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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. I thought I heard you guys talking about dragons and stuff. i like dragons.

  2. heh "mebbe Ads. she's a complete wild card" XP thanx mangs. I'll look into it

  3. Haha, yeah, neither do I, outside of myself. Even my lil bro's think I'm crazy. XD, but hey, crazy can be good right?

  4. Haha, woah! I used to be able to read like five books at a time. Then I think my 'scatterbrain' gene decided to bloom, and I can never keep the seperate plots straight. Which books are you reading?

  5. *sputters incomprehensively for minutes on end*

    Whaa!!! Ducklings for SALE??? What kind of terrible person are you??

  6. didn't my pm go through on the MNInc site?

  7. Haha, I think that was Zar being confused. XP He thinks you have legions of raptors ready to eat my ducklings. ;D He doesn't like competition for his kitty

  8. So, I was mozying through the fourms at my leisure, albeith, while I was supposed to be getting ready for school, and I found myself worshipping your epic Roodaka banner in your sig. :D

  9. ;D i will definitely keep that in mind. You ever seen skillet tee shirts for sale? I've been looking for one for a while.

  10. why don't you beat plankton to the secret formula. :D

  11. Haha, nice. I bet you loved the karaoke. XD

  12. Geez, flooding? That doesn't sound fun at all. But I wish my life was interesting like that sometimes.

    Also, I think someone told me that you were interested in Voicie Acting for Bionicle: Untold?

  13. hayy, yah, longtimenosee. nice to hear MNI is nice, and i've been dropping in after school, but nobody's there to give me updates

  14. haha, that's a LIE zar. My duckling's don't have real feathers yet. They just have that fluffly stuff. ;P

  15. Haha, whoo!!! Gelu is my favorite Glatorian. That makes you awesome XD. I just had to say...Welcome, btw

  16. Haha, yes, what he said. But I am getting better! XD

  17. =D You wrote a COT Epic!!!! You're my favorite person ever!

  18. Haha, lolz. luv your personal pic. XD

  19. Hahaha!! I love your avatar!

  20. You'd be surprised how well one manages. *smiles to self*

  21. My dearest Mangai, 'kilts' are for scottish men. 'miniskirts' are for you.

  22. Hey! I guess you're on here too. I saw your fic on here. Maybe I'll get around to posting mine too. Be seeing you around!

  23. (lemme see ya do the cupid shuffle)

  24. Hahaha, okay, Zar, I'll change it just for you. XP

  25. Yeah,I found it on google images somewhere. Am I right in thinking that your avatar is the awesomest Toa of Stone ever to live? ;D

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