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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Hey, when are you coming back to GD? I'm in limbo

  2. GAH! No... I'm like the only one on the face of the planet not doing NaNo, it seems. :sadface:

  3. Haha, i was gonna guess somethign with real life, but the 'i'' threw me off. *curses own stupidity* but I get most of my stuff off of iTunes these days. wat bout you?

  4. Yeah, as a matter of fact, she was. By her parents for having a D in math. And I guess she doesn't like being talked about in third person on her own profile page. *shrug*

  5. *gasp* You can NOT hate Squirt!!!

  6. Hey, I've seen you around SPIRIT's RPG lately. Do you recognize me through all my name changes still XD

  7. no, no, no. it wasn't something plot did. It was how everyone else reacted to it, and wouldn't stop reacting, even when people told them to leave it be.

  8. "you would live a hundred years, if I could show you how. I won't desert you now."

    "The rain can't hurt me now" ...aah, such a sad song.

  9. Location: Hiding from fangirls.

    Should I be offended? :P

  10. ahhh, chillaxin is my hobby. so much so that i never get any homework done until 11 at nite and die the next day at school

  11. Ouch, what was that for? *smacks with rolled up newspaper* Bad Zar. Bad! Go to your room. And btw, you got the lyrics in your personal statement wrong!

  12. well, i'm on AIM, but not technically, because i'm usually offline or invisible. and yeah, zar told me why you left pretty much, so yeah, i'll try to be online more often mangs ;D

  13. Bwahaha, thanks, but have this nasty tendancy to end up not liking half of what I write.

  14. XD, that's okay. I still have to use my fingers for simple addtion sometimes.

    Yes. Gelu is my absolute FAVORITE Glatorian.

    A brown noser is just a term for someone who likes sucking up to people. :D

  15. I say iTunes, just to keep my sources anonymous. ;D

  16. XP, hay, I happen to luv my avvie, thanks very much.

  17. *shrug* Haha, just going for something more creative than my norm. Guess it didn't work out as well as I planned. Who might you be?

  18. Haha, i guess we should start a club. XP

  19. Haha, how can I reccomend my own stories?? But there's an archive on my blog, if you want to browse.

  20. XD, thank you. Same to you. Did you actually just change your name, like two minutes ago?

  21. ;D problem is, iTunes gives me recordings that sound like someone was recording their earbuds playing loudly with their cellphone in a train sometimes.

  22. *gasp* No way! I finally found another BZPer from PA! Hiya!

  23. Meh, depends on how creative I feel. Anywhere from a half hour to a week or so. *shrugs*

  24. Nice. XD I love your personal pic as well. hehe, it reminds me of my little cousin, scarily enough

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