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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Yes, they're Knife and Edge, just hiding.

  2. Yeah. I like it, though, adds a bit of chaos to their dynamic.

  3. No. At one point in my youth, I got into a mild anime phase, but, meh...Never heard of that till you brought it up.

  4. Wait, I'm not following. I thought you said to start Hau, and you'll work Damaka into it. So, being dense as I am...Could you explain what I should have done?

  5. More specifically, it's my action, or lack thereof, that is the problem. I stated that and apologized for them. I fail to see yo logic, homedawg. XD

  6. Sorry. I finally have it up.

    ...I still don't see how that makes me a narcissist, though XP

  7. I'm working on it, sorry. This is taking some time...

  8. I was guessing something like that happened :/

    Oh, well. Time to get him started.

  9. Well, I have Knife and Edge waiting to be used, so want your char to run into them in Ta-Koro? Of course, they could always move...

  10. That's what I was wondering, too. What is going to happen to the crew of the Nickel? I mean, that's roughly 10 chars who just lost their cap'n.

  11. Franco

    Bye, All!

    OMC Why is it that as soon as I left, everyone else I knew started leaving? I mean, I know it's just coincidence, but I still feel a bit guilty... Anyways, bye-bye, Mef-kun. I had a great time RPing with you, and I'm honored to have known you. -Der Blitzschnitt
  12. *Salutes smartly* Yessir.

  13. I know. Actually thinking about making a Hau songfic to Faint, but I dunno. Raz and I haven't even worked out the relationship between him and Damaka yet. Besides, there are so many other songs to choose from...

  14. Yeah. Lo siento, Zarayna-kun. Another apology couldn't hurt. And I do know I'm not the only one guilty, but the fact still remains that this is not cool. EDIT: ARGH I AM SO DUMB FOR ONLY READING THE TITLE AND SKIMMING THE REST PLEASE EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO USE MY SECRET NINJA ART: 1,000 HEADBANGS NO JUTSU! -Der Blitzschnitt
  15. Yeah, still hanging in there, though I seriously need better updates next time XP


  17. Lost and regained? Wow, kid, you're something :P

    Yeah, I checked the thread, but I don't feel like posting in it quite yet.


    Will you take 'saving the world' as an answer for that one?


  18. Franco


    Well, I'm sorry. I came back on time from both my hiatuses. I don't see why you need to make a comment out of it. -Der Blitzschnitt
  19. I'm sorry, I am dense. But now, I think I understand about the two types and all.

  20. Red mages?


  21. Franco


    21 days. All anyone needs to know about my hiatus is this: 1. In WZ, Zar gets control of GD and everyone in it. 2. In the BZPRPG, chars are divided as follows: a) As Hau, Knife, and Edge are all planning/recuperating, they need not be controlled by anyone, and cannot be interacted with (save Hau with Damaka and Iokull, Raz' chars) B) Vezoro and Aexias are under the complete jurisdiction of the good Captain Marvel (please just don't make any major AexiasXRomulus moves, though) c) Kugh, you kin have Lemue and Viper d) Mef Man, you are able to use Raashion Note that these chars are only allowed to be used until I get back; I'm not giving up on RPGs, or anything. Thank you for your time. -Der Blitz
  22. Franco

    The Fanfruit

    *Everyone is thrown into general disarray as turtles maul them, cookies explode before their eyes, and mangoes fill their mouths, causing them to choke* IT'S STILL LIES AND BLACKMAIL -Der Blitz
  23. Franco


    LIE, Y'ALL DO -Der Blitz
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