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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. yes, preferably with blow torches and pain-inflicting chemical bug sprays.

  2. well, I told you everything i jotted down in chat anyways. but send me the rewrite!!

  3. Hay, LL, are you good in gimp?

  4. Well, i'm not entirely sure, but one of the girls in my small group went to a creation concert over the summer, in the middle of PA somewhere, and we were thinking of all going as a small group.

  5. Haha, righteous!! *highfives* it's such a shame he's a Turaga now...

  6. Haha, well, they both have huge heads, spindly necks, and glasses. xD

  7. You sir, are an extremely talented writer, and I'm hoping I get around to reading your works over Thanksgiving Break, since I have all this spare time now. ;D

  8. haha, Gary Paulsen FTW!! so, I've never read Ender's Game, but ppz i know always talk about it. Would you reccomend??

  9. Like sailing on a boat? that sound so fun. the last time I was on a boat was last week kyaking down the local stream. Hey, you're a guy now!! When did this happen? XD

  10. Haha, yeah, maybe. i have no clue where williamsport is, though.

  11. XD, woot! we must all plot our evil schemes

    *all take over world and rule from Iconox*

  12. Haha, who knows XD And thanx!! I think they're adorable too ;D

  13. Haha, your personal photo and username make me chuckle :D

  14. Ya kno, RiverClan really deserved those Sunningrocks more than ThunderClan. XD

  15. I'm sure he'd say the same about you. XP

  16. whoaz! pretty EPIC name change, if I do say so myself. :D

  17. Haha, well, if we both go this year, we could both see each other and never know it :P *doffs hat to fellow Pennsylvanian and Skillet/Superchick/David Crowder Band/TobyMac/Bionicle fan*

  18. I'm pretty sure he belongs under the sea. and if he heard you say that, he'd throw you into swirling vortex of terror.

  19. haha, yes, yes indeed they are :D

  20. I'll PM you once I think it through a bit more. XD

  21. I like stalking people's old names.

  22. Bwhahahaha, that's actually pretty hilarious!! XD And I didn't know it was your birthday today! Happy b-day!!

  23. Haha, thank you!! thanx to the downtime, all of BZP almost missed my b-day :P

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