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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. yesss! we shall make known to the world that Mango and his miniskirt is indeed a miniskirt!! and then... wait? minion? minions don't wear miniskirts... XP

  2. Haha, tru dat!! *highfives* Linkin Park FTW!

  3. Bwahaha. Zar and I have both agreed that your skirt is indeed a miniskirt, and unless you can't handle the truth, you'd do well to accept the facts as they are. ;P and how do you fight, exactly, when you're wearing a skirt?

  4. ...oh, that calling. Riiight. I dun hear it

  5. They're pretty cool, but I heard they're trying to make a new series with Anne Hathaway or something, and I'm just so scared they're gonna ruin it, ya kno?

  6. haha, my ceiling fan!! wuzzup with you?

  7. hahaha! ..yet...

    :D And yeah. I'm guilty of wasting better halves of perfectly fine days in front of a monitor. XD Usually here on BZP or writing some fanfic of sorts.

  8. Haha, hay, let's not!! the last thing I feel like doing is annoying someone, really.

  9. Duck quote? when was this?

  10. Hey, welcome to BZP! I was browsing the Epics library, and I couldn't find a review topic for your story. You might wanna make one of those, because then other members can tell you what they think of your story. ;D

  11. Dwahh, poor Riggie. Think of an epic ending, and make that your goal to write towards. At least, that's how I roll

  12. Whoohoo!! Go google!! I think we'd all be back with the cavemen without that. But yeah. Greek and Latin are so freakin useful for like everything!! I think I might take a elaf out of your book and start doing that

  13. "He was never mine to lose. Why regret what could not be? These are words he'll never say, not to me, not for me. His heart full of love...he will never feel this way."

  14. Shame, because my ducklings aren't in my profile, so ha! You'll never find them, Zar. NEVAH!!

  15. uhh... Mang? I think kitties eat gerbils for breakfast.

  16. Oh, and you're cleaning that puke out of my profile XD

  17. Here's the other trooper helmet thing I mentioned, this was the most convenient way to share! 5 points if you recognize it! 


  18. iPod nano 4th generation, silver, and idk what kind of laptop i have, really, but I just know it was about $200 cheaper because it had a dragon design on it.

  19. aha, yeah, i picked up on that. ;D i went to see it for my b-day in march, and i've barely listened to anything else on my iPod since

  20. Haha, yeah, I'll probably get around to reading in when the library gets a copy.

  21. :D Thanks Mangai. And I can't wait til you get your PM ship (soon, right??), so I can stalk your blog. XD
  22. well, it was 'Feed', and i dunno why it was *shrug* but hay, close enough, rite? XD and 'Come to my Heaven' FTW!!

  23. blue? what blue? I r confuzzled

  24. Aaaah, kay, thanx. Haha, I'm like no good with math. whatsoever. XD

  25. well, you beat me to 600 posts... *sigh* I suppose congrats are in order.

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