...
  15. Got my White 2 today. Decided not to open it til after my teaching prac is over (three weeks away). Let's see how long I last.Annyyyyywayyyy, since I will be playing as the female character and won't get to experience this myself either way, there's something I just have to ask...Has anyone been on the Ferris wheel with the Nursery Aid yet? If so, did they keep the special surprise in the English version?

  16. Even calling it a "statement" is a bit of a stretch. I mean, yes, that's what it was in the technical sense, but it was really just a part of what seems to be a relatively informal conversation with one guy, not an official statement, press release etc, and it's really unfair to treat it like one. Heck, the default email that gets sent to people emailling LEGO about Bionicle is more official and informative than this.

  17. Blaziken, Beartic and others all have tufts of fur/feathers there. If you're going to start reading weird stuff into Pokemon designs, at least try and pick out something that hasn't been done to death. Like Bidoof. Pick on Bidoof. He deserves it more than Reshie.Personally, I do find Reshiram's design just generally awkward (not in that way, just physically ungainly). He's got a bit too much going on, especially with the cone shaped body and massive tail. He doesn't look like he could fly gracefully the way Zekrom could. I like the head and the wings, though. A fox dragon is an awesome idea.Anyway...Anyone seen the Pokemon Battle Royale site? it's the first 151, reimagined by various artists. I won't spoil it, but the Farfetch'd entry is hilarious.

  18. I would question the presentation of this "news". I have a feeling that the news team was being facetious when they suggested that this would/should spawn rumours about Bionicle coming back in 2014, but a lot of people are unfortunately taking it seriously. Really, it's just one guy affiliated with LEGO telling us that he can't answer a question/give a statement, either because he's not allowed to, or not informed enough to be sure about it.

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