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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. "Don't you fret, Monsieur Marius. I don't feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now."

  2. Haha, I think you win the 'longest interest section' award. :D Imagine what the front page would look like if you got Member Spotlight.

  3. naw, it's about how 'you wear short skirts, I wear tee-shirts, you're cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers', except you're wearing mini-skirts, and I'm roflol-ing ;P

  4. glad you liked it, Mango.

  5. Ahh, man, I saw. I've been keeping up with your updates, for the most part, but I still need to get my lazy butt over to review XP, sorry bout that. BZPRPG is acutally a lot less confusing than I thought it would be, which is a good thing :D My epics coming along slowly, and I have yet to post a new chapter. *boo me* but i've cranked out a few SS's since then, if that counts ;D

  6. Haha, i have no clue what mx+y=b means. But can I guess that it has something to do with you having nine posts a day, and me only having five? and are you going to make a 500 post special?

  7. :D wasn't Littlecloud a med cat? I remember thinking he was pretty awesome.
  8. Haha, no worries indeed. Hakuna matata and thanx a bunch. :D

  9. Now, Zar, do you really think me capable of such a barbaric act, over something so litt-wait, what are you talking about?

  10. yeah, RL and procrastination pretty much :P and my BZPRPG character got lost after i got lost in RL

  11. Haha, I would give anything to meet TobyMac! And more anything to meet Skillet!

  12. Yeah, but it makes me sad, cuz the Toa Metru were only toa for like, what? a few months at most in the storyline?

  13. ohh, goodness, real life's been keeping me busy, but right now its like a lull in the action before finals pick up and summer

  14. i totally love your av and your sig with all the little yoshi's in it! They're soooooo cute!

  15. Haha, yeah, I did, actually. It came on my shuffle right after a certain song about Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending ;D no lie!

  16. Iron Man 2 was epic. But everyone at school was talking bout how awesome this 'Inception' movie was, and apparently it's about going into people's dreams or something. *shrug* It's more interesting in the trailers. :D

  17. entertaining, isn't it, watching Mango running around in a skirt? and btw, i don't 'like' guys who wear mini-skirts. ;P.

  18. hrmm, well I don't drool like a fangirl, if that's what you mean. XP

  19. Haha, heyyy, no problemo. I've been super busy, because pre-season for field hockey and stuff have been starting up for school. Have you started school yet?

  20. Yeah, I geuss I know waht you mean. I liked the horn, but it just got old after a while of going nowhere.

  21. Haha, right back at you!

  22. ZOMG, so I was in study hall today, and I had this awesome COTRPG idea!! xcept its not very original.

  23. Merci beaucoup, monsieur.

  24. Haha, thank you! I like yours too. It has some Toa symbols in it, but what else?

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