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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Exquisite! The veins in your neck...just exquisite!!

    1. Legolover-361


      I'm glad the garlic lotion I use on my neck is making them stand out!

  2. ITS THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday buddeh =)

    1. Grantaire


      *groans as he picks himself out of the wall the yell blew him into*




      And thank you. ^.^

  3. Hey!! I was away on your birthday! So, five days belated, happy birthday!! =) better late than never, right?

    1. Steelsheen


      Aw, thanks, Aderia!

  4. Aderia

    You're a fully fledged ECC member now =D Congrats, you definitely earned it!!

    1. GSR


      Thanks! And I never got around to saying it, but your new set/username is awesome. Mal was such a great character/antagonist.

  5. *le gasp* what did I do to make the word filter so angry? I sure don't remember typing 'it is fair and just'. :P I'm sure it was nothing terribly villainous. ;D But Zar, how'd you get your Dino Herd in the first place?

  6. i was about to comment saying "hay i saw some noob plagiarized your avvie, i saw it on the forums', then i realized it was you XPPP nice name change ;D

  7. See the lights, see the party the ball gowns

    See you make your way through the crowd

    And frown at me

    Little did I know

  8. We were both young when I first saw you.

    I close my eyes and the flash back starts,

    I'm standing there,

    on a balcony in summer air.

  9. Hey, I think I know you from FF.Net. Happy birthday, btw!

  10. *wipes brow* well, after 10 minutes spent carefully composing this song, which i had to post backwards on your profile page to make it look right, i'm finally finished. ;D enjoy, fearless leader

  11. *blasts back over to Mango's page after days of well rehearsed practice with bazillion Taylor Swift clones*

    Hay, Mango, guess wat? We've been practicing your favorite song. ;P

  12. yeah, i saw that. XP it's your RPing.

  13. Haha, wahoo! Drive-ins ftw!! *highfives* I remember, one weekend we were away, and they played HTTYD again, and Inception right after it, and I'm like 'aaaaaaaargh!!' cuz I still haven't seen Inception.

  14. ohai, long time no see. :D I'm admiring your personal photo rite now. :D

  15. *scrolls thru comments like stalker*



    Looks like you know most of the Foireann except me. methinks that needs to change. ;D

  16. Hiya! Haha, i would leave a longer comment, but I"m supposed to be getting ready for school rite now.

  17. haha, okay, if you say so.

  18. Location: Hiding from Aderia

    Haha, you're not doing such a great job, cuz here I am on your profile commenting, and you'll have to come along sooner or later to approve it. ;D *pages ducklings to ready the trap*

  19. dwahhh shiny deoxys? i can't even spell his name rite! i'm not dat nerdy XP

  20. I dunno what i'm gonna change exactly. But I'm thinking along the lines of 'not boring and elementary'.

  21. yeah, i saw that.

  22. A crowd steps back with an aura of mutual awe and amazement as a new POBZPC is unveiled. Too stunned at first, to yield any form of reaction, the crowd basks in the coppery golden glow. Then, random matoran in the back yells, "It's a Zarayna!"

  23. yeah, so i was scrolling though your interests section like a creeper :P, and i didn't see any Narnia listed. Tolkein, Rowling, Paolini, Riordan, but now Lewis?

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