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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. So, finally watched The Angels Take Manhattan.

    The idea that the Doctor won't be able to see Amy and Rory again is bogus- as long as he didn't permanently take them out of that timeline, it'd be fine. Heck, if he was really worried, he could just stop by for visits and not have them in the TARDIS again at all. If the TARDIS was prevented from landing in New York or wherever they are, he could park it in another part of America in the same time period. He could even take their family members back to see them. (That was one thought that really saddened me- would the Doctor go back to tell Brian what happened? What about Amy's family?)That said, one of the good things about that ending is that it doesn't actually rule out the possibility of the Doctor seeing Amy and Rory again, despite what the Doctor said. If he happens to be anywhere on Earth between 1930 and 1970 (I'm assuming that's roughly where they are), it's possible that he could accidentally bump into them. The fact that he even said that just seems to be for the sake of dramatic tension more than anything else. I don't think there was anything wrong with the way Rory ultimately went- the mood whiplash is part of what makes this show great, and it just makes it that much sadder that he didn't get to say goodbye to the Doctor, his father, or anyone else.

    Also, a nitpick about Series 7 in general: How old were Amy and Rory supposed to be? The flashbacks in Let's Kill Hitler establish that Amy and Rory are about the same age (As kids, Amy actually looked much older than Rory, but girls do develop earlier than boys). In Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, Rory says that he's 31. That's presumably in real-world time, given that Brian didn't question it. That makes Amy 30-ish in real world time as well. Then in The Power of Three, Amy estimates that they've spent an extra 10 years with the Doctor, outside their normal lives. So, that would put Amy and Rory at about 40, biologically speaking (And Amy's actress is what, less than 25?) And then The Doctor goes and comments on Amy's non-existent wrinkles... she looks fantastic for 40, you insensitive git!

  2. Alt. Tuyet's body was in pieces- Matoro had to use the mask to reassemble it. But the Matoran deaths in Metru Nui do seem like a bit of a plothole.

    If Gaardus' witness is any credibility, Tren Krom had enough time to realize that he couldn't move very well in his gelatinous form before being destroyed, and also time to feel shocked and send a telepathic message, which he probably wouldn't have time to do if the teleportation itself killed him.
    What if it was the teleporting itself that killed him? Like, if he was teleported there inside out, or with some internal organs in the wrong places, and that kind of restructuring caused an explosion?
    Okay, how about this- we don't know what kind of tech/powers Velika has access to, but he could achieve that effect with Tren Krom and Karzahni using only teleportation technology. In Karzahni's case, he was teleported to a spot in mid air high enough for the fall to shatter his body, and in Tren Krom's case, there could have been some sort of explosive that he was teleported onto. If it was a time bomb, there'd be time for Velika to run away, time for Tren Krom to look at his surroundings and wonder what was happening before getting blown into sushi.
  3. Haven't seem PoT yet, but this series is strongly implying that the Ponds are getting tired of the Doctor and will eventually decide to stop travelling with him for good, leaving the show that way......which naturally means that Moffat is going to kill them off in the most gruesome and heart-wrenching way ever. Discuss.

  4. I don't actually see why a memory wipe would be necessary from the GBs' point of view. If one of the nanobots had an accident and died, wouldn't it be better for them to retain the data so that they didn't make that mistake again?Greg has hinted that Jaller's revival was related to the Red Star, which, along with Mavrah's presence, implies that the dead beings are revived to be exactly the same as they were before. The reason Jaller didn't remember being resurrected in the Red Star (actually, we don't really know what Jaller remembers about dying, if anything), is because he was sent to the Red Star without a mask- he would have been unconscious until he was brought back by Takutanuva.

  5. And I'm a bit late to all this, but I would like to put in my two cents' worth on the choice of the Great Being: to be perfectly honest, it does seem a bit like it was pulled out of nowhere. There was no foreshadowing, no mention of Velika or any other Voya Nui Matoran earlier in the serials- we hadn't heard anything from him in six years. I think in any mystery, there should always be clues to follow, even if they are ridiculously difficult
    Like I said before, there was plenty of foreshadowing, whether originally intended for this or not; it fits perfectly (which is why the majority of people following the 'who is it' topics had come to agree it was Velika. :)) All in 2006 at that, plus in 2001 we knew of Great Beings and most people assumed they were all watching things actively. And this flows naturally out of the learning that this life is artificial -- made by the GBs.Also, what other twists have had more foreshadowing? This idea of criticizing a twist for this reason appears to be completely new to this instance, and I must wonder why? It seems like it's basically just because this came after the end of the main plot.
    Fair enough- I suppose if you look at the entire Bionicle canon as a single story in its own right, there would be plenty of room for the interpretation for some of Velika's behaviour as being suited to a disguised GB. I was looking more at the serials as being individual stories in their own right- neither TYQ or TPTB (or any other serial set in the main universe) had any mention of Velika in them, so what I meant was that he was possibly a bit too far removed from these particular stories for them to play out as a "fair play whodunnit."In fact, this is probably a personal pet peeve more than anything else, but I've often found that the serials don't function independently as much as I would have liked.While the individual chapters are well-written, many of the serials feel more like fragments than actual whole, coherent stories in their own right (Reign of Shadows in particular struggled with this). Maybe that was the intention all along, so this could just be a matter of it not happening to match my personal tastes rather than an actual flaw, but I do think that this approach may have been a factor in Bionicle's demise. If the story had been broken down into coherent chunks that could be enjoyed and understood by newcomers (but still forming a part of an overarching arc) it might have been more appealing to the target audience.
  6. @KFRD... there's something very ironic about the fact that I warned you about your team being weak to Ice moves... and then having all your Pokemon that AREN'T weak to ice get wrecked by one.And sorry, I assumed you knew about Saturn! At least his team isn't as tough as Cyrus's.

  7. We're forgetting that The Yesterday Quest serial stars another character who could be considered to be "malfunctioning"/acting outside the parameters: Orde. What if he was going to be the next intended victim? Actually, this motive does make it seem more as if Orde's backstory was well thought out after all. The first time I read it, I got the distinct feeling that Greg was making it all up as he went along, trying to cover up the fact that he accidentally made a male Toa of Psionics, but I have to say, this does tie everything together really well.It also brings up some pretty horrific implications for what might have happened to the rest of the Voya Nui Resistance team... their behaviour could easily be considered "acting outside the expected parameters" even if it was for the greater good. Consider especially that Kazi acted somewhat hostile towards Velika. Against unfriendly Agori or even Glatorian, those Matoran could quite easily be considered a threat. And I'm a bit late to all this, but I would like to put in my two cents' worth on the choice of the Great Being: to be perfectly honest, it does seem a bit like it was pulled out of nowhere. There was no foreshadowing, no mention of Velika or any other Voya Nui Matoran earlier in the serials- we hadn't heard anything from him in six years. I think in any mystery, there should always be clues to follow, even if they are ridiculously difficult. Perhaps if the chapters had continued, we would have seen something of this, but as things are, there was nothing that led up to it at all. It just seems... isolated from the rest of the story, if that makes sense.There's nothing holding it in place. At least if it had been Kapura, it would be someone we'd seen recently- and someone who was actively participating in the rebellion against Makuta too. So, while I like the reveal of the motive, the GB himself doesn't seem to fit.

  8. My experiences in the GTS have forced me to conclude that Shiny Latias are considerably easier to come by than Sand Force Hippopotas. Seriously, I have about a dozen Latias, and three of them are shiny, and yet I have filled up nearly an entire box with Hippopotas and still no Sand Force.Also, my offer still stands if anyone happens to have a female DW Hippopotas. I have plenty of pokemon with various DW abilities to offer.

    I just restarted my Pokemon Platinum. I've got a few rules that I've set for myself:
    • Only six main Pokemon may be used in battle. Any other Pokemon obtained may only be used for HM slaves.
    • All Pokemon must be within 5 levels of each other.
    • What you see is what you get; once you've caught a Pokemon, you can never catch a different member of it's species, unless it's a shiny.
    • Once you have reached a major story point, such as a Gym or showdown with Team Galactic, you may not interrupt it unless you are going to the Pokemon Center to heal. No battling in between allowed.

    My current team consists of a Lv.38 Torterra named Time, a Lv.38 Luxray named And, a Lv.39 Gliscor named Dimensions, a Lv.38 Gyarados named Relative, a Lv.37 Staraptor named In, and a Lv.37 Medicham named Space. I named my character Doctor, my entire team is Male except for Gliscor, I have just earned my seventh badge, and I am currently in Team Galactic's Veilstone HQ.Any advice to help me figure out on how the Weepinbell I'm going to be able to pull this off?

    I thoroughly approve of the naming choices.Okay, so you have about ten trainers to face, and you can return to the Pokemon centre at any time, right? Lead with Luxray for the first few floors to take out the Golbats and Murkrows, and switch in Torterra when necessary for the poison types. Your biggest problem will be Cyrus, but his Sneasel doesn't carry any Dark moves so you can lead with Medicham, then use Lux or Gyara on the Crobat and Honchkrow. Make use of the Exp. share if you have it. You have a pretty big Ice weakness that you'll have to deal with later, but it shouldn't be a problem at the moment.
  9. I think all of the English language games are pretty much interchangeable, but I could be wrong. My brother's Pearl card was imported from America, but we never had any trouble accessing the wireless events here. I don't even know if there's any discernible difference between a cartridge from America and a cartridge from Australia.

  10. Australia's a week behind (unless you use iView), so I haven't seen Mercy yet. Dinosaurs was a lot more Saturday morning cartoon-ish than most episodes (I mean, the bad guy's spaceship was coloured red and black, the raptors don't have feathers, the triceratops acts like a dog, and there's a standard "girls can do anything" message in there to boot), but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, and between all that and the Doctor's cute, zany antics throughout the episode, it sort of lulled you into a false sense of security so that the ending had more of an impact.

  11. Guys, it's not about the premise, it's about the execution. So many great films and TV series can be summarised down to a very generic-sounding synopsis. Something like Avatar: The Last Airbender can be distilled down to: "A young boy gifted with special powers, aided by his loyal friends, must go on an epic journey to overthrow the evil empire and save the world". That basic plot is everywhere, but, in the right hands, it can become something amazing.I find it odd that a licensed character like Batman would have such a prominent role, especially with no mention of other licensed characters, but perhaps Batman was the only one they could get permission to use, given that the Dark Knight trilogy is being made by WB Studios. If done well, this could even lead into a separate Batman continuity that takes place in the LEGO 'verse.

  12. I was thinking about augmented reality stuff today, and where it might lead to in the near future. I predict that in about five years time, we'll be able to have battles in our living rooms with full size AR Pokemon. (Some Pokemon would have to have a bit of a size reduction, obviously, but anything under eight feet could be full size.) I don't think it would be incorporated into the main series games, but it could work as an extra minigame equivalent to Dream Radar or something like that.

  13. Finally got around to watching the Pond Life shorts today. They're adorable! Especially the second one, with the Doctor first barging in like a little kid telling Mummy and Daddy there's a monster in his bedroom, and then awkwardly trying to act like a responsible adult and assure them it's all okay...Also, I'm a bit late on the Asylum of the Daleks talk, but...

    When you think about it, the Daleks must have technology that can generate any sound they want, be it speech or otherwise, since Oswin was able to transmit not only a human sounding voice, but also the music she thought she was listening to. And Oswin was able to manipulate that sound technology subconciously and telepathically.

  14. There was a Japanese exclusive DW area available last year in which Eevee was obtainable. After a lot of persistence, I got one off the GTS.Oh, yeah, and I also have DW Bagons available if anyone can help me with the Swinub/Hippopotas.EDIT: I got myself a Swinub, now looking for Hippopotas.

  15. I think familiarity is a big part of Charizard's appeal, too. There's really nothing that distinguishes him from every other cartoon dragon, but Western-style dragons have always been popular. Ivysaur and Blastoise have more unique designs, but are less popular. Also, I'm looking for a female DW Hippopotas and Swinub. I can offer DW female Eevee, Lapras, Dratini, Tangela, Gligar and can possibly breed some other stuff if necessary. Anyone able to help?

  16. You know, some of the Dream World abilities become quite cute/funny when you consider that they may represent the "dreams" of that Pokemon...Pansage, Pasear and Panpour get Overgrow, Blaze and Torrent, because they want to be like the starter Pokemon.Durant gets Truant, because ants are always working.Tropius gets Harvest, because it just can't get enough of those bananas.The Nidos get Sheer Force, because they've always been overlooked as offensive Pokemon.Tornadus and Thundrus get defiant, because Landorus is always keeping them under control.Absol gets Justified, since it wants to be seen as a hero.And Smeargle gets Moody, because it wants to be an angsty, tortured artist type.

  17. How about each differently typed Poke over the original wildcard must have a move of the team's type? That sounds reasonable.~B~
    Although, if that was the case, I could run something like Gyarados, Hydregion and Metagross alongside only three actual Ground type Pokemon (or less), as long as most of them carried EQ or Earth Power. Which is why I was thinking that there should be a limit to the total number of wildcards (I vote two, with the "must have move of team's type" rule in place). I realise that with something like Ice or Poison it's a bit harder to find five good Pokemon of the same type with decent synergy , but I would say four pokes with two wildcards wouldn't be too difficult for any given type.
  18. I vote one, but, as I said above, I would be open to the possibility of two IF there was the added restriction of each wildcard having an offensive move of the theme type. So, if you had a Bug type team, you could include a Gliscor and an Espeon, provided they carried X-Scissor and Signal Beam, respectively. I say an "offensive move" because otherwise, these teams will start looking a bit like Flint's from Sinnoh...

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