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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Haha, I know! Indiana Jones 4 was SOOOO cheesy!! *dies from too much cheese* And I also heard they're making a third Transformers Movie. :bleh:

  2. is not." - Unknown

    "Some people are like slinkies. They seem to have no purpose, but they still bring you a smile when you push them down the stairs." - Unknown

    "They say guns don't kill people; people do. Well, I think guns help. I mean, if you just stood there and yelled 'BANG!' I don't think you'd kill many people..." - Unknown

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Fearless Leader!!

  4. hay, if you walked in in a dress and a tiara, could I call you a girl? and do you mean WZ, or Mang's bloog?

  5. hay, brace yourself, this is a heavy question, man. Have you ever wondered what a krabby patty tastes like?

  6. "Never argue with an cool dude. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

    "I wondered why the frisbee was getting bigger. Then it hit me."

    "Join the army, travel the world, meet interesting people, kill them"

    "What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"

    All unknown

  7. gah, haven't read SkyClan's Destiny yet. Is it good?

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Zar!! Oh, and I changed my personal statement just for you. XD

  9. grrr... so, thanks to your song listings over thar, *points

    i've been getting weird looks for singing parts of imma be and one of those cryoshell songs all day. XP but I gotta say, love ya taste in music. ;D

  10. Haha, beware men with sharp teeth! Remember, mother knows best ;D Gotta luv Tangled.

  11. ... Sorry. Maybe I should've PM'ed all those to you, now that I think about it. *points down*

  12. Ya kno wat? Thanks to you and your 'reccomended blogs' section on your blog, I'm going around calling every other person's blog a 'bloog' and a 'blaaahhhg'. XP

  13. Hayy, Happy Thanksgiving, LL!

  14. haha, i kno, rite? it's like my new fav movie. :D

  15. :D That's awesome! And Happy Thanksgiving!!
  16. Haha, good guessing! my name's based off of the bird and the jet, actually.

  17. Hay, Celu! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Of course. By your leave, then, good sir. *doffs hat and exits* :D

  19. yesss!! she was a total win! I also thought the name Eugene Fitzherbet was rather creative :D

  20. Hey stranger! You gonna be posting your comic book here on BZP?

  21. Hey, Riggie, even though you don't live state-side, can I still say happy thanksgiving to you? XD

  22. Hay, KNI! Happy thanksgiving!! Squirt says happy thanksgiving too! ;D

  23. Hmmm, I dunno. Graystripe was always one of my favs :D

  24. heh, I tried reading the books when I was younger, but I didn't like them. But now that those new movies have come out, I'm thinking of giving it another go. And if anyone tries to tell you differently, it is NOT because I suffer form Edmund-fangirlism :P

  25. Hey you I love your sig. :D

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