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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. I would say either have one alternate-typed Pokemon, period, OR, two alternate-typed Pokemon that have offensive moves of the team's type. I would personally go with flat battle rules myself- if we kept it to manual level 50 that would rule out stuff like Dragonite and Volcarona, and I think level 100 is probably not worth the effort for most people.I would like to claim the Ground type, if that's possible.EDIT: Argh. Only just remembered that ingame flat rules only allow for 3 Pokemon in Singles. Wish there was a way to customise that...

  2. I'm gonna rock the boat a bit and say Hahli x Matoro. I liked Hahli and Jaller together when they were Matoran, but Jaller's personality has changed too much in recent years, I think. And Greg seemed to go so far out of his way to avoid any romance implications between those two that they don't even seem to be particularly close as friends any more.Meanwhile, Hahli and Matoro had a lot in common. They both had that struggle with their confidence and weren't sure whether they were fit to be Toa. From what we saw, they worked well together, and Matoro had a degree of warmth and caring about him that Jaller no longer outwardly shows. Hahli also seemed to be the most affected by Matoro's death. I also liked what we saw of Lesovikk and Nikila. (No, I don't have a particular preference for tragic ships... why do you ask?)And, at the risk of going slightly off-topic, I fancied the idea that Gelu might become attracted to Chiara, which would fail for obvious reasons. Gelu would eventually get over her, and Kiina would get over Mata Nui, eventually resulting in Gelu x Kiina.

  3. I've seen people on other forums talking about the birds being there, so you're probably right, but the chart on the website doesn't show the birds at all.And they said "for download" which could refer either to computers (wallpapers, screensavers, etc) or to Mystery Gifts... the fact that they showed video footage from the games does imply that it's game-related.

  4. Total reboot. Get a talented animator/creator to make a TV show, hand them the story bible, and say "knock yourself out". Make the story drive the sets.It needs to be a completely new continuity, but possibly following the same basic story structure. The characters could be mixed around a bit (For example, they might get rid of the gendered elements rule, or even have a completely new set of characters that are expies of the old ones). And having a TV show gives you more screentime to tell the story in detail, so we don't miss huge chunks like we did with the movies.

  5. For those that haven't seen 'em yet.Here is the official map of Equestria, and here is the Season two cast poster.Best parts about the cast poster: Lyra, future Twilight and Docter Hooves, and they put Vinyl and Octavia together!
    Not to mention Pinkie still terrorising Cranky, Ninja Mulia, Screwball looking adoringly at Discord, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stealing Luna's stuff...EDIT: Also, that whale-blimp thingy in the background- Which episode is that from?
  6. So, it's down to "Take a random six Pokemon" (one from each of the current DW areas) OR " Take only one, but of your choosing" (since you're counting Entree Forest as the area, rather than the DW.). I'd probably opt for the second option myself, since the first one would take several days to do anyway.

  7. One DW Pokemon? Yeah, I can work with that... So, if in most games a "game completion" is beating the Elite 4, but in HGSS it's beating Red, what would you guys say "completion" is for B2W2? I ask because I hear there are quite a few extra "bosses" in the post-game.

  8. Isn't there a penalty for ragequitting in Random Matchups as of BW2?As for Landorus, if you have a max Speed one, it works really well if you just give it a Rock Gem and partner it with with a Tyranitar holding an Air Balloon. You get half the boost you would from Pure Power from the sandstorm, without using a turn to set up. Perhaps a Scarfed one could work too, but then you'd be switching more often.

  9. Ten doesn't really do the morning cartoons any more- they're all over on the digital-only channels. A couple of networks have started showing "girls shows" on one channel, and "boys shows" on another at the same time. While I don't think that kind of segregation is preferable, it does mean that they can run more girl-orientated content without worrying about losing male viewers. So, maybe it will happen eventually, but even if it does it will be a long way behind The Hub.I read somewhere that the Australian version of Cartoon Network shows MLP. Can anyone confirm/deny?

  10. For EXP training- Start with the Pokemon you want to train at level one. Give it a Lucky Egg to hold. Put it in the first slot of your party. Have a powerful Pokemon with Explosion or Selfdestruct also in your party.See if there's a Doctor or Nurse at Nimbasa stadium (If not, rustling grass on route 14). Activate the EXP Pass Power. Start the battle. Switch out to your exploding Pokemon and BOOM! Lots of EXP. If you do all that with a Pokemon starting at level 1, it should grow to around Level 40 after one battle.And Arrow, you can always get a Pokemon with Frisk and/or a Pokemon with Covet, and have them in your party while you're in the Giant Chasm. Wild Clefairies and Lunatone have a 5% chance of holding moon stones. I managed to get about 15 moon stones that way, and I found a shiny Clefairy while I was there, too.

  11. What the heck.Someone traded me a level 100 Charizard for a Chimchar!What on EarthHow what who
    I reacted like that first time I got a shiny Suicune for a Combee.And now I'm like "Oh, ANOTHER Shiny Latias? Meh, I'll put it in the box next to the other two."I tend to value shinies that I didn't catch myself a lot less than shinies I know are legit.
  12. How are kids not aware of Genghis Khan, Alyska? :P~B~
    I think it depends on where you went to school and what you were taught. I had heard of him, but only through books and video games. Most of my friends in primary school would not have. And even I didn't make the connection until I was much older. There's also things like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres that would go over most people's heads. The third gen in particular was a gold mine of clever names.Then there's the obscure biology references to enjoy when you're older as well. Parasect, for example- a bug possessed by brain-eating fungi growing out of its head that controls its behaviour. Surely the stuff of fiction, right? Wrong! There actually is a species of fungus that does that to bugs. Sweet dreams!
  13. Well, in the case of Metang, the Pokedex states that it's formed by two Beldum fusing together, and that Metagross was two Metang fused together. You can sorta understand why they might be a bit hesitant about evolving in that instance.The Dream World has many flaws, but I think not being able to contact your ingame friends is one of the worst. That and the fact that the Dream Tree ate all my berries out of spite just because I didn't visit the website for a few months.

    the Altaria is named SWAB,
    That is actually so clever I had not noticed that at all before
    My brother wasn't being clever, he just took the first few letters out of "SWABLU". But Swablu itself, if that's what you mean... yeah, I guess it's pretty clever. I reckon some of the best Pokemon names are the ones you don't understand until you're an adult, like Kangaskhan.
  14. It is, actually. Apparently, some hackers tried stealing it from him and found that it had an IV of 31 in all of its stats. I wouldn't have thought Joey would know about RNG abuse...Speaking of youngsters, I'm getting a bunch of Pokemon off my brother's Pearl ready to transfer to White 2, and I'm seriously considering taking the lot of them to the naming guru first. My brother was the sort of kid that couldn't think of creative nicknames for Pokemon, but insisted on naming them anyway. Which is why the Torterra is named TURT, the Altaria is named SWAB, and the Milotic is EEB.... and that's why he never got to name any of our pets. :P

  15. We all miss you, Greg!Thank you for devoting so much time and energy to Bionicle and BZP. It makes me somewhat sad to think that I may never be able to have another long-winded, pointless argument about minor story details with you ever again (and you still haven't answered any of my one hundred and ten questions, OR my follow-ups!), but I look forward to seeing more of your post-Bionicle work.Anyway, Happy Birthday, Greg. Have a good one.

  16. Hmm.. I see. First of all, I assume you mean after defeating two Herdiers when the Samurott levels up? Or is that a misconception of mine? And, is it really a good idea to poor all those EVs into two different stats? Should I put them to fill in my worst stats, or upgrade my best? Or both?
    Prior to Gen V, you would only see the stat gain on level up, so you're half right. But in Black and White, you should be able to see an increase instantly.Where you put your EVs depends on what role you want your Pokemon to play in battle. If you want a physical sweeper, you don't really need to focus on anything other than Attack and Speed. If it's a Special sweeper, Special Attack and Speed. You should invest significantly in more than two stats only if you want the Pokemon to be more of a supporter/tank that's less focused on doing direct damage, allthough, you should probably still max the HP in that instance.So, in some cases, you try to give a boost to your Pokemon's best stats (as is the case with most sweepers, especially if they have naturally high attacking stats and Speed), and in other cases, you're trying to make up for a deficiency in one stat. For example, Vaporeon has great HP and Special Defence, but terrible Defence. So, most people who use Vaporeon will give it a Defence boosting nature and max out its Defence EVs, to allow it to take physical hits a bit better.
  17. Oops. I meant Battle SUBWAY above. I already figured out what the rewards are now. But, now I don't know what the Battle Tournament is..Also, am I the only one happy that Reshiram is going to be in W2, and Zekrom in B2? Yay now I don't have to buy B2 this time around.EV Training, is basically getting one of those stant-enchancing items, and just levelling up, right? Or do you need to fight specific Pokemon? I'm holding off on training my Samurott so I can figure this out.. I'm going to get Tepig (Or possibly Snivy) in White 2 instead of Samurott..
    If you want a perfectly EVed Pokemon, you will need to fight specific kinds of Pokemon. I'll try and get it down to the basics for you:-ALL battles grant you EV points, except for ones that don't give EXP, such as WiFi battles and the subway. Chances are, your Samurott already has some EV points in various stats, unless you only leveled it up using the Daycare and Rare Candies.-Different Pokemon give different amounts of Effort Points ("Effort Values"). For example, Herdier gives 2 points in Attack. Most of the main Pokemon fansites will mention the EV yield of each species somewhere in their Pokedex entries.-Four EVs in a stat = an increase of 1 point in that stat. So, say your Samurott has an attack stat of 102 at the moment. You go out and defeat two Herdiers, then check the status screen, and Sam should now have an Attack stat of 103.-The "Power" items give you an extra 4 points in their respective stat per battle. If Sammy is wearing a Power Lens and fights a Herdier, he will gain 2 Attack EVs and 4 Special Attack EVs. If he has a Power Bracer on instead, he will gain 6 EVs in Attack.-There is also a rare condition called Pokerus that doubles your EV gain. The boost from any "Power" items is also doubled, so if Sammy has Pokerus, wears a Power bracer, and fights one Herdier, that's (2+4)x 2 = 12 Attack EVs. Not too shabby for one battle.-The Macho Brace item has the same effect as the Pokerus, so, fighting one Herdier with the Macho Brace and Pokerus would give you 8 Attack EVs. (Not bad, but you can see why most people go with the Power items instead.)- The total amount of EVs you can gain overall is 510, and the maximum total per stat is 255. However, because of the way EVs work, you need a number of EVs that's divisible by 4. Any remainders will be wasted. So, most strategy Pokedexes will recommend having 2 stats with 252 EVs each, and a third stat with 4-6 EVs. (There are other possible ways to distribute stats, of course, but that seems to be the most common pattern.)-You can check whether you've maxed out your EVs by going to a certain character in each game (In BW, it's a Lady in Opelucid city), who will tell you that the Pokemon "put in great effort" if it's maxed, or "needs to work harder" if it's not.-And finally, because your Samurott already has some unwanted EVs, try and get ahold of some EV-reducing berries before you start. These are: Pomeg, Qualot, Kelpsey, Hondew, Grepa and Tamato berries. If it says it won't have any effect because your Pokemon has maximum happiness, you may need to feed it some bitter herbs first. It will tell you when you have gotten rid of all the EVs by saying that the stat "won't go any lower".There's a few other things I haven't mentioned yet, but that's basically all you need to get started. In all honesty, though, I would start with a freshly caught/hatched Pokemon rather than your Samurott, so you don't have to go to the trouble of obtaining the berries and un-training it first.Hope that helps!
  18. One flaw I found in AI double battles, even on the Subway, is that while they can tell which ability your Pokemon has before it activates, they don't seem to think about abilities that take moves for other Pokemon. So, they may know that my Zebstrika has Lightningrod, but they still think they can use Thunderbolt on the Gyarados next to it. And even after they've tried it once, they keep doing it again and again.So, what's everyone doing to prepare for B2W2? (Assuming you haven't got the Japanese version already)I've never been fussed about completing the National Dex before, but with the various rewards for dex completion on offer this time around, I'm getting several boxes worth of Pokemon together ready for transfer.

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