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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Yeah, I'm working on an introductory post on the Four Island, as it's near the Alamo and Raz. Don't worry, I'll have it up tomorrow, but right now, I need to sleep.

    No, I don't believe that creature's species is good to be liked. They are a cheap ripoff of Mr. Muskipples. I refuse to acknowledge their existence.

  2. Gunnerkrigg Court.


    Since you like Crashed, I'd go for Locking Up The Sun (Poets of The Fall). Since you like LP-Oh, who am I kidding? You probably know all the songs I do, anyways. XP

  3. A web-comic that I don't really read anymore. The dude is Jack, this guy who's normal until he gets messed up by magic and begins to degenerate both physically and mentally. The spiders and their webs symbolize the corruption.


    *Goes off and performs Secret Ninja Art: One Thousand Headbangs no Jutsu!"

  5. No, I mean in RoTR. And in response to that earlier comment: By now, it's pretty much a joke, as opposed to an actual insulting action.

  6. Did you notice? We need abilities on our dudes. Troublesome, I know, but that's what they say...


  7. Ah, poor you...My sister is deathly afraid of half the things in the world, for no reason, so I'm always teasing her about it except when not prudent. XP

  8. Uh, I'm not approved yet, but when I am, sure. BTW, just noticed: Your char is afraid of spiders, and one of Lark's pokemon is a Galvantula. Things will be getting...Interest-ing.

  9. 1. Question the validity of that statement. 2. If the world will end in six hours, and I've verified it, tell everyone that it's going to be okay, as I believe it all will. 3. Spend the last hours helping out as many people as I can. -Der Blitzschnitt
  10. Done. Updated Hau and posted a RoTR profile.

    As for that relationship, possibly...ThoughI doubt it. Hau's started making 'zzzzz's, so I don't think that it could be reversed...Quite yet.

  11. Posting. Here goes nothing...

  12. Bleh, lemme get this straight, cuz I'm still confused: In RoTR, you post the moves that your Pokemon will get in the profile, am I right? This whole thing is so confusing...

  13. About the RPG Contest:

    As you can see, I lied XP I grudgingly decided to vote for the two RPGs I did not dislike moderately or heavily. Yours was an okay first try, though =)

    And also, about the Pokemon RPG: How the cark do you join?

  14. Wow, it's been so long...Guess I'll try to join.

  15. Yeah, it's probably due to the fact that he's not quite as timid as Simon. Hau does have some confidence issues, but he still speaks his mind pretty easily.

  16. Lessee...

    Iokull and Damaka saving Hau from Edge. That's better than most of my stuff.

  17. Ah. That's great, then. =D

  18. What kind of 'open-mindedness' do you dislike, Zarayna-kun?

  19. That's not true. My only talent RPing is still only as good as yours, if not worse. I read through some of my earlier posts with Aexias the other day, and I so overused dashes >.

  20. Well, I feel (note the usage of "feel", not "think") that they're probably just trying to be careful and make sure things stay within rules. But that's just how I feel, not what I believe just yet.

  21. Nara...

    Is that as in, "Nara Shikamaru"?

  22. Personally, I'm more miffed at them for bringing it up in the first place and trying to be provocative. I mean, this is seriously not the site or time for it.

  23. Yeah. My only problem is, how am I going to find out when it dies? All my friends have their sigs off =P

  24. Hey, you're one of the guys with sigs turned off, right? So am I. But I'm still not really sure about the whole matter, so I can't say it's for the same reasons.

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