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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. Settle. I was lucky enough to get a Timid one with great IV's and roaming. If not, just keep SRing. Doesn't the Synchronize trick work on non-roaming? Is this Soul Dew or Eon Ticket, anyway?
    Soul Dew. Yeah, Synchronise does work, but even then, the chances of getting one with a good nature and Speed IV are something like 1/32 (if you settle for a base 30) or 1/64 if you want a 31. I guess I'll just keep it and abuse the GTS for more Lati's.
  2. Yep. Go to the "Discover" page, scroll down to just beneath the search bar, and click the "new projects" tab (next to the "Right Now" feed). then click "View more", which takes you to another page, and select sort by> most supported.I think they should probably make that a bit easier to do...

  3. Oh. You know, Alyska might have a point there. xD I believe Afternoon counts still, however, if you can't get it done during the actual daytime...
    I think it goes right into early evening- something like 7 or 8pm in Gen IV. In Gen V, it varies with the seasons. Hope you didn't stay up half the night trying to evolve it, ~JC~. :PAlso, there's new info up about B2W2- most notably, Keldeo's full Resolution form (...still looks like a pony...) and the new abilities of the Genie Trio- Tornadus gets Regenerator, Thundrus gets Volt Absorb, and Landorus gets Intimidate. So, that's an improvement for Thundrus and Tornadus, but possibly not so much for Landorus. To be fair, it was kind of hard to improve on Sand Force anyway, so this may be a good way to use Landorus outside sandstorm teams.If they're not going to give out a Lightningrod Zapdos, Volt Absorb Tornadus may well be the next best thing.
  4. Although, in a flashback, Cadence looks visibly younger. So, she seems to be relatively young, about the same age as Shining Armour, and grew up at the rate of a normal pony (That doesn't technically tell us anything about how long she will live, but it's a start.) So, maybe there are/ have been many winged unicorn princesses, but Celestia and Luna are special cases. There's also the princess that was involved with the love poison who had a horn and wings. In fact, the only princess so far that hasn't had those features is Princess Platinum, and even that's disputable given that all we saw of her was a portrayal by Rarity.

  5. New details out, most notably, Keldeo's new form. I'm actually kinda disappointed that it doesn't look that different. I was expecting something that looked a little bit more like a full-grown horse... (the Pokedex lists it as a "colt" Pokemon, implying that it's not fully grown) and that human-like mouth on a horse's face just doesn't quite sit right with me for some reason. Then again, we've only seen the head. Keldeo's body could look completely different for all we know. But, I'm still looking forward to the release of Keldeo. Water-Fighting is an awesome typing.Then, there's the genie trio's new forms being changed with an item, but are only "catchable" in DR... so, either the item is DR exclusive, too, or it simply means that DR gives you access to an extra set of genies, in addition to the in-game ones.Also, is anyone else having trouble with the GTS?

  6. Argh! Finally get a Naive Tornadus with near-perfect speed (after spending the whole day trying since I'm home with a cold), and then I find its all-round potential is only "decent", and it's got less than 10 in both attacking stats.I'm thinking of keeping it and trying to get a better one off the GTS, but what are your thoughts?

  7. Still not working on the laptop, so I've kinda settled for LDraw for now. LDD works on one of our other computers, but I don't get the chance to use it much. I think generally LDD is better because the elements actually snap together, but object rotation is a little awkward...

  8. I kept the list restricted to the last five years, partly because if it was open it could end up with hundreds of examples. But also partly because I think the Noughties suffered a bit of a slump in women with prominent roles.The "girl power" movement seemed to dry up towards the late Nineties, with the phrase itself coming across as cliched and dated. Feminism was no longer fashionable. Throughout the new tens, there were a few attempts to make films about female superheroes, such as Elektra and Catwoman, which were generally disastrous. It was then concluded that audiences didn't want to see women in lead roles (of course that's the problem! Not the fact that they were terrible movies that substituted fanservice for plot! It's the fact that they were about WOMEN), with at least one studio outright announcing that they didn't want to make films with female leads any more. The fact that LEGO's only attempt to appeal to girls throughout that entire decade was Clikits certainly says something.And that's another reason why I've restricted it to the last five years- while the likes of Alien certainly made a difference at the time, things have arguably gone backwards since then until relatively recently.I've left out anime and video games, partly because I'm not very familiar with those media. But another thing is that anime typically does not have much of an impact on Western culture and media, with the exceptions of Studio Ghibli's films and a few Saturday-morning cartoon type shows that get dubbed into English for kids (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, etc). So while many works may have strong female characters, the list is about the impact that the works have had (Note the inclusion of Twilight on the list). I also don't know enough about anime to definitively say which works have influenced the portrayal of women the most as far as Japanese media goes. Video games are a complicated one, especially when it comes to player characters. In most of these cases, the character is not making any independent decisions of her own, and is merely doing what the player makes her do. I suppose a case can be made for some NPCs, though. But, once again, I don't think video games have much of a wide-ranging impact, until they get turned into bad movies that set us back another ten years.But thank you for all the suggestions! I will have to check some of these games/movies/shows out sometime...

  9. Well, I think it's unlikely that we'll see anything as successful as MLP, at least for a while. A big part of the success was that it was a well-known brand with a lot of negative baggage attached, which only made the fans raving about it more interesting, piquing the curiosity of many other prospective fans.So, it's not really fair to compare any prospective show to MLP, unless you're talking exclusively about the target audience.

  10. Yeah, I don't really consider myself a fan of THG or Twilight as I've said before, but the list is more about the impact and influence that these works have had on the industry. They've helped show that films about women can be commercially successful, which is a huge step forward for Hollywood, regardless of what people say about the content of the films. And some of the movies that follow in their wake will hopefully not include sparkly vampires or children killing each other for sport. Whether you love them or hate them, or just couldn't care less, these films are all steps in the right direction. I think this is going to bee a good decade for women in cinema.

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