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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Sorry, I'm dumb.

    Oh, man, that is sooo funny...

  2. "I'd give up all the world to see/That little piece of heaven starin' back at me..." See, that shows that the singer cares more about one person, who they like a lot, instead of caring about the world, which they should like more. I could probably cite other examples as well, but I'm too lazy right now -Der Blitz
  3. O yeah. Mef, Kugh, and Captain Marvel, among others. There's just so many...

  4. Follow your destiny, Ads! There is still time to join the rebooted BZPRPG!

    ...Well, actually, the Profiles Topic just went up, but whatever =P

  5. @Ads: But Lucy promotes selfishness @CM: Meh, I like Comatose better, but each man to his own. -Der Blitz
  6. Orm...

    Not really sure, apart from Zar. Mebbe Ads, but she's a complete wild card. Spawnie's joining, but I don't believe you know him...

  7. Derpety-herpety, tood! Not only do you write well, yo' me homedawg :D

  8. Franco

    Goodbye, Mni

    No entiendo, mein Kamerade. What do you mean? -Der Blitz
  9. *Manly fistbump ensues*

    Okay. I'm sure you'll think of something. BTW, what is the comment from Kughii about, 'xactly?

  10. Trent?

    Oh, and don't worry about the team. I'll provide an opportunity for Hau to meet your shades dude.

  11. Franco

    Goodbye, Mni

    It was fun while it lasted. Also, since the manuscript for me latest work, which I gave to one of me friends to review, is not coming back soon, I'm going to get working on a new epic about Arcanios, Virgil, and what happened to them after Justice. I'm so glad I might finally be able to write an epic that works-perhaps this time I'll be able to load it full of actions AND not completely procrastinate. Besides, I seriously need to flesh out their personalities. -Der Blitz
  12. The M: tG card Lightning Bolt.

  13. 1. No, just a Nano.

    2. Um...Whenever I'm on.

  14. Wait...The Kanohi ball, or me?


  15. I'm not sure whether to laugh, or to shoot my patented KilGlair3000 at you. =P

  16. How could she? She could cuz she knows I'm less awesome than you *evil grin*

  17. Oh, finally I get what you're talking about. I never knew you had posted on KNI's page about anything. But, yeah, sorry Ollie.

  18. EDIT: Cont.: -ying again.

  19. Yeah, I know. I'm not that happy about that either, but the thing is, Dovy is a logical guy. When you plug in the fact that 99% of actions are dumb and/or have dumb intent, he's going to logically assume that your RPer's just trying to use you to justify G-modding, him not knowing your RPer. If you want to get screen time, I'd suggest pushing Raz to build up trust in Dovy before tr

  20. Franco

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    Ads: Blitz. You are English-speaking, after all; in that language, having a 'the' preceding each noun is unnecessary. Besides, Blitz is also a word in that language, as the English language stole words from others. I was hoping no, but if my friends really want to, then sure. Other dudes, you may as well give up-I'm not accepting other people calling me by my old names, save me friends. -Der Blitz Would I count? OMC, mon, what do you think? Of course! -Der Blitz
  21. Franco

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    I was hoping no, but if my friends really want to, then sure. Other dudes, you may as well give up-I'm not accepting other people calling me by my old names, save me friends. -Der Blitz
  22. Tood, not to burst your bubble or anything, but although you're a powerful plot device, maybe your RPer should come up with something else. I mean, you are awesome, but a lot of people think you're overused and cheap, even when you're not.

  23. Meh, mine was different. The doc pulled my tooth without me even knowing (they shot me full of Novocain first) and that side of my face just drooped for the whole afternoon, even into the evening. I don't remember it hurting, though. -Der Blitz
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