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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Careful with who you speak the judgements around, Zar =P

  2. *Heightened


    Don't tell me you actually said that.

  3. Bleh, didn't know you could get that big a reward. I guessed it to be something like one item, or one evolution. In any case, if I get permission, Lark may get a fourth 'mon soon, cuz I know he's getting it sometime =P

  4. Uh, Zar, about that PM: Does one really have to quote it? I just feel as though that could get me in quite a bit of trouble if they thought I was just trying to get them with it...

  5. Well, as nothing else has happened aboard the ship, I plan her to leave and go to Ga-Wahi to collect money due from a client, the one that hired her for my first post with her. AFter that, though, I really don't know...But if anything changes onboard the ship before she leaves, I'll probably change my plan.

  6. *Echoed applause* I agree completely with this entry. The human race is lucky to have language. Not only is it a complex way of communication that allows people to talk about things they have never experienced, it tells you a library's worth of information about the people speaking it and their culture. If not for language, many professions, including antrhopologists and linguists as the top two, would be nonexistent, and there would practically no way to spread knowledge of things never experienced by the person talking about them. -Der Blitzschnitt
  7. Yeah. I mean, if you are fighting physically, then it's usually serious, and you can't exactly afford to be honorable if you want to win. Even I had to concede that.

  8. Yes, it is. I like it when people go the extra mile to make their RPing realistic, and it's pretty cool in any form, in the first place.

  9. Ugh, I'm sorry, but could you please re-PM me my sixshade sprite? I accidentally deleted it when I was spring cleaning XD

  10. Franco

    April Fools' Day

    Quite honestly, I don't feel like that was one to laugh about anymore. I mean, you guys were not only judging, which is bad in my book, but also faking that a person had gone onto the site and flamed majorly...And quite frankly, I don't feel like either the crude imitation, or the expletives included in it, were anything that should have been put on the site. -Der Blitzschnitt
  11. Franco

    April Fools' Day

    You don't. But I don't prank as a rule, and I assure you, I have reason not to; I hate it when I feel dumb because someone fooled me with a clever prank, especially if it's about something important. -Der Blitzschnitt
  12. Ugh. Although I have not recieved one prank yet that I didn't foresee, I thought several things were pranks, and only later did I realize they were not jokes, they were the horrible truth. Long story short, 25% of my social life has been nuked and only now do I realize it. So, please don't prank me. I'm sorry to let those of you down who would like to trick your favorite gullible fruit, but I don't think I can stomach it. -Der Blitzschnitt
  13. Argh, please tell me if I g-modded slightly there. I'm not sure (I really need to stop RPing late)...

  14. Yep. If that was Mars, for example, Cipher would've been dead if he hadn't left.

  15. No, it just seems a bit..."Bleh" to me. I think I'll wait to see if anyone does anything before posting, to be safe.

  16. Are you entirely sure that hybrid moves are allowed in RoTR?

  17. Heh heh heh. *Evil chuckle*

    That's good, cuz I made the right call. See, I was wondering if dudes could dodge, cuz they do that all the time in the anime, if I 'member right, and Lark woulda ordered that to his dudes. But I decided to play safe and make him tell them to just hold fast.

  18. EDIT: BTW, does RoTR go more by the anime, or the games?

  19. Oh, no, he's on Four Island, alright. It's just that Lark doesn't differentiate between the two much now, seeing as Hoenn's liberated.

  20. See? There I go again. XP

  21. Exactly.

    Well, I think that last comment did it. Now that we've figured out I'm a complete dolt to the fact that I commented "no comment", we can all go home and eat our pies 'n' sip pina coladas happily.

  22. Wait, saw the statement that you base your chars off of friends, chars in books, etc. on Tahuva's profile, and just had to ask: Did you base a char off of me?

    ...Cuz they honestly don't deserve to be RPed with. x)

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