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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. Does Eelektross count as obscure? Because it's a giant, floating, bloodsucking sea creature with mouths on its hands that can paralyse you instant......And it has the most adorable waddle. And then it bounces up and down, and looks so happy and it just makes me smile every time I see it in battle. I call mine Mr. Waddle. *HNNG*...

  2. If it's scarfed then it will probably function a bit better, but Fake Out tends to be quite common in various Battle Facilities.I don't think Durant is an all-out bad Pokemon, but I think it could benefit a lot more from Hustle, which would make X-Scissor, Iron Head and Superpower all have 180 Base Power when you factor in STAB (don't think it learns Ice Fang, but it does get Thunder Fang and some rock moves, giving it more type diversity than Scizor).

  3. I managed to finally beat the Battle Hall in Soulsilver the other day. And with only one Machamp, too. I've found that that facility tends to be more about choice of Pokemon and moves, rather than any sort of strategy, though. And the fact that I avoided any sleep moves on that run was just dumb luck.

    Finally got my hands on a Truant Durant. Gonna use it on my Battle Subway team along with Smeargle and Dragonite / Salamence. Durant's Entrainment cripples one foe with Truant, then Moody Smeargle sets up with Protect and then Baton Passes to Multiscale Dragonite or MixedMoxieMence and sweep. Any obvious flaws in my strategy?
    Assuming you play Singles, your current strategy takes at least 4 turns to set up before you can start attacking. Granted, the opponent can only attack you for half of those turns, but bear in mind that they could begin setting up themselves while you Protect. If Durant gets Taunted, flinched, put to sleep or KO'd before it can use Entrainment , it will also mess you up a bit. It might be better just to lead with a fast Smeargle equipped with a Focus Sash and Spore-Protect-Baton Pass, and have your dragon and one other sweeper to benefit from the Baton Passes.EDIT: Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I just got my third shiny Latias off the GTS.
  4. Ballom's right, Alyska. Gamefreak just does without thinking a lot. Sort of like their 'Hey, Let's give Breloom Technician!' idea, or the 'Let's make Terrakion a thing!' ideas they had
    Also, how their attempts to prevent something from being overpowered usually result in it being catastrophically bad (Slaking, Regigigas).~B~
    But see, with things like that, I wonder whether it really is stupidity. Slaking's ability is basically its whole schtick- a very powerful Pokemon that you can only use half the time- same goes for Archeops. They're not meant to be widely used, but are there to provide an interesting challenge to those who do use them. It's not really about "balance" at all.And then you have stuff like giving Gyro Ball to Pokemon like Electrode and Starmie. That's not stupid. That's trolling.
  5. @Ballom- Yeah, you're probably right. It's just that they could have so easily made it even with rare egg moves, but they didn't. I suppose there's a chance it could be changed for the international release, but it seems unlikely.

  6. Rant time!

    Okay, apparently in B2W2, there's a character who will trade you a lot of rare Pokemon, some of which have their Dream World abilities, including Snorlax, Togepi, Spiritomb, Rhyhorn and Shellos. Thing is, if you're playing as the boy, you get all of them as females, whereas if you're playing as a girl, you get all male Pokemon.Now, if it was any old Pokemon, with only regular abilities, I wouldn't give this a second thought. But given how hard it would be to get, say a female Snorlax with its DW ability normally due to the gender ratio, it's starting to look more than a little unfair. Objectively speaking, playing as a guy gives you access to more rare and valuable Pokemon. It would be relatively easy to compensate for this by giving the male Pokemon rare combinations of egg moves- particularly those that would be impossible otherwise, like Mirror Coat, Counter and Stockpile together on Shellos. But nope, they don't possess any egg moves whatsoever.Did Gamefreak do this on purpose? Are they trying to discourage cross players, for whatever reason? Why should we be punished for playing as females? (Especially those of us who actually are female.) Now, this one feature isn't quite enough to make me seriously consider playing as a boy myself, but I am quite annoyed by it. So, forget you, Gamefreak.I am going to play as a girl, AND I am going to get every single one of those female Pokemon. To the GTS!(Now, where did I put all those Combees...?)

  7. I guess I'd be up for the catching the first poke in an area thing. It means I probably wouldn't get to have an Eelektross this time, and wouldn't be able to have a dream team of any sort, but I think it would be interesting.

  8. But the "you have to catch the first thing you see" rule is one of the many optional rules, right? I was thinking of just playing the basic "have to release/box everything that faints" (Will probably go with the boxing option and not touch them again until after I've beat the champion), since it's my first attempt at one. If you ask people what's done in a Nuzlocke game, you're bound to get lots of different answers, and I think the only common rule is the "permadeath" one.

  9. I'm planning on going Nuzlocke on White2, but I'll probably stick to just the one basic rule since I've never Nuzlocked before. Has anyone else here tried it?As for team options, I'm not sure... I'm a bit disappointed that Dratini is still not in the Dex, but then there's the Dream World... or Bagon. Might settle for Bagon, actually. There's no Togepi either. Then again, I suppose I could try an ingame Sandstorm team... if only they had Gastrodon! Argh!It looks like I'll be relying on the Dream World a lot if I want to play with my favourites.Blade, I think Pokemon can pass down up to 3 IVs when breeding, but you can only guarantee one of them (using an EV item) The baby inherits three random IVs from its parents (they can come from either parent) and the remaining 3 are random. So, if you breed two Pokemon with straight 31s in every stat, you will usually get a baby that has 31 in three of its stats and the rest can be anything.

  10. In that case, Gyara-Infernape-Garchomp could work quite well for the time being. Lead with Gyara, and switch Garchomp into any Stone or Electric type attacks that come your way. When you have Infernape out, you have Gyarados to cover his Ground and Water weaknesses.The biggest difficulty I can see is still with enemy Dragons, but I think Gyara is a bit better equipped to deal with them than Gallade was.

  11. Tell me about it... EV trained Garchomp, Gallade, and Infernape, and I can barely make it to the third wave in either of the Super lines... =/
    I would consider putting a Gyarados in there, possibly in place of Gallade or Infernape. Gyarados has good synergy with Garchomp, and you could probably use some strong Water and Ice moves in there. I was going to suggest Gyarados-Garchomp-Metagross because of the type coverage, but you might also need a strong Special sweeper in there too. What kind of set are you currently running on Infernape?
  12. Huh. I didn't know about the evolution thing. That's kind of odd.What really puzzles me is when people who clearly aren't trying to evolve something or show off a legendary/shiny ask for -Lv 9 Zekrom/Reshiram.Maybe there's some sort of glitch they're trying to exploit. But it seems odd that 90% of the people on the GTS would be doing that.

  13. Haaaah awesome. Not hacked or anything? (If you care about that sort of thing anyway. It doesn't matter terribly much).
    The level and locations of both seem legit, but even then, that's not really a guarantee, is it?I tend to value shinies I catch for myself more than those I get off the GTS, even if they are legendaries.Speaking of the GTS, was anyone else hoping that B2W2 would suddenly allow you to upload Lv. 9 and under Reshiram and Zekrom? After all, they seem to be in such high demand there. :P
  14. I like the fact that we get meaningful rewards for Pokedex completion, but you're right- especially the addition of new always-shiny Pokemon in-game (Imagine if you'd already caught a shiny of one of those species the hard way, and then suddenly everyone has one). Mind you, I don't think the new key item is going to have more of an impact than, say, the Masuda method did- possibly even less given how hard it is to get 100% completion.EDIT: Okay, just as we were talking about shinies being everywhere now, guess what I get off the GTS?Shiny Modest Latias. I shall put her in the box next to my Shiny Latios...

  15. IumI just realized that Poison Heal Gliscor now has access to Roost...
    Lol, Roost Poison Heal Gliscor was literally my first thought when I read about the Move Tutors.Shortly followed by "Oh God."~B~
    uh... huh?
    Remember when you battled me? The Gliscor I used had the ability Poison Heal, which is why it recovered HP when it was poisoned by the Toxic orb. Now imagine that Gliscor with Poison Heal AND a reliable recovery move.
  16. Okay, so I had a good amount of berries saved up on my PGL account. Several hundred Lum berries at least. And I had got virtually everything I wanted from the Dream World for the time being, so I left it for a few months. Now, I assumed that all my berries etc would still be there. But no. Apparently the Dream Tree ate them or something while I was away. It "rewarded" me with a thousand or so Dream points that I didn't need since I already had over 10 000. So, now I only have one of each berry, which is virtually starting from scratch.I really hate games that try to manipulate you into playing regularly through guilt, punishment, etc. If I play your game, it should be because I enjoy it, not because I think something bad will happen if I don't.Oh, and Fennel decided that I needed another tutorial on everything. Thank you, Fennel. I had forgotten how to use a share shelf and grow berries.So, yeah, so far the "new and improved" PGL has failed to make a positive impression with me. How is everyone else finding it?

  17. New Global Link looks cool! ... From what I can see.Which leads into my next question; is anyone on here on my Global Link FL? I can't remember the username I put... -_-;(Figures that just when I get a chance to actually run the minigames without them stalling like playing a PS3 game on an NES, I forget my username. -_-)/EDIT: Oh, wait, that wouldn't be visible, would it... Hmm... Well, looks like I'll have to go trial and error. -_-;
    I think it was BladeZero, based on what showed up on my friend list.
  18. Serene Grace was based on the "Ach! Even her sneezes are graceful!" thing, but perhaps it would work better on Rarity instead. Fluttershy could maybe have something like Run Away or Rattled. I was also thinking Glare in Fluttershy's moveset, possibly in place of Sing...

  19. I have been playing too much Pokemon, and am now trying to think of movesets for ponies:Rainbow DashAdamant natureAbility: Defiant - Extremespeed- Close Combat- Acrobatics- Me First/ Wild ChargeLunaNaive natureAbility: Intimidate-Dark Pulse-Hyper voice-Moonlight-ThunderboltApplejackRelaxed natureAbility: Harvest- Power whip- Mega Kick- Jump Kick- StockpileDerpyQuirky natureAbility: Klutz- Hurricane- Thunder- Earthquake- RockslideFluttershyTimid natureAbility: Serene Grace-Sing-Air Slash-Explosion-Explosion(Okay, seriously, someone suggest some real moves for her last two slots, lol.)Also, Keldeo is best pony.

  20. It was an interesting read. I agree with most of it, but I guess you could almost say it reconstructs the idea of tolerance into something more substantial. Sure, you don't have to accept people like Gilda and Trixie as your friends, but there are ways to deal with their behaviour without being unnecessarily catty or cruel. There's a bit of the "accept others' differences" element of tolerance in there- Twilight's acceptance of Pinkie Pie's "Pinkie Sense", the mutual respect developed between the ponies and the buffalo- but interestingly enough, those episodes tend to get accused of being a bit clumsy in the message department more frequently than any others. I would say "tolerating" haters is still definitely in the spirit of the show, however. "Loving" them is perhaps an exaggeration, but being able to accept that yes, there are people in the world who will go out of their way to try and upset you, and no, you don't have to respond with bitterness and hatred. Responding with cheerful indifference can be an effective way to deal with unpleasant people if you can pull it off, but the show does offer other solutions as well- calm assertiveness (Fluttershy) or making light of the situation (Pinkie Pie) can work too.I tend towards Twilight Sparkle's style, myself- if a conflict is born out of ignorance, sometimes a good lecture can help, but I will be the first to admit that it's not always effective...

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