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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Trippin' balls? Wut?

    Okey. Will do.

  2. Franco

    I Wish I Had A Tail

    Electric eel's electricity. "...Step right up to get the EEL-ECTRICITY, folks! This amazing ability will SHOCK and ASTOUND your friends, causing them to LIGHT UP like a Christmas Tree out of sheer jealousy! Plus, you'll be SPARKIN' HOT! Try it today, and NEVER worry about your electricity bills AGAIN! Are you ready to become...EEL-ECTRIC?" Plus, you get to short-circuit annoying electronical devices, such as a radio when it is playing Country.
  3. EDIT: Oh, yeah, thanks XP

  4. Ookey...







    Can't believe it...

    Oh, well. I'm optimistic, so I say stuff like that a lot XP

  5. Yeah, what happened to cause #104? I'm curious...

  6. Yeah. I also figured out how to use light to heat up Mangai-Hau-


    The same principles could be applied for light toa as well as fire toa to reach supersonic speeds!

    ...That is, as long as they are heat resistant.

  7. Sam rox. Not just because he's the leader. Because he's carkin' realistic. Better than Tahu, IMHO. I mean, far as I know, Tahu never took a break from being leader :P



    It actually IS snowing?

  9. Well, I'm making Skakdi fencer and assassin with a German accent (not like anyone knows it's German, though ), along with a pirating, manipulating Skakdi who only cares for #1. I'm also going to have a rebellious, arrogant teenage martial artist and outcast, along with a silent Toa who wages a guerilla war upon the Xa-Koronians. Finally, I'm thinking of having another char who's a veteran of his own rebellion against Xa-Koro, but a failed one, and thus is cynical and sarcastic when he talks of other rebellions, even though he is against Xa-Koro. Oh, yeah, and I'm probably going to control a mutant Le-Toa scholar and a Ta-Toa healer, both in the same toa team.
  10. Wut about fighting? Won't that still be goin' on? I mean, Mangai can't just leave his forum...

    Perhaps he could send some of his representatives, such as Ads or the Discussion Dozen?

  11. Oh, well. I'll just spend more time having Hau mope around and meet his mount :P

  12. Oh, yes. Too bad he isn't Light Transcended, like Mangai-Hau-he'd just make a decision quickly and join a side. Then again, though, that's not always the best thing to do in that situation...

  13. The neutral?

  14. If they contact GD or Mangai and tell their goals to the leaders of GD, then yes.

  15. Can we just recognize we're both somewhat awesome? Please?

  16. Finally! Another Gone fan! *highfive*

    And Calvin and Hobbes! Yayz!

  17. Huh...


    I'll have to look that up.

    But still, I was thinking of only having magnesium. You know, like Zevak only has lasers, not light?

  18. NO!


    I was thinking of maybe making a dude with magnesium, but I guess not now...

  19. Posting this guy here, because it's more convenient than the other entry He could take archer, I think.
  20. Franco

    Pirate Ship Name

    No, I, in actuality, just double-crossed you and am a closet fan of #3. I am being serious, though. I want 3.
  21. So glad to see they had the desired effect Whoops, must've forgot. Not me fault the people at me school are so funny Hey, not me fault the people at me school make for ex'lent quotes! ...Okay, the last one was half mine, I admit it. Big deal.
  22. "...Who wants to talk politics in Washington?" "I'm so nervous about the test today!" "Do you have butterflies in your stomach?" "Uh, yes..." "...Drink some insecticide."
  23. Franco

    Pirate Ship Name

    3. "Oh, we're the sea-lovin' scallywags of the Old Nickel/Better than any new pump-'er-nickel/cuz we smash our enemies into pickles/Oh, sweet Old Nickel!" On second thought, maybe I should switch to 1.

    Oh, well, now I have proof that I am unawesome for Zar. Thanks! :P

  25. ...Or something like that. But wouldn't knowing more than 7 1/2 ways to use any given object at any time be more beneficial? Not exactly. If you know more when you really need to know one, you might get confused and used one that is sub-par. For example, when you are trapped between an angry Zar with a lightsaber and a hard place, it would be quite obviously foolish to draw a mustache on the Statue of Liberty. Instead, shoot the said pencil out of a bow past him after you attach a hastily scribbled message and run like cark. That way, even if the message is even more insulting than what you already said, at least he's distracted for roughly 2.63 seconds.
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