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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Anything interesting been going on in MNI since I haven't been there?

  2. Me? Irritating? Never. *lie detector asplodes* well, not yet. ;D but it looks like we both agree that there can never be too much linkin park. *browses more* and debating on whether or not to read 'to kill a mocking bird'. You'd reccomend?

  3. omgz, itza namechange

  4. Bwahaha, I'm gonna sound like a total noob asking what IRL is, and i'll probly kick myself when I find out.

  5. Heh, funny you should say that, because I think of myself as a really bad continuer of conversations via email, txting, chat, or commenting XP

  6. No, it's not indian. It was a doodle from art class, thanx very much. :P

  7. Haha, no harm done then. Like Celu said. American Holiday. :D Get off school and eat turkey. It's pretty fun

  8. *le gasp* What is WRONG with you guys? are you deathly allergic to cute cartoon characters or something?!!!!

  9. blechk, it's not indian. It's a doodle from art class.

  10. *shakes head* First squirt, now Jerry... There's no pleasing you,is there? XP

  11. bwahaha, finally got around to leaving a review!! sorry it took so long XD. But if you like SS's, 'Lessons of the Past' and 'Walking Her Home' aren't too long. If you're looking for an epic, 'Second to None' is the one I'm working on.

  12. oh, well then, i see how it is :P my mom teaches french at a nearby college, and she's always trying to get me to listen to les mis in french, but i'm just like "...how bout not?"

  13. Haha, well, Rig will be Rig. *shrug* :D I dunno if they'd want me to go into detail, but longer story short, there was a flame war in the chatbox, pretty much.

  14. Who might I be? I am your worst nightmare. *evil laughter*

    :D JK. Right now, I'm an aspiring fanfiction writer , horrible MOcist, soon to be freshman in highschool (yikes!!!) and proud worker of Mata Nui Inc. and Bionicle Untold.

  15. i can sneak time on da computer. ;D. Fend them off with your skillet albums, mango.

  16. Haha, I'm okay, but I don't think I want go go back to MNI, at least for a while. I can PM you, if you want. Do you know Plotinus?

  17. If you wanna put the 'sup' in your sig between the and , that might help. Ya know, so it'd look like sup

  18. :D Congrats on PM-ship Mang!! Bout time too.
  19. ZarZarZar!!! something terrible happened! i tried to send you a PM, and I hit the wrong button cuz my dumm mouse is defunct, and I ended up taking you off my friend list. there's another request waiting for you.

  20. ... wait. Your blog is missing.

  21. Duuudee!!! Epic Spidey banner in your sig! I love it :D

  22. XD, hay Zar, have you seen the WA contest teams? Bring back memories. ;D

  23. It was something he said on the chatbox, and then it kinda sparked a flame war, which for some time the admins were feuling, and the members were trying to stop.

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