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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Ah maight have been. Anyhoow, Ah was jist curious, ya ken? Ah ain't seen ye aroound behfore, me lad. Can't blame a lass fer explorin'

    XD... my scottish accent is a bit rusty. It's for legit looking men in kilts anyhow.

  2. Haha, ooh, shoulda guessed. :D I remember my first gameboy color. Good times. My poor technologically challenged mother decided to by GBA games for it, though.

  3. Haha, Well, I'm hoping he's chill with it XP, ya know, birds of a feather flock together ;D

  4. ;D That would be win. Is that a happy tree friend?

  5. Yeah, you see a recurring theme here?

  6. Haha, omgosh!! that's like, totally awesome!! Poison Study is more of a romance type series, but Pendragon I definitely reccomend. It's like, amazing!! XD, I luv how you reference me under which books you like. Thanx! Also, I'll get around to reading your SS as soon as life slows down a bit.

  7. ;D Thanksss!! it was actually my fellow team member's idea.

  8. haha, that's awesome! I wish I was microsoft paint-adept, but i'm not. XP

  9. Heh, it's so HUGE already!! Now's the time I wish I had more experience behind me.

  10. XD, 'The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh'

    Haha, Xmas in july!! luv it.

  11. YES! same. I have a laptop named sheldon, and I can't live without him.

  12. i dream of a perfect world where mosquitoes and ticks and stinkbugs don't exist. XD

  13. Yeah... word on the street is that Megan Fox quit her role as Sam's GF, and some magazine cover model is gonna take the role of the new girl. :rolleyes:

  14. I am the Toa that ducklings run to when they feel endangered of being eaten, trampled on, or otherwise bodily harmed. XD wat bout you?

  15. hola! i enjoy the originality of your username. any particular story behind it?

  16. ...oh. It's that pink hawk-in-eye thing. XP

  17. Dwahh, you have dinos now? it is fair and just!

  18. What's brown and sticky? (you'd better approve my comment, or else XP)

  19. dwahh, man, if you woulda told me a halfa hour earlier, I woulda made it. ;P

  20. Heh, about 36 posts ago?

  21. Gah, the BZPRPG seems just sooo... big!!

  22. :P see, looks can kill XP
  23. Heh, the Mole always makes me lol, and Giggles is just too cute !

  24. wait, wat calling?

  25. Yeah, it's kinda funky, the way we grade stuffz. It's A, B, C, D, F. But numbers, it's like a 74%

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