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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. I'm not gonna Raichu a love song, cuz you asked for it, cuz you need one... [/sara Bareilles] XP

  2. Haha, thanx, I'd forgotten that was in there ;D

  3. was that english?

  4. Haha, that would've been epic, by the speaker towers. :D Have any autographs?

  5. omg, BarlowGirl, TobyMac and Skillet win forEVAH!! *highfives*

  6. Haha, that would be an epic avvie!! *highfives back* Happy Tree Friends FTW!! :D

  7. Haha, because hammars and arrows work so well on ticks and mosquitoes. :D

  8. ...yeah, supersorry bout not being around. My english and math teachers have been delighting in weighing us down with inhumane amounts of work and stuydying to do recentely.

  9. Haha, can't fool me, KNI! He changes colors, depending on which plate you give him. Otherwise, he's mostly this greyish color, but the wheel-y thing on his back is a different color, but i dun remember which, off the top of my head.

  10. yeah, well, you're never online when I visit. nobody is

  11. awww, darn, guess you figured me out. XD

  12. XD, I've always been a RiverClan fan.

  13. Meh, no worries, bro. My friends sister, who's a senior, still has no cell. But they're pretty overrated anyways. XD

  14. Well, get the awesomesauce to fill in between the beginning and ending

  15. Haha, ladies like it? Okay, couples dressign alike is cute, if its an accident, but when your girl shows up with the same miniskirt as you... dat's just creepy. ;P

  16. Haha, i know! That's gotta hurt!

  17. Haha, epic sig, and I'll definitely keep those words of wisdom in mind while I'm busy being jealous over a random hot topic that isn't mine. XD

  18. o.0 YES!! agreed! I also like the song Lucy, and Never Surrender. wbu?

  19. Haha, awesome, then. How do you feel bout making me a banner?

  20. Haha, well, anything sounds boring compared to Greece! But I'm sure it wasn't that bad. XD did you have like campfires and stuff, or was it more like backpacking camping?

  21. Grrr... Lucky. My school starts the 30th this month. (Yikes!!)

  22. Oh, haha, okay, I get it. Did your lil sis do the name change too?

  23. Ahaha, puppy!! *squee* the dog in your personal pic is adorable!

  24. haha, lolz. totally luv your personal pic. XD

  25. Zar, have you been vaccinated against Glookmeist yet this year?

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