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Everything posted by Franco

  1. I clicked the link, but it only brought me to the previous comic. Halp, pleez?

  2. Remember, it's an RPG, not APG, or my self-coined term, Avatar-Playing Game. What do I mean by that? Well, to put it simply: Your character is not, should not, and will hopefully never be an extension of yourself, who you'd like to be. And if they are, it's best to head over to your profiles and either delete them, or edit them-heavily. If a char has the perfect personality (the dream one you wish you had), leads their best friends into epic adventures and/or battles without getting scratched (as you'd like not to be), has the best strategy ever and the friends to help out with it (like you want), super-awesome powers AND equipment AND fighting skillz... You are in danger of APing. That may be an extreme case, but if you realize you are starting to help out your characters and their goals even when doing so is completely ridiculous (as in, having random Le-Matoran pull out their EPIC SWORDS OF DOOM and cut down the Nui-Rama who just invaded without batting an eyelash), feeling hurt when someone else hurts/injures your char, and/or realize you like your char's personality more than your own, then congrats. You just realized you've been APing, and now, you can do something about it. -Der Blitz
  3. OMC, sorry Raz. Thought you were talking about something else XP Naw, for a romance, I think the other two'd work better.

  4. Franco

    This Is How I Agree

    Yeah, but their actions don't make them hardcore Just because I do something macho doesn't mean I'm not a wimp. Viper does stuff like that as his day job of survival all the time, anyways. -Der Blitz
  5. Franco

    This Is How I Agree

    OH RLY? ...If so, then define "hardcore". =P -Der Blitz
  6. Franco

    This Is How I Agree

    Oh, excellent. As you can see, Aexias is fencing her way to victory (AKA a new client), Viper is...Well, Viper's doing what he does best, watchin' 'n' waitin', Raashion is pounding Lemue's face in for insulting his romantic interest, Vezoro is watching his new rivals approach with dismay, and, in short, everything's happening to everyone. The only problem is Hau-I've been trying to get him into a situation wherein Damaka could rescue him or something, but can't seem to. However, now that I'm making two new chars, they should be able to do it. -Der Blitz
  7. Franco

    This Is How I Agree

    Okay... YARS. I need say no more. -Der Blitz
  8. Franco

    This Is How I Agree

    I don't see my profile up. Methinks you are making a mistake. -Der Blitz
  9. There is no greater sacrifice than to lay down your life for billions of people who you know nothing about and have no reason to like.

    That is all I will say to counter that statement.

  10. I'm not continuing the argument. If you guys really want to, we could do so over PM. But I don't see any point in spamming up your blog, CM. -Der Blitz
  11. Being selfish. For all he knows, the next day, he might need his body to prevent an apocalypse of some sort. -Der Blitz
  12. QUOTE OH CARKIN CARK MANGS you have to agree the battle between our chars in Ga-Wahi is epic Actually, it's not just that. The whole NBZP is workin'! New players, epic fights, awesome locations... Oh, and by the way, Aexias is in it. -Der Blitz
  13. Exactly. Cuz you're giving the world up to no one. -Der Blitz
  14. OMC, Ads. Let's think about this. You're giving the WHOLE CARKIN' WORLD just so that you can have your loved one back. Isn't that selfish? Think about it. What if you gave up the whole world just so you could have your mom back from the dead, or something? The whole world would suffer just so that you could be with her and be happy. It's selfish, Ads. 'S simple as that. -Der Blitz
  15. To be honest you, I'm still deciding if I like that song or not XP The only LP songs I like, apart from possibly The Catalyst, are Leave Out All The Rest and In The End.

  16. Maybe.


    I can never bring back Mars. Despite all my efforts, I've decided: Unless if it's somehow the same one, it just won't have that...Panache. You know?

  17. ...I'm surprised it took them this long to figure it out. -Der Blitz
  18. Um, you don't have to be approved. Just pick a place and start playing. Personally, I'd suggest Ta-Koro-you can meet up with Hau and some other dudes, which will provide an explanation for why he will get separated from them.

  19. Well, then, order up some pits. I'm planning to do some kicking of Persian, I mean, Xa-Koronian bottoms! =P

  20. Maybe. I'm not sure what I'll do with him now.

  21. Oh, cark. Fergot. I'm sorry, was reviewing it, but then I had to get off, and although I tried to save the text in me notepad, didn't work :(

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