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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Not me fault. You shoulda read me blawg, you bad Rig, you :P

  2. Franco

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    @Ads: Gracias. I'm trying to keep as far away from Mangai as I can. @Zarnalo: Ookey. I didn't intend that to happen, but I knew that was a potential side effect. @Rig: Thanks. -Der Blitz
  3. O, k. BTW, you remember your first comment on me latest blog entry? Apparently, it was bypassing the word filter, so I had to delete the comment and republish the entry. I'm guessing you shouldn't use the phrase B.S. anymore, even with asterisks.

  4. I think so, but remember, Kal and Zar are two other GMs. Still, I think it would, but if it doesn't, I'll tell him your rep-that should be enough.

  5. Franco

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    President Colbert? I thought Mutt Williams did. -Der Blitz
  6. So that's why you've been looking at the topic...Join. I need something for Aexias to do in it (she just arrived in Ko-Metru), BTW.

  7. Franco

    So Quotes

    You won't find any here; mein Blitzschlag incinerated mine quotes. -Der Blitz
  8. *Bows* Thou art most surrpintly of Awa Sum, sur.

  9. Franco

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    Naw, I just returned from beating a Necromancer & Co., slaying twenty dragons, and caging the killer bunny with a holy hand grenade. =P In the thing you mortals call 'reality', I did some community service, but that is far too boring to be on this blog. =P -Der Blitz
  10. Blitz ist gut. -Der Blitz
  11. Name change dern. Couldn't do it yesterday because I was too busy saving the world. -Der Blitz
  12. *Joins Raz, also adding a few choice insults to bad country music*

  13. Whoops, sorry. What I meant was, keeping her, but not as one of a gang of assassins.

    Yeah, cuz that's what Hau'll have done to himself, except with a more...Lethal...

    Welding. He's actually going to have a chain and hook welded to his wrist, jsyk.

  14. No, I'm not. To be honest with you, with the current rate of progression on her bio, I'm just thinking of scrapping the idea with Zar and Ads altogether. I don't think it's going to work out.

    No, I don't really think it's too cliche. But I wonder, Raz, do you think Matoran and Toa would weld things to their body, like people pierce?

  15. *Tries not to smile at Raz' antics* Well, I was hoping more for just lightning, but whatever.
  16. Argh... To be honest, I was hoping for a fresh start with names. But I suppose that you can still call me Mangai/Mangs/Mango/Mangerine/Mang.
  17. Der Eisenmeister. Think about it, we can both be Deutsch together!
  18. I know. Read me blawg for more.

  19. Mangai won't exist any longer. Der Blitz (German for "the lightning") will be on the block. Please, just please, don't ask why.
  20. Yeah. In fact, the sig will have to do with it in a major way. I could PM you for more, if you want. @KNI and Rig: Well... You're both completely sure about this, right?
  21. I understand where you are coming from and where you are going, KNI, but the thing is, are you up for it? Because the level of detail is-quite frankly-about as intricate as it gets. Of course, I could always change it to something slightly different, but related, that was more simple, though I don't think I'd like it as much...
  22. I deleted them all (check me balwg for more). I'm really not sure where I'm going from here, but it'll be different, that's all I know.

  23. Magic: the Gathering.

    Wait, carkitall. Did you mean me avvie, or personal pic?

  24. Only time will tell if me avvie goes, too...I'm fed up with me Paint skillz, and I can't otherwise draw to save my life. I mean, have the perfect idea for epic pics, but I can never seem to draw exactly what my mental image is quite as well. Besides, they might be more appropiate come NBZP time.
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